[West Point, New York,] June 5, 1828
Davis. J
Record of Delinquencies | Hours | Date |
Absent from G[uar]d Mounting | 16 Oct 1824 | |
Dis[obedience] of ord[ers] | 17 | |
Absent from g[uar]d mounting | 17 | |
Visiting in Study Hours | 3 Nov | |
Dis[obedience] of ord[ers] | 18 | |
Violation of 93. Par. Reg. | 28. " | |
" " " " " | 13 Feb 1825 | |
" " " " " | 5 March | |
Fender insecurely placed | 19 | |
Door not Closed | 28. | |
Visiting in Study Hours | 31. | |
Ab[sent] from qrs. | " | |
" " " | 6. April | |
" " Class parade | 6. | |
Late at " " | 6. | |
Absent from qrs. | 12 April | |
Bad police | 13. | |
Ab[sent] from qrs. | 14. | |
" " marching to French | 18. | |
Cot down after reveille. | 23. | |
Ab[sent] from qrs. from 7 ‘till 11. P.M. | 23. | |
Ab[sent] from Reveille | 23. | |
Ab[sent] from qrs. from 8 untill 9 P.M. | 23. | |
Long hair at Inspection. | 24. | |
Dis[obedience] of B[attalion] O[rder] No 40. | 17. May | |
Ab[sent] from drill | 8 June | |
Bed not strapped 30’ after rev[eille] | 17. | |
Room not policed | 24. | |
Not Marching from Mess Hall | 5 July | |
Orderly paper not posted | 17 | |
Ab[sent] from 12 O Clock Drill | 29 | |
" " Eve[ning] Parade | 31 | |
In rear rank at Ev[ening] Parade | 4 Augt. | |
Candlestick out of Place | 10 Sepr. | |
Carrying his musket improperly on Drill | 12 | |
Dis[obedience] of Post order No 117 | 26 | |
Bed not strapped 30’ after rev[eille] | 29 | |
Candlesticks out of order | 3 Oct Excused | |
Name not Posted as orderly | " | |
Bad Police. (Foul clothes not in Clothes Bag) | 2 Novr | |
Ab[sent] from Art[iller]y drill | 9 | |
Dis[obedience] of Special order and not to be found for drill | 9 | |
Ab[sent] from Inf[antr]y drill | 11 | |
Making unnecessary noise in S[tudy] H[ours] | 27 | |
Ab[sent] from Church | 27 | |
" " Qrs. In S[tudy] H[ours] | 4 | 23 Decr. |
Visiting in S[tudy] H[ours] | 3 | 31. |
" " " " | 3 | 31. |
Ab[sent] from Reveille | 5 | 9 March |
" " Parade | 5 | 11 |
" " Reveille | 5 | 20 |
" " " | 5 | 28 |
Leaving the Academy during the first hour of recitation | 6 | 28 |
Neglect of Fender | 3 | 4 April |
Bed not strapped 30’ after Reveille | 7 | 11 |
Ab[sent] from qrs. between 7 & 8 PM | 3. | 11 |
" " Parade | 5 | 24 |
Improper conduct firing his musket from the window of his room | 2 | 2 May |
In bed after reveille | 7 | 14 |
Late at reveille | 7 June | |
Bed not strapped | 23 | |
Neglect of duty as Compy Police Officer | 21 July | |
Neglect of Police | 1 | 25 Nov |
Us[in]g Sp[iri]t[ou]s Liquors | 8 | 25 Decr |
Disord[erl]y conduct in B[arrac]ks | 4 | " " |
Ab[sent]from Qrs after taps | 8 | 24 " |
Ab[sent] from church | 8 April 1827 | |
Dis[o]b[edienc]e of special order in not going to Church when ordered | " " | |
Allowing noise on his post | 13 " | |
Ab[sent]from Philosophy | 14 " | |
In Bed after Rev[eille] | 27 " | |
Absent from Qrs (12 & 1) A.M. | 29 " | |
Inattention on drill | 7 June | |
Ab[sent] from Qrs. (8 & 9) P.M. | 12 | |
" " Drill | 28 July | |
In bed 30 min after Rev[eille] | 12 [illegible] | |
1827 | ||
Leaving the mess hall without permission | 6 Aug | |
Ab[sent] from B[arrac]ks (8.9) P.M | 2 Sept | |
In rear rank at parade | 5 " | |
Ab[sent] from Laboratory | 6 " | |
" " parade | 20 " | |
Out of uniform in mess sq[ua]d | " " | |
Going to mess-Hall without Marching | 18 " | |
Spitting on the floor | 4 Oct | |
Inattention on p[ara]d[e] | 21 Nov | |
Bed not strapped 30’ after Rev[eille] | 2 Decb' | |
In mess hall after the Batt[alion]s [Rise?] | 25 | |
Bed not made 30’ after Rev[eille] | 31 " | |
1828 | ||
Vis[itin]g (10 & 11) A.M. | 5 Jany | |
Cooking in Qrs. (7 & 8) P.M | 18 " | |
Abs[ent] from Church | 19 Feby | |
Not n[oting?] ch[angin]g[?] off[icer] G[uar]d | " " | |
In bed 30’ after Reve[ille] | 15 March | |
Visiting 11 &12 | 2 Apl | |
Going to Engineering before the proper time | 12 " | |
Visiting 3 &4 | 16 " | |
Ab[sent] from Reve[ille] | 27 " | |
" " " | 11 May | |
" " " | 13 May | |
In bed 30’ after Reve[ille] | 13 " | |
Abs[ent] from Qrs. after Taps | 5 June |
From The Papers of Jefferson Davis, Volume 1, pp. 97-100. Transcribed from a letterbook copy in the War Department (U.S. Military Academy Archives), 3.