Library of Congress Loan Record

[October 26, 1855]

RECEIVED of the Librarian of Congress, the following Books, which I promise to return, undefaced, to the said Librarian, within the time hereinafter specified, or to forfeit and pay twice the value thereof; as also twenty cents per day for each day's detention beyond the limited time of a Folio Volume; ten cents per day for the detention of a Quarto Volume; and five cents per day for the detention of an Octavo or smaller Volume.

To be returned in one week
1853 Sept. 19th. 1855. July 13 Metamorphosis of Apuleius
" " " 1854 May 17th Knox History of Ceylon, 4to.
1854 Feby. 9th. 1854. July 26th. Confessions of an Opium Eater
" " " " May 17th. Diary, &c. of Lord Malmesbury, 4 vols.
" March 30th " " " Jesse's London & its Celebrities, 2 vols.
" " " " July 27 Shakespeare, 1st v. (Mr. Lycett's.)
" Aug. 11 " Septr. 2d Fercal's Mysts. Of the Inquisition
" " " " " " Calderon's Works, 1st vol. (Vellum)
" " " " " " Cumberland's Min. Theatre, v. 14.
" " " " " " Blessington's Country Quarters, 3 vols.
" Septr. 2d 1855 July 13 Edgeworth's Works, <-1st v-> 2d v.
" " " " " " Do. 3d & 4th v. Mrs. Davis.
" " " " " " Do. 9th v.
" " 5 " " " Irving's Conquest of Florida.
1855 Sepr. 18 " Octr. 26 Shakspeare & his Friends, 3 vols
" " " " " " Stand. Novels, 41st. v. Vathek
" " " " Sept 18th Hood's Prose & Verse (transferred to next book.

From The Papers of Jefferson Davis, Volume 5, pp. 125-26. Transcribed from the original in the Library of Congress, Receipt Book G, 345 and H, 288.

The Papers of Jefferson Davis
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