Jefferson Davis to William Allen

Hurricane [Warren County] Mi[ssissippi]
25th March 1844

Dr. Sir

"The sick man knows the Physician's step", but I assure you that if breaking a long silence to ask a favor of you should expose me to the suspicion of remembering you only because of my trouble, the fact is nevertheless quite otherwise. I am one of the Presidential "Electors" for the State of Mississippi and though I do not doubt the democratic character of our people I fear false statements and false issues in the approaching canvass and expect the Whigs to make great exertions,

I wish you aid me with any statements which can be made available against the charge of defalcation and extravagance under Mr. Van Buren's administration--against the present Tariff as productive of Revenue--against the U.S. Bank--against the charge of improper removals of officers and if there be such statement the removals in the first year of the Harrison & Tyler's administration. Further I should be glad to have the evidence of Mr. Clay's refusal to divide the resolution of censure upon President Jackson for the removal of the deposites and the rule of the senate in relation to the division of questions--Secretary Taney's report on the removal of the deposites from the U.S. Bank--Secretary Poinsett's annual report recommending reorganization of the Militia and answer to call of the house on the same subject. Was not President V. Buren one of the first to point out the unconstitutionality of the military districts as projected in that answer? I had but cannot now find a speech of yours showing that the U.S. Bank loaned at a time which indicated the purpose, more money to members of Congress than the amount of their pay--can you send me a copy of that speech?

I have mingled but little in politics and as you perceive by this letter have an arsenal poorly supplied for a campaign. Labor is expected of me and I am willing to render it. I believe much depends on this presidential election, and that every man who loves the union and the constitution as it is should be active.

You will understand what I want or should want better than myself, so far as you can conveniently send such you will greatly oblige me; and any suggestions you may find leisure to make to me will be highly appreciated. Vy. Respectfly. and truly yours--

Jeffn. Davis

The Papers of Jefferson Davis
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