Volume 10 (October 1863-August 1864) Index

Below is the index from Volume 10 (Oct. 1863-August 1864) of The Papers of Jefferson Davis as it appears in the book. For ease of conversion, italics and accent marks have been omitted. Abbreviations used include "L" for letter and "E" for endorsement. "Sketch" refers to the location of a biographical note on the person in this or in a previous volume.

Please note: this index is included on the home page as a service to researchers who plan to consult the volumes to pursue various references themselves. The Davis Papers project cannot and will not respond to requests by home page users to look up references for them. The published volumes are available in most major university libraries, and can be ordered from Louisiana State University Press.


  • Ab(b)erson, Jack (slave)(ident., 64), 61
  • Aberdeen, Miss., raids, 284-85
  • Acker, Joel M. (sketch, 2:90), 108, 287
  • Ada (Ga. steamer), 402
  • Adams, Daniel W.: Davis on, 237; recommendation by, 111
  • Adams, Salmon, 118
  • Adams, William Wirt (sketch, 8:15): assignment (Davis), 567; criticized, 553; Davis on, 32; Miss. operations, 81, 83, 484, 551, 584; on U.S. aims, 483-84; praised, 551, 567, 612; Ls to, 501, 522, 617; Ls from, 366, 483-84, 531, 623
  • Adjutant and Inspector General's Office: clerks needed, 115; criticized, 196, 386, 456; Davis on, 565; officers' assignments, 84, 118, 205. See also Cooper, Samuel
  • Admiral, USS, 412
  • Advance (N.C. steamer), 301, 312, 333
  • African Americans. See blacks; slaves
  • Aiken, William, 30, 48
  • Akin, Warren, 369
  • Alabama: conscription, 19, 20, 129, 177, 207, 276, 282, 312, 319, 340, 370, 452, 522, (Davis), 204, 359; cotton trade, 455, 493; court system, 610, 623; disaffection, 66, 129, 165, 168, 276, 279, 281, 361, 366, 522; morale, 542, 584, 637; operations, 238, 240, 361, 372, 407, (Davis), 546; prices, 358; prison camp sites, 544, 617; railroads, 47, 244, 258, 282, 283, 289, 290, 543, 546, 547, 617, 620; resources, 67, 149, 156, 214, 289, 355, 356, 504, 555, (Davis), 235, 236, 619; slaves, 19, 206, 543; U.S. operations, 47, 215, 219, 247, 366, 533, 542, 584, (Davis), 36; L from congressmen, 240
  • Alabama, CSS: career of, 132, 376, 516; claims, 140, 219, 367
  • Alabama, University of, 522
  • Alabama & Mississippi Rivers Railroad, 47, 244, 258, 290
  • Alabama troops: 1st Infantry, 85; 26th Infantry, 129, 204, 303; 49th Infantry, 85; 51st Partisan Rangers, 293; abuses by, 276, 305; commander, 303-4, 318, (Davis), 237; Davis on, 29, 33; deserters, 30, 282, 305; disaffection, 165, 168, 441; militia, 129, 177, 238, 244, 276, 370-71, 597, 625, 628, 632, (Davis), 629; Petersburg, 580; Pillow's command, 465; reserves, 370-71, 489, 505, 514, 519, 520, 522, 595, 596, 597, 626, 628, 632, (Davis), 506, 629, 633
  • Albemarle, CSS, 376, 386, 466
  • alcoholism. See intemperance
  • Alcorn, James L. (sketch, 8:17), 100
  • Aleck (slave), 324
  • Alexander, A.: L from, 213
  • Alexander, Edward Porter (sketch, 9:400): assignment (Davis), 261; Davis and, 293-94; on artillery organization, 147, Cold Harbor, 448, Missionary Ridge, 95, morale, 431, North Anna defenses, 432, Petersburg mines, 578; requested, 147, 233, 262; wounded, 578; mentioned, 3, 456
  • Alexander, William F.: E by, 610
  • Alexandra, CSS, 132
  • Alice (blockade-runner), 412
  • Allan, Thompson, 220
  • Allen, Harry L.: L from, 306-7
  • Allen, Henry W. (sketch, 329): Davis on, 329; on Davis, Smith, and Taylor, 330-31; Smith and, 257, 258, 327-28; L to, 326-29; L from, 257; mentioned, 452
  • Allen, William W., 263
  • Alpha (British steamer), 396
  • Amanda (British bark), 367
  • American Revolution: Davis on, 43, 159-60; S. E. Davis in, 45, 511
  • Anderson, Archer (sketch, 14), 12, 106, 398
  • Anderson, Charles D., 595
  • Anderson, Charles L.: Davis on, 406; L from, 406
  • Anderson, James E.: L from, 481
  • Anderson, James Patton: assignment, 566, 568; Chickamauga, 182; Davis on, 262; Fla. commander, 257, 259, 262, 399, 442; on Cleburne's proposal, 178, R. L. Gibson, 111; wounded, 632; E to, 399; Ls to, 257, 442; mentioned, 237, 565
  • Anderson, Joseph R.: Ls from, 375, 546-47; mentioned, 14
  • Anderson, Richard H. (sketch, 8:341): assignment (Davis), 45; confers with Davis, liii; Lee on, 443; operations, 27, 404, 405, 447, 476, 558
  • Anderson, Robert H., 240
  • Anderson, Robert N. (sketch, 8:353): J. E. Davis and, 319, 324, 360; L from, 358
  • Anderson, Samuel J.: L from, 629-30
  • Anderson, Samuel R. (sketch, 3:38), 112
  • Anderson, William, 255
  • Andersonville, Ga.: commandant, 444, 445; conditions, 481, 482-83, 544; threatened, 444, 454, 615, (Davis), 516, 520
  • Andrews, John F., 275
  • Annapolis, Md., 332, 350
  • Anthony, George M., 387
  • Arizona Territory, 112, 168, 406
  • Arkansas: conditions, 44, 129, (1862), 218, 604-5; CSA and, 604-5; morale, 9, 68, 189, 249, 262, 604; operations, 9, 82, 129, 189, 353, 397, 462, 544, 604, 607, 617, (Davis), 80; slaves, 129, 607; U.S. policies, 163, 189, 607
  • Arkansas Post, Ark.: prisoners, 157, 176, 186; mentioned, 9
  • Arkansas River defenses (Davis), 80
  • Arkansas troops: recruiting, 112, 604; strength, 608; transferred (1862), 604, (Davis), 606
  • Armijo, Gregoria, 113
  • Armijo, Manuel: L from, 113
  • Armijo, Rafael, 113
  • Armistead, Charles G.: Davis on, 113; raises cavalry, 442; L from, 113
  • Armstrong, ------, 603
  • Armstrong, Frank C. (sketch, 362), 147, 293, 360, 526
  • army: absentees, 72, 92; abuses by, 57, 62, 92, 97, 124, 167, 209, 253, 257, 262, 277, 279, 309, 341, 397, 453, 521, (Davis), 399; asylum bill (Davis), 229; casualties in Ark., 193, 604, Miss., 286, 552, 553, at Mobile, 589, Moorefield, 596, Paducah, 346, Plymouth, 358; chaplains, 339, 372, 632; clothing, 140, 240, 376; commanding general, 260; consolidation, 89, 92, 408, (Davis), 104, 370; courts of inquiry, 305, 318; courts-martial, 209, 249, 307, 622, (Davis), 157, 307, 382, 446, 456, 614; Davis addresses, 226, on, 30, 33, 46, 357, 379, 382; deserters, 24, 30, 43, 74, 87, 88, 89, 94, 98, 105, 136, 175, 214, 222, 245, 279, 287, 308, 333, 357, 366, 377, 400, 406, 455, 482, 496, 516, 522, 600, 605, 611, 615, 616, 622, 623, 628, (Davis), 218, 474, 521, 545, 609; discharge (Davis), 111; examining boards, 92, 456; foreigners in, 79; "friendly fire," 393; furlough policy, 204-5; general officers' appointments (Davis), 10, 42, 106, 152, 206, 226, 237, 266, 272, 284, 341, 353, 359, 365, 393, 417, 420, 438, 440, 443, 444, 461, 584, tenure, 359, 372, 376; general staff, 225, 234, (Davis), 42, 104, 115, 236, 382, 439; horses for, 89, 92, 368, (Davis), 104; invalid corps, 92, 151, 183, 372, (Davis), 104, 382, 446; judge advocate general, 89, 386; military courts, 89, 373, (Davis), 308; minutemen proposed, 231; morale, 212, 312, (Davis), 513; officers' appointments, 89, (Davis), 261, 389, policy, 139, 151, 370, 444, 472, (Davis), 6, 51, 106, 110, 165, 173, 206, 240, 304, 382, 389, 443, 492; officers' election, 122, 156, 181, 592, nominations, 342, removal, 249; organization, 72, 146, 181, 372, (Davis), 71, 152, 212, 231, 232, 236; pay and allowances, 72, 92, 115, 237, 273, 372, 373, 376, 382, 496, 612; promotions for gallantry, 170; rations, 92, 115, 306, 308, 373, 376, 382, 444, (Davis), 306; recruiting abroad, 85, 157; reenlistments, 89, 204, 273; reforms suggested, 72, 92, 375-76; religion, 397, (Davis), 356; reserves (Davis), 382; scouts battalion, 491; slaves as soldiers, 170, 177-78, 229, 331, (Davis), 179, 197-98, in support positions, 145, 167, 181, 191, (Davis), 104, 183; staff officers, 72, 92, 261, 376, (Davis), 42, 206, 439; strength, 89, in Ala., 463, 465, Ark., 57, 607, East Tenn., 40, 568, Fla., 258, 575, on Ga. coast, 417, in Gulf District, 584, La., 286, 605, Miss., 224, 513, 551, at Mobile, 210, 272, 513, 598, 628, in N.C., 237, 359, S.C., 245, 256, 417, 463, Shenandoah Valley, 462, Texas, 188, 192, Trans-Miss., 9, 462, 607, 616, 617, Va. (Beauregard), 423, 425, 434; temporary rank, 373, 442, 472, 492, 582; transfers to navy, 118, 172, 212, 247, 270, 495. See also specific armies, branches of service, commanders, and locales; War Department
  • Army of Mississippi: cavalry, 210, 354; commander, 414, (Davis), 111-12; conditions, 140-41, 214; military courts (Davis), 354; ordnance for, 261; reinforcements for, 172, 175, 219, 238, 240, 244, 246, 247, 248, 257, 258, 259, (Davis), 229, 239, 245, 256, 259, from, 167, 355, (Davis), 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 339; strength, 227, 238, 264, 355, 426; supplies, 215. See alsoPolk, Leonidas
  • Army of Northern Virginia: artillery, 3, 92, 233, 351, 388, 403, 409, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 425, 441, 448, 449, 451, 458, 474, 476, 588, 610, 613, (Davis), 334, 433, 477, 613; casualties, 27, 405, 448, 577, 614; cavalry, 150, 242, 470, 480, 496, 502, (Davis), 306, organization, 287, 340, 496, (Davis), 341; Davis on, 85, 104, 402, 383, 418, 423; deserters, 171, 208, 335; discipline, 319, 335; forage, 66, 87, 88, 349, 367, 415, 473, (Davis), 67, 87, 90; general officers, 10, 11, 310, 318, 442, 456, 577-78, 609, 610, (Davis), 441, 443, 547, 583, 617; military courts, 472; morale, 204-5, 431; organization, 5, 171, 197, 207, (Davis), 304; pay, 8; rations, 150, (Davis), 151, 168, 355; recruiting, 186, 187, 197; reinforcements for, 214, 306, 309, 312, 319, 326, 333, 349, 375, 376, 390, 416, 417, 418, 421, 423, 433, 434, 437, 440, 441, 446, (Davis), 58, 100, 326, 339, 377, 388, 389, 393, 399, 402, 415, 417, 418, 421, 423, 424, 425, 440, 441, 443, 458, from, 40, 167, 241, 494, 505, 621, (Davis), 425; Seddon on, 89; strength, 122, 205, 241, 391, 433, 451; supplies, 27, 66, 87, 90, 150, 158, 168, 187, 241, 333, 349, 415, 418, 476, 485, 493, 502, 517, 545, 555, 575, 599, 617, (Davis), 326, 374, 415, 419, 420, 601, 618-19. See also Lee, Robert E.
  • Army of Tennessee: artillery, 105, 120, 144, 174, 214, 215, 217, 233, 238, 258, 275, 339, 524-25, 572, (Davis), 261, 339, 353; Bragg as commander, vi, 8, 9, 11-13, 23, 32, 47, 55, 71, 72, 90-91, 92, 94-95, 112, 136, (Davis), 6, 21, 24, 34, 35, 37-38, 40-41, 93; Bragg reports on (July), 509, 519-20, 522-25, 530, 542, 559, 566; casualties, 76, 102, 107, 108, 492, 524, 559, 572, 573, (Davis), 119; cavalry, 129, 135, 138, 144, 150, 166, 174, 198, 233, 240, 248, 260, 261, 280, 465, 509, 516, 522, 524, (Davis), 33, 120, 139, 245, 260, 263, 274, 291, 514, 519, 586, strength, 528; chaplains, 229, 355; conditions, 26, 102, 105, 107, 108, 136, 144, 168, 180, 198, 214, 233-34, 275, 440, (Davis), 339; Davis on, 6, 20, 22, 24, 50, 87, 157, 183, 383, 458, 503, 513, 519, 570-71, 619, visits, 10, 20-22, 24, 25; deserters, 75, 136, 181, 198, 434, 527; general officers, 198, 259, 262, 444, 449, 466, 471, 506, 525, 530, 566, 567-68, 584, (Davis), 32, 37-38, 143, 238, 259, 262, 365, 444, 449-50, 477, 547, 568, 584-85, 592, 617-18; Hood appointed, 539-40; Johnston appointed, 11-12, 136, relieved, 527-28, 529, 539; Lee on, 3, 10, 99, 102, 296, 516, 517; morale, vii, xii, 12, 41, 55, 75, 102, 136, 144, 168, 175, 180, 204, 215, 498, 520, 523, 524, 559, (Davis), 21; munitions for, 198, 214, 234, 566, 568, (Davis), 120; officers' pay, 233; organization, 56, 75, 140, 142, 146, 155, 171, 175, 181, 288, (Davis), 171; rations, 145, 181, 215, (Davis), 120, 177; reinforcements for, 9, 34, 39, 47, 83, 85, 93, 102, 108, 136, 145, 167, 198, 207, 210, 216, 217, 230, 240, 258, 275, 280, 309, 339, 349, 353, 355, 368, 372, 407, 414, 450, 464, 490, 492, 501, 506, 509, 513, 524, 526, 540, 542, 547, 576, 597, 615, 621, (Davis), 32, 37, 59, 83, 84, 87, 90, 99, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 245, 256, 339, 400, 421, 426, 482, 492, 509, 514, 571, 629, from, 172, 198, 230, 232, 238, 240, 242, 507, 617, (Davis), 229, 235, 236, 239, 256, 259; shoes, 138, 139, 214, 215, 226, 234, 272; strength, 10, 102, 105, 107, 136, 144, 167, 180, 182, 216, 233, 293, 353, 366, 492, 501, 505, 520, 524, 528, 566, 618, 633, (Davis), 120, 136-37; supplies, 144, 166, 170, 174, 181, 184, 198, 206, 214, 225, 228, 233, 301, 339, 353, 588, (Davis), 21, 120, 177, 239, 619; transportation, 339, 353; L to, 24; L from chaplains, 355, generals, 9. See also Bragg, Braxton; Hardee, William J.; Hood, John Bell; Johnston, Joseph E.
  • Army of the Cumberland. See Rosecrans, William S.; Thomas, George H.; United States Army
  • Army of the James. See Butler, Benjamin F.; United States Army
  • Army of the Potomac. See Grant, Ulysses S.; Meade, George G.; United States Army
  • Army of the Tennessee. See Sherman, William T.; United States Army
  • Arrington, Archibald H. (sketch, 200): confers with Davis, 199-200
  • artillery: Andersonville, 483; Army of N. Va., 3, 92, 233, 351, 388, 403, 409, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 425, 441, 448, 449, 451, 458, 474, 476, 588, 610, 613, (Davis), 334, 433, 477, 613; Army of Tenn., 105, 120, 144, 174, 214, 215, 217, 233, 238, 258, 275, 339, 524-25, 572, (Davis), 261, 339, 353; Atlantic coast, 258; Bristoe Station, 27; Charleston, 44, 52-53, 70; captured from U.S., 257, 358, 366, 411, 438, 481, 484; Chattanooga, 76, 122; Forrest's operations, 222, 343-44; Mobile, 210; navy, 366, 449, 495; officers, 116, 225, 261, 262, 454, 456, 56; organization, 147, 441-42, 456-57, (Davis), 442; Petersburg, 576-77; Trans-Miss., 189, 409, 484, 553; Wilmington, 52. See also munitions; Ordnance Bureau
  • Ashe, Thomas S.: confers with Davis, 199-200
  • Ashepoo River, S.C., skirmish, 463
  • Ashmore, John D.: L from, 366
  • Atkin, Charles H.: L to, 355-56
  • Atkins, John D. C. (sketch, 8:90): E by, 288
  • Atlanta, Ga.: captured, 620-21; CSA facilities, 105, 495; Davis in, 19, 36; defenses, xi, 175, 483, 490, 505, 509, 512, 519, 524, 532, 539, 540, 559, 586, 597, 598, 599, 615, (Davis), 492, 513, 609, 619; evacuated, 522, 524; Lee on, 555; shoemaking, 226, 272
  • Atlanta & West Point Railroad, 522, 526, 598, 620, 621
  • Atlanta Register, 455
  • Atlanta Southern Confederacy, 455, 474
  • attorney general. See Davis, George; Justice Department
  • Augur, Christopher C. (sketch, 6:113), 421
  • August, Thomas P.: Davis reprimands, 616
  • Augusta, Ga.: commander (Davis), 618; Davis visits, 14; threatened, 454, 463
  • Augusta Constitutionalist, 455
  • Augusta County, Va., 171
  • Australia: L from, 341
  • Averell, William W., 150, 187, 354, 364, 376, 507, 557
  • Aylett, Patrick H.: L from, 100


  • Bache, Alexander D. (sketch, 4:290): Davis and, 395
  • Bagby, Arthur P. (sketch, 3:301), 139
  • Bailey, ------ (Capt.), 310
  • Baird, Spruce M.: L from, 406
  • Baker, Alpheus, 506
  • Baker, James M., 549
  • Baker, Laurence S., 277, 466
  • Baker, Thomas H. (sketch, 408), 407
  • Baldwin, ------, 440
  • Baldwin, Briscoe G., 357
  • Baldwin, William E., 39, 47, 122, 166, 171
  • Baley, P. T., 612
  • Balfour, James, 476
  • Balfour, William S.: Davis on, 173; L from, 173
  • Ball, George, 316
  • Ballinger, William P., 316
  • Baltic (CSA ram), 270
  • Baltimore & Ohio Railroad: defenses, 241, 296, 585; U.S. and, 305, 309, 332, 349, 354, 364; mentioned, 8
  • Bank of Louisiana, 173, 282, 302
  • Bank of Tennessee, 5, 86
  • Banks, Arthur D. (sketch, 9:129), 543
  • Banks, Nathaniel P. (sketch, 6:268): Red River campaign, xi, 285-86, 298, 438, 450; Texas operations, 191; troop strength, 82; mentioned, 264, 400, 411, 584
  • Bannon, John: Davis on, 354
  • Banshee (blockade-runner), 325
  • Baptists: L from laymen, 632
  • Barker, George M., 262
  • Barksdale, Elizabeth B.: Davises and, 395
  • Barksdale, Ethelbert (sketch, 4:244): on Johnston's removal, 552, Miss. conditions, 551- 52; Ls from, 307, 551-52
  • Barnes, George: L from, 531
  • Barnes, James, 488
  • Barringer, Daniel M. (sketch, 2:469), 232
  • Barringer, Rufus, 441, 443
  • Barron, Samuel (sketch, 6:49), 166
  • Barton, Seth M. (sketch, 429): assignment (Davis), 90, 425; charges against, 456; operations, 150, 400, 435
  • Barton, William S., 138
  • Bat (blockade-runner), 396
  • Bate, William B.: assignment, 262; Davis on, 237, 259; on Cleburne's proposal, 178; recommended, 236
  • Bates, Edward, 253
  • Battery Wagner, 52
  • Battle, Cullen A., 11, 318
  • Baxley, ------, 141
  • Baxley, Catherine V.: confers with Davis, 142; Ls from, 142, 184
  • Baxter, Portus (sketch, 557), 555
  • Bayard, James A., 157
  • Baylor, George W., 147
  • Bayou Pierre, Miss., skirmish, 552
  • Bean, Jesse (sketch, 1:302): Davis on, 424
  • Beasley, James E.: on Davis' speech, 20
  • Beauregard, P. G. T. (sketch, 6:249): aides, 361; assignments, 240, 281, 340, 349, 376, 435, 437, 465, (Davis), 41, 234, 388, 398, 399, 415-16, 424; Bermuda Hundred, 423, 434, 439, 440, 449, 469-70, 473, 491, (Davis), 423, 425; Charleston, 53, 238, 248, 256, 258, 292; criticized, 115, 304, (1861), 369; Davis and, vi, xlix, lii, 53, 418, 427, on, 38, 139, 406, 423, 425- 26, 473, 491; Drewry's Bluff, 418, 419, 420; Guerin and, 231; health, 391-92, 398, (Davis), 399; Lee and, 99, 349, 390, 431, 440, 441, 446, 458; Longstreet and, 280, 291-92; N.C. operations, 351, 464; on Charleston defenses, 54, 106, 228, Fla. defenses, 245, 258, general staff, 385, New Bern, 388, Northrop, 591, strategy, 38, 391, 423, 424-26, 440, 461, U.S. deserters, 564, 600; Petersburg and Richmond, 376, 388, 398, 457, 458, 469, 470, 476; recommendations by, 110, 230, 492, 578; Ls to, 245, 256, 278, 290, 388, 397-98, 415-16, 418, 421, 424, 439, 457; Ls from, 54, 245, 258, 389, 398, 415, 417, 418, 419, 420-21, 434, 440, 449
  • Beckham, Robert F., 566
  • Bee, Hamilton P. (sketch, 8:595), 155, 584
  • Bee & Co., 414
  • Behan, J. Henry: L from, 554
  • Belen, Estill: L from, 377
  • Belgium, 219, 353
  • Bell, Caspar W., 251, 414
  • Bell, Tyree H., 223, 437
  • Belle Isle prison, 244
  • Bellinger, John (sketch, 591), 590
  • Beltzhoover, Daniel M. (sketch, 7:404): L from, 92
  • Benavides, Santos, 411
  • Benham, Calhoun, 179
  • Benjamin, J. K., 288
  • Benjamin, Judah P. (sketch, 6:195): criticized, 18, 66; Davis and, 15, 110, 244; funds for, 10, 67, 117, 118, 165, 218, 225, 247, 256, 258, 272, 273, 289, 303, 308, 334, 341, 368, 388, 397, 438, 474, 496, 567, 568, 583, 585, 616, 633, (secret service), 154, 367, 374; Jaquess/Gilmore meeting, 533-34, 560; on C. C. Clay, 631, consuls, 15-16, France, 338, Johnston, 119, 573, passports, 140, Sanders contract, 305, tobacco trade, 134; E by, 478; L to, 35; Ls from, 15-16, 106, 137, 140, 218, 305, 436; mentioned, 335, 412, 531, 561, 564, 571. See also State Department
  • Benjamin, Lilly M. J.: L from, 288
  • Benson, Lawrence S.: L from, 137
  • Bentley, John, 127
  • Benton, Samuel, 530
  • Benton, USS, 63
  • Beresford Hope, Alexander J. B., 133
  • Bermuda, 100, 331, 333
  • Bermuda Hundred, Va.: Bragg and Seddon on, 423; Davis on, 423, 439, 491; defenses, 434, 440, 449, 461, 469-70, 473; U.S. operations, 415, 428, 429, 451
  • Berrey, Archibald W.: L from, 19
  • Bets(e)y (slave) (ident., 9:235), l
  • Bevier, Robert, 414
  • Big Bethel, Va., Battle of, 457
  • Black Hawk War veterans, 251, 539
  • blacks: Dahlgren raid, 308; Davis and, 48; Davis Bend refuge, 65, 361; equality of, 400; expulsion urged, 213; free blacks in CSA service, 150, 261, influence on slaves, 366; pass for, 310; pistol shop workers, 48; as prisoners, 358, (Davis), 359; in U.S., 153, 169, 187. See alsoslaves
  • Blair, Francis P., Jr. (ident., 6:62), 255
  • Blake, Benson, 64
  • Blakely, Ala.: Davis in, 34
  • Blanchard, Albert G.: Davis and, xlix; staff officers, 581; Ls from, 109, 638
  • Blandy, Charles R.: L from, 140
  • Bledsoe, Albert T. (sketch, 7:162), 637
  • blockade: Britain and, 131; CSA and, 89, 111, 213, 283, 300; Davis on, 103, 548; risks and profits, 3, 301, 302, 477, 549
  • blockade-runners. See specific vessels
  • Blue Mountain, Ala., 282, 289
  • Blue Springs, Tenn., Battle of, 158
  • Blunt, James G. (sketch, 9:372), 375
  • Boatwright, E., 373
  • Bocock, Thomas S.: Davis and, l; mentioned, 251
  • Bolivar, Tenn., skirmish, 347
  • Bonaparte, Napoleon-Jerome ("Plon Plon"), 33
  • Bonham, Milledge L. (sketch, 7:251): Davis and, xlix; on reserves, 473; Ls to, 111, 306, 354, 596, 624; Ls from, 340, 358, 595; mentioned, 70
  • Bottom's Bridge, Va.: Davis visits, 458; defenses, 225, 446, 458
  • Boudinot, Elias C.: Davis and, 83, 117; Ls from, 117, 151-52, 229
  • Bouldin & Newell, 85
  • Bowles, William A. (sketch, 3:125), 537, 609
  • Bowman, Robert (sketch, 554), 552, 554
  • Boykin, James: L from, 221
  • Bradford, Jefferson Davis (nephew) (sketch, 8:114): Ala. operations, 320-21; assignments, 184, 198, 545, 555, (Davis), 567, 611; at Davis Bend, 63; L to, 567; Ls from, 184, 555; mentioned, 409
  • Bradford, William F. (sketch, 347), 344, 346
  • Bradford, William M., 568
  • Bragg, Braxton (sketch, 3:66): Breckinridge and, 40, 55; Buckner and, 46, 47, 55, (Davis), 34, 35; Cheatham and, 55; Chickamauga, 11-13, 87; criticized, vi, vii, 6-7, 8, 9, 11-13, 19, 23, 39, 40-41, 54-55, 67, 72, 74, 77, 91, 93, 108, 310, 416, 528, 539, 616, 633; Davis and, vi, ix, li, lii, 6-7, 40-41, 67, 91, 93, 594, on, 24, 29, 38, 51, 53; as Davis' adviser, 26, 96, 205-6, 252, 260, 374, 397-98, 416, 426, 508, 509, 541, 546; described, 41, 96; disputes with generals, 8, 9, 11-12, 23, 46, 54-55, 92, 94-95, (Davis), 6-7, 38, 40-41, 45, 93; Hill and, 11, 72, (Davis), 24, 73, 238, 475; Johnston and, 129, 145, 252, 528, 529, 573; Longstreet and, 11, 45, 54, 93; on AIGO, 196, 386, 456, Appalachian troops, 462, Army of Tenn., 23, 210, 339, 368, 449, 464, 491-92, 523-25, 566, 617-18, 633, (generals), 32, 104-5, 525, artillery organization, 456, Beauregard, 304, 427, Breckinridge, 56, 92, 94-95, 104, Buckner, 31, 34, 43, 56, cavalry organization, 341, Chattanooga, 94, Cheatham, 95, 104, J. H. Clanton, 613, Cleburne, 179, conscription, 356, 397, Conscription Bureau, 252, Davis and Johnston, 573, deserters, 77, Forrest, 105, 345, 348, F. Gardner, 32, Ga. prisoner transfer, 542, 617, Hardee, 525, T. Harrison, 299, D. H. Hill, 23, 74, 475, Hood, 33, 525, J. K. Jackson, 105, Johnston, 353, 523-25, 542, 573, Longstreet, 43, 83, 293, Missionary Ridge, 87, Northrop, 304, 591, Pillow, 613, Polk, 3, press, 252, 310, 543, railroad control, 355, recruiting foreigners, 157, retaliation, 244, Rousseau's raid, 542, staff officers, 261, Stevenson, 104-5, strategy, 294, 345, 464, 554, (in Shenandoah Valley), 462, 468, (in Va.), 400, 423, B. M. Thomas, 613, Trans-Miss., 186, 270, 288, 554, 568, 606, 617, U.S. strategy, 355, 524, Watts, 612-13, Withers, 613; Polk and, vi, 11-13, 19, (Davis), 6-7; praised, 55, 128, 136, 372; recommendations by, 284, 559; recommended, 249; relieved, 94-95, 97, 99; Seddon and, 252; staff officers, 146, 148, 210; suggests legislation, 71-72, 375-76; visits Ala., 535, 544, 559, 568-69, 612-13, Army of Tenn., 509, 519-20, 522-25, 530, 542, 559, 566, Charleston, 595, Raleigh, 597; Watts and, 535, 568-69, 612-13; Ls to, 6-7, 24, 32, 34, 35-38, 41, 45, 58-59, 79, 83, 86, 87, 90, 97, 205-6, 399, 479, 509, 520, 540, 541, 592, 596, 613-14, 633, cited, 41; Ls from, 3, 23, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 46-47, 71-72, 83, 85, 87, 92, 94-95, 97, 104-5, 210, 212, 284, 304, 310, 366, 368, 375-76, 400, 423, 449, 456, 462, 464, 491-92, 506, 519-20, 522-23, 523-25, 530, 542, 547, 559, 566, 597, 612-13; mentioned, 9, 263. See alsoArmy of Tennessee
  • Bragg, Thomas (sketch, 8:63): L to, 273-74
  • Bramlette, Thomas E., 536
  • Brandon, Miss.: Davis at, 31-32, 36
  • Brandon, William L. (sketch, 2:669): assignment, 490, (Davis), 474, 495; L from, 530
  • Brantly, Martin V., 482
  • Brantly, William F., 530
  • Breckinridge, John C. (sketch, 5:67): assignments, 32, 56, 102, 104, 209, 239, 364, 387, 433, 450, (Davis), 37, 388, 418, 419, 617; Bragg and, 40, 55, 56, 92, 94-95, 104; criticized, 309; Davis and, xlvii, l, 19, 37; health, 451; on Chickamauga, 14, strategy, 462; operations, 376, 415, 418, 423, 425, 435, 446, 462, 468, 486; praised, 451; recommendation by, 111; requested, 546, 599; staff officers, 182, 190, 293; Ls to, 19, 232, 388; Ls from, 173, 229; mentioned, 24, 230
  • Breckinridge, Robert J. (sketch, 1:24): L from, 615
  • Breckinridge, William C. P., 282
  • Brenan, James P., 24
  • Brent, George W., 41, 96, 106
  • Brewster, Henry P. (sketch, 7:62), 434, 572
  • Brice's Crossroads, Miss., Battle of: described, 470; mentioned, 482, 494, 498
  • Bridewell, ------, 32
  • Bridgeport, Ala., 36
  • Bridgers, Robert R.: confers with Davis, 199-200
  • Brierfield (described, 2:244): conditions, 61-62, 64-65, 96, 360-61, 372, 512, 531; U.S. raid, 32, 45-46, 47, 61-62, 96
  • Brigham, James C., 635
  • Brigham, James H.: L from, 635
  • Bristoe Station, Va., Battle of: Davis on, 86; Lee on, 27
  • Brittigan, [John P.?], 205, 274, 357, 483
  • Broad Run, Va., bridge, 27
  • Broadwell, William A. (sketch, 318): on cotton trade, 173, 313-14, his appointment, 318; Ls from, 173, 313-14; mentioned, 451
  • Brockenbrough, John M., 483
  • Brodhead, Mary Jane Bradford. See Sayre, Mary Jane Bradford
  • Brooke, John L., 448
  • Brough, John, 153
  • Browder, George W., 156
  • Brown, Albert G. (sketch, 2:22): E by, 140
  • Brown, Isaac N. (sketch, 8:291), 461
  • Brown, John C.: assignments, 530, 567; L from, 9
  • Brown, Joseph E. (sketch, 7:147): W. M. Browne and, 221, 602-3, 615, 625-26; calls up militia, 19, 156, 505, 529; criticized, 264, 289, 301, 303, 369, 483, 506, 525, 549, 615, 625- 26; Davis and, 14, 25, 171, 264, 501, 529, 603, on, 19, 436, 540, 549; Johnston and, 149, 171, 179, 225, 500, 505; on Atlanta defenses, 490, 512, conscription, 17, 264, 288, 615, 627, Davis, 274, 492, 506, 627, habeas corpus, 264, 322, impressment, 78, state troops, 66-67, 122, 450, 483, 506, 529, 540, 627, strategy, 501, 529, trade regulations, 301, 397, 549; threatens CSA, 627; and Western & Atlantic Railroad, 149, 171, 177, 179, 184, 206, 210-11, 225, 230, 232, 234- 35, 239, 256, 274; Ls to, 165, 177, 239, 356-57, 436, 492, 501, 513; Ls from, 25, 66-67, 78, 116, 122, 184, 206, 210-11, 230, 274, 288, 356, 402, 450, 454, 490, 501, 506, 512, 531, 540
  • Brown, Shepherd, 227
  • Browne, William M. (sketch, 6:374): assignments (Davis), 203, 310, 567, 575, 602-3; J. E. Brown and, 221, 602, 625-26; and Davis' tax return, 305; on Army of Tenn., 233-34, Brown, 615, conscription in Ga., 203, 221, 275, Ga. press, 455, Stephens, 454-55; praised, 625; recommended, 172; replies for Davis, 197; Ls to, 203, 226, 310, 445, 567, 575; Ls from, 203, 221, 226, 232, 233-34, 444, 454-55, 457, 568, 615; mentioned, 117
  • Brownsville, Miss., skirmish, 32
  • Brownsville, Texas, 67, 82, 155, 479
  • Bruce, Eli M. (sketch, 538): Canada mission, 516, 536; Davis and, 516; on Northwest, 516; Ls from, 481, 516
  • Brunswick & Albany Railroad, 4
  • Bryan, Guy M. (sketch, 9:95): Davis and, 450-51; on CSA and Texas, 544; Smith's and Magruder's emissary, 317, 397, 409, 438, 460; Ls from, 438, 450-51, 460, 544
  • Bryan, King, 463
  • Buchanan, Franklin (sketch, 8:592): described, 437; Mobile, 164, 247, 270, 275; L to, 245; L from, 247; mentioned, 117
  • Buchanan, James (sketch, 2:345): Davis and, 395
  • Buchanan, William J., 142
  • Buck, Charles W.: L from, 229-30
  • Buck, E. L., 612
  • Buck, Irving A., 179
  • Buckner, N., 433
  • Buckner, Sarah F.: L from, 4
  • Buckner, Simon B. (sketch, 7:306): assignments, 30, 31, 41, 56, 207, 241, 349, 368, (Davis), 34, 35, 355, 371, 593; Bragg and, vi, 8, 31, 34, 43, 46, 47, 55, 72; criticized, 338; Davis and, l, 35, 47; health, 209; promoted, 568, 595; requested, 82; Ls from, 9, 47, 173; mentioned, 97, 375, 593
  • Buffalo, N.Y., plot, 86
  • Buford, Abraham (sketch, 345), 223, 343, 493
  • Bullitt, Joshua F., 537
  • Bulloch, James D. (sketch, 8:110), 246, 636
  • Burbridge, Stephen G., 536
  • Burch, John C., 118
  • Burgh, Ulick John de (sketch, 134)
  • Burke, Frank E., 217
  • Burnett, Henry C.: L from, 25-26
  • Burnside, Ambrose E. (sketch, 8:6): East Tenn. operations, 22, 32-33, 34, 42, 46, 98, 99, 102, (Davis), 36-37; Petersburg, 469, 578; Va. operations, 309, 348, 352, 375, 376, 387, 393
  • Butler, Andrew P. (sketch, 3:332), 582
  • Butler, Benjamin F. (sketch, 8:216): Davis on, 104; Grant and, 428, 469, 487, 497; on CSA deserters, 600; Petersburg, 458, 469; and prisoner exchanges, 213, 373, 383; Va. operations, 168, 298, 351, 352, 391, 401, 405, 416, 423, 428, 435, 440, 441, 446, (Davis), 399, 422, 439, 440; mentioned, 255, 559
  • Butler, Matthew C., 582, 609, 610
  • Butler, William (sketch, 582), 578, 583
  • Buzzard Roost, Ga., skirmish, 261
  • Byrn, Andrew M., 206
  • Byrn, Ransom H., 206
  • Byrne, William, 638


  • Cable, David F.: Davis on, 356; mentioned, 332, 370, 399, 502
  • Cahaba, Ala., prison, 520, 544
  • Cairo, USS, 283, 312, 638, (Davis), 461
  • Calhoun, Ga., skirmishes, 420
  • Calhoun, John C. (sketch, 1:11), 46
  • California, 112, 168
  • Calvert, J.: L from, 545
  • Camden, Ark., Battle of, 193, 397
  • Cameron, Stephen F.: L from, 358-59
  • Campbell, John A. (sketch, 7:90): assignment, 386; criticized, 625; grants exemption, 281; on Ala. courts, 623, courts-martial, 622, impressment, 374, 494; Ls from, 374, 622, 623; mentioned, 101
  • Campbell, Sir Colin, 33
  • Campbell's Station, Tenn., skirmish, 76
  • Camp Chase, 537
  • Camp Douglas, 537
  • Camp Morton, 537
  • Camp Oglethorpe, 544
  • Camp Sumter. See Andersonville, Ga.
  • Canada: CSA agents, 85, 86, 152, 243, 394-95, 516, 536, 559-61, 599, 603, (Davis), 247, 319, 332, 340, 354, 368-69, 630, banking, 282, refugees, 273, 340, 538; U.S. and, 86
  • Canby, Edward R. S., 497, 510, 513, 519, 533, 544, 597
  • Canfield, C. H., 240
  • Canning, George, 134
  • Cantey, James, 351, 530
  • Canton, CSS, 132
  • Capers, Henry D.: L to, 263; L from, 312; mentioned, 356
  • Caperton, Allen T.: Davis and, 112
  • Caroline (slave), 324
  • Caroline Goodyear (CSA schooner), 412, 576
  • Carondelet, USS, 63
  • Carrington, Isaac H., 472
  • Carroll County, Ga., 165
  • Carter, J. H., & Co., 364
  • Carter, Samuel P., 22
  • Carter, Thomas H., 476
  • Carter's Depot, Tenn., skirmishes, 39
  • Carter's Ferry, Va., 447
  • Cass Station, Ga., skirmish, 437, 528
  • Cassville, Ga., 570, 572
  • Castle Morgan. See Cahaba, Ala.
  • Castle Thunder: L from inmates, 591
  • Castleman, John B., 537
  • cavalry: Army of Miss., 210, 354; Army of N. Va., 150, 242, 287, 340, 470, 480, 496, 502, (Davis), 306, 341, 425; Army of Tenn., 129, 135, 138, 144, 150, 166, 174, 198, 233, 240, 248, 260, 261, 280, 465, 509, 516, 522, 524, (Davis), 33, 120, 139, 245, 260, 263, 274, 291, 514, 519, 586; criticized, 198, 397, 630; Davis on, 101, 514, 603; Lee on, 92, 496, 502; officers' appointments (Davis), 71, 462; organization, 72; recruiting, 88, 113, 198, 370; strength in Army of Tenn., 144, 528, of Forrest's command, 343, 584, in Miss. and Ala., 344, 495, 509, at Petersburg, 425, in S.C., 306; L from officers, 88
  • Cedar Run, Va., bridge, 27
  • censorship, 252, 253
  • Chadwick, M.: L from, 501
  • Chaffin's Bluff, Va., defenses, 441, 470, 471, 556, (Davis), 90, 611
  • Chalmers, Hamilton H.: L from, 65-66
  • Chalmers, James R. (sketch, 128): Davis and, 66, 128; on trade policies, 124; operations, 66, 223, 343, 347, 463; L to, cited, 128; Ls from, 30-31, 198, cited, 128
  • Chalmers, Joseph W. (sketch, 2:403), 128
  • Chambers, Henry C.: Davis and, lii; Ls from, 11, 206
  • Chambers, Thomas J. (sketch, 9:95), 315
  • Chambersburg, Pa., raid, 557
  • Chambliss, John R. (sketch, 8:369), 341, 367, 476, 480
  • Champion Hill, Miss., Battle of, 3
  • Chancellorsville, Va., 90
  • Chandler, William T., 638
  • Chapman, John B.: L to, 355-56
  • Charles/y (slave) (ident., 9:345), 61
  • Charleston, S.C.: commander, 99, 234, 514; conscription, 185; Davis at, 30, 46, 48, 70; defenses, 4, 8, 167, 228, 256, 258, 455, 463, 476, 482, 507, 514, 532, 623, (Davis), 46, 50, 156, 383, 474, 477, 507, 508, 510, 616; reinforcements from, 259, (Davis), 245; U.S. operations, 241, 349, 450, 507
  • Charleston Mercury: Davis and, 633; on Bragg, 7, Grant, 469
  • Charlotte, N.C., 495
  • Charlton, Sam (slave) (ident., 6:137), 61
  • Chase, Salmon P. (sketch, 6:348), 487, 497
  • Chattahoochee River: Army of Tenn. crosses, 513, 519, 523, (Davis), 503, 570; U.S. Army crosses, 520, 522, 526
  • Chattanooga, Tenn.: defenses, 32-33, 36; U.S. garrison, 75, 99, 102, 107, 108, 109, 144-45, 174, 215, 233, 240, 256, 282, 297, 362, 368
  • Chattanooga, Tenn., Battle of, vii, 12-13, 76, 94-95, 96, 147, (Davis), 119. See alsoMissionary Ridge, Tenn., Battle of
  • Cheatham, Benjamin F. (sketch, 7:249): assignments, 56, 175, 355, (Davis), 541; Bragg and, 23, 46, 55, 95, 104; Chickamauga, 12; Kennesaw Mountain, 492; on Bragg, 40-41, 72, 93; staff officer, 574; Es by, 176, 231
  • Chehaw Station, Ala., skirmish, 543
  • Cherokee claim, 140
  • Chesapeake (Am. steamer), 247, 445, 564
  • Chesnut, James (sketch, 7:386): and Army of Tenn., 7, 9-10, 26, 42, 45, 58; assignments (Davis), 45, 375; Davises and, 326, 395-96; on Charleston defenses, 455, 463, 482, 510, 514; Ls to, 45, 375, 508, 522; Ls from, 9-10, 26, 58, 455, 457, 460, 462-63, 481-82, 509-10, 514, 531- 32, cited, 326; mentioned, 90, 276, 450, 474, 507, 508
  • Chesnut, Mary B.: Davises and, 395; on Atlanta, xiii
  • Chickahominy River, Va., bridges, 417
  • Chickamauga, Ga.: Davis speaks at, 20
  • Chickamauga, Ga., Battle of: Bragg and, 3, 24, 91; casualties, 3; Davis on, 20, 21, 24, 33, 50, 93, 103, 475; Hill and, 72, 475; Hindman's division, 180; map, 108; Polk and, 12-13, 72; results, 9, 12-13, 91; Seddon on, 88
  • Chilton, ------, 357
  • Chilton, William P.: L from, 520
  • Chimborazo Hospital, 489
  • Chipley, Stephen F. (ident., 593): L to, 593; L from, 592
  • Chisholm, Alexander R., 70
  • Choctaw funds, 240
  • Chrisman, James S.: L from, 275
  • Cincinnati, Society of, 312, 356
  • cipher. See telegraph
  • Clanricarde, first marquess of (sketch, 134)
  • Clanton, James H.: Ala. operations, 36, 543; Bragg on, 613; morale of troops, 165, 168, 441; L from, 441
  • Clapp, Jeremiah W.: cotton agent, 317, 587; on cotton trade, 126, 128, slave impressment, 164; Ls from, 164, 637
  • Clarendon, earl of (ident., 253), 249
  • Clarendon, S.C., defenses, 482
  • Clark, Charles (sketch, 408): calls up troops, 501, 628; criticized, 407; on conscription, 601, slave impressment, 78, 125, state troops, 100, 101, 196, 393, trade regulations, 301, 549; Ls to, 79, 91, 137, 398, 495, 567, 602; Ls from, 78, 116, 333, 393, 501-2, 530, 567, 601-2, 637
  • Clark, John B. (congressman) (sketch, 251), 185, 248, 414
  • Clark, John B. (general), 226, 251
  • Clarke, John M.: L from, 374
  • Clay, Clement C. (sketch, 6:174): Canada mission, 374, 537, 538, 559, 603, (Davis), 154, 368-69, 630; Davis on, 630; on Canada mission, 394-95, Davis, 394, J. E. Davis, 393-94, Lincoln, 563, 631, Niagara Falls conference, 560-61, G. N. Sanders, 562; L to, 368-69; Ls from, 393-95, 559-61, cited, 631; mentioned, 383
  • Clay, Henry L.: L from, 611
  • Clay, Virginia T. See Clopton-Clay, Virginia T.
  • Clayton, Alexander M. (sketch, 7:28): criticized, 310, 552; on CSA finances, 135-36, district court sessions, 554; L to, 612; Ls from, 135-36, 275-76
  • Clayton, Henry D., 506
  • Cleary, William W. (sketch, 538), 154, 396, 536, 559
  • Cleburne, Patrick R. (sketch, 9:407): Chickamauga, 14; criticized, 170, 179; Jonesboro, 632; Kennesaw Mountain, 492; Pickett's Mill, 440; Ringgold Gap, 121-22; slave enlistment proposal, 170, 177, 228-29, (Davis), 197-98; staff officers, 179, 182; Es by, 176, 231; L from, 9
  • Clements, Nelson (ident., 412): rifle contract, 410, 575-76; L from, 575-76
  • Cleveland, Stephen B., 47
  • Clift, William, 34
  • Clifton, Sir Robert J., 134
  • Clingman, Thomas L. (sketch, 7:429): assignment (Davis), 8, 139, 156; mentioned, xlix, 202
  • Clinton, La., raid, 630
  • Clinton, Miss., skirmish, 553
  • Clopton, Maria G.: L from, 366
  • Clopton-Clay, Virginia T. (sketch, 6:253): Davises and, 48, 603; on J. E. Davis' death, 395; wartime travels, 631; L to, 630, cited, 631; Ls from, 211, 603
  • Cloud, C. A.: L from, 476
  • Cloud, D. Mountjoy: L to, 439
  • Coahoma County, Miss., 167
  • Coates, James H., 224
  • Cobb, Howell (sketch, 3:394): assignments, 57, (Davis), 228, 247, 275, 567, 575; criticized, 10, 78; Davis and, 40, 221; on Andersonville, 444, 482-83, Army of Tenn. and Bragg, 54-55, 168, J. E. Brown, 506, 529, 626, Davis and Johnston, 119, Ga. State Guard, 55, 168, strategy, 167-68; praised, 221, 289; Ls to, 445, 503, 534, 602; Ls from, 54-55, 167-68, 184, 444, 482-83, 506, 602-3; mentioned, 5, 67, 438, 450, 474, 500, 540
  • Cobb, Mary Ann L.: L from, 247; mentioned, 184
  • Cocke, William M.: meets with Davis, 541; L from, 540-41
  • Cockrell, Francis M., 618
  • Coe, Thomas J. (sketch, 7:4): L from, 636
  • Coffman, William E., 114, 230
  • Coke, John A., 271
  • Cold Harbor, Va., Battle of: Lee on, 446; mentioned, 451
  • Cole, Archibald H., 148, 566
  • Coleman's plantation, Miss., skirmish, 552
  • Collier, Robert R.: Ls from, 43, 341
  • Collins, P. E.: L from, 475
  • Colquitt, Alfred H. (sketch, 9:249), 371, 417
  • Colston, Raleigh E.: Davis on, 473
  • Columbia, S.C.: Davis invited to, 43; defenses, 482
  • Columbus, Ga., 97
  • Columbus, Ky., 222, 342
  • Columbus, Miss., 554
  • Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer, 474
  • Commissary Department: and conscription, 168; criticized, 124, 168, 215-16; female clerks, 596; Fla. supplies, 280-81; funds transferred, 319; impressment report, 442; Lee on, 168, 545; meat supply, 168, (Davis), 151; milling contracts, 373-74; officers' appointments, 198, 589; procedures, 216-17, 258, 276, 277, 279, 287, (Davis), 304; soap ration, 599, (Davis), 601; tobacco ration, 444; Trans-Miss. (Davis), 137; Va. operations, 355. See also Northrop, Lucius B.
  • Commodore Jones, USS, 404
  • Cone, Aurelius F.: L from, 492
  • "Confederate Society": L from, 25
  • Confederate States: abuses by agents, 94, 15, 184, 472; agents abroad, 205, 288, 302-3, 354, 410, 538, 562, 563, (Davis), 356; aliens in, 17, 79, 260, 278, 623; days of fasting and prayer, 230, 279, 576; finances, v, viii, 81, 94, 113, 118, 136, 184, 185, 213, 231, 282, 284, 285, 302, 341, 358, 374, 541, 546; flag design, 279; great seal, 336; judicial system, 553-54; morale, viii, xii, 165, 184, 356, 387, 405, (Davis), 51, 218, 281, 379, 436; plots against, 244, 279, 352, (Davis), 218; and press, 100, 101, 157, 455, 474; prices, 78, 103, 127, 279, 365, 405; recognition, 3, 135, 143, 186, 280; secret mission (1861), 118; secret service funds, 153, 155, 319; taxes, 25, 84, 103, 113, 136, 185, 214, 220, 285, 310, 312, 365, (Davis' return), 305; tax in kind, 89, 165, 186, 197, 220, 228, 364, 373. See also Davis, Jefferson--President
  • Congress: army bills, 122, 204, 231, 408, 442, 457, 472; blacks and army, 150, 179, 183, 324; Canada mission, 153; composition of, viii, 383; conscription acts, 183, 184, 312, 386, 601, (Davis), 232; cotton legislation, 233, 313, 550, 602; cotton trade regulations, 283, 331, 373, 402, 455, 477, 493, 515, (Davis), 299-301, 547-49; criticized, 108, 249, 383; currency regulation, 263, 286, 341, (Davis), 328, 381; Davis and, vii, ix, 151, 181, 265, on, 477, 540; Davis' messages to, 103-4, 131-32, 378-83; election of, 383; Erlanger loan, 117; general staff bill, 234, (Davis), 439; habeas corpus, 264, 269, 364, (Davis), 218; Ky. funds veto, 139-40; Memminger and, 286, 444, 471; Mo. election, 248; presidential powers (Davis), 300, 547; publications, 106, 367, 421; resolutions on Cairo, 283, 312, Cleburne, 122; salaries, 449; secret acts, 229, sessions, 312, (Davis), 110, 205, 229; tax law, 263, 286, 303; Trans-Miss. affairs, 137, 330; Trenholm's appointment, 522, (Davis), 540; volunteer navy, 93; Ls to, 139-40, 218, 229, 232, 439, 449, of transmittal, 106, 107, 110, 140, 165, 169, 205, 211, 228, 233, 240, 377, 421, 422, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 441; L from congressmen (1862), 637. See also House of Representatives; Senate
  • Conner, James (sketch, 558), 438, 441, 443, 556
  • Conrad, Robert Y., 359
  • Conrad, Thomas N.: Davis and, li; L to, 439
  • Conrow, Aaron H. (sketch, 251): reelected, 248, 414; Ls from, 567, 611-12
  • conscription: abuses, 89, 140, 177, 181, 221, 271, 612, (Davis), 311; age limits, 167; Ala., 19, 20, 129, 177, 207, 276, 282, 312, 319, 340, 370, 452, 522, (Davis), 204, 359; aliens, 17, 260, 623; amnesty, 117, (Davis), 616; blacks, 170, 177, 181, 228-29, (Davis), 197-98; CSA employees, 118, 150-51, 168, 170, 256, 263, 373, 507; Congress on, 114, 115, 158, 183, 184, 211, 312, 364, 386, 601, (Davis), 232; conscientious objectors, 281, 289, 497; Davis on, 104, 151, 183, 218, 232, 258, 272, 311, 356, 359, 382, 450, 503, 535; East Tenn., 282, 356; exemption policy, 10, 31, 92, 177, (Davis), 151; exemptions for armory workers, 341, army contractor (Davis), 272, artist, 332, customs officers, 276, farmers, 540, firemen, 185, foreign- born, 17, 260, 623, mail contractors, 103, 109, militia, 473, 483, newspapermen (Davis), 450, religion, 400, 601, 632, salt producers, 230, slave control, 19, 29, 87, 196, state officials, 181, 303, 312, 473, 506, 615, (Davis), 503, 535; Fla., 10, 220, 399; Ga., 31, 184, 203, 221, 228, 230, 234, 264, 288, 303, 307, 483, 506, 540, 568, 602, 615, 626, (Davis), 275, 310, 503, 535, 575, 603; legal opinions, 109, 614, (Davis), 218; La., 258, 397, 453, (Davis), 328; Miss., 10, 25, 67, 88, 113, 140-41, 196, 212-13, 275, 364, 370, 397, 453, 601-2, 612; N.C., 196, 227, 263, 281, 288-89, 356, 368, (Davis), 266-67, 274; Seddon on, 109, 170, 204, 282, 311-12, 319, 356, 386, 397, 626; S.C., 185-86, 455, 474; substitutes, 10, 20, 89, 167, 171, 172, 181, 185, 206, 228, 601, (Davis), 104; support for, 25, 67, 118; Texas, 192, 304, 409, (Davis), 367-68; Trans-Miss., 89, 228; U.S., 104, 153, 226, 281, 495, 556; Va., 94, 171, 196, 209, 212, 271, 400, 494
  • Conscription Bureau: Bragg on, 252; Davis on, 267; estimates, 228; officers of, 84, 158, 168, 203, 376, 614, 616; report on, 373. See also Preston, John S.
  • Constitution: Davis on, 103, 206, 218, 229, 328; and habeas corpus, 269, 322; and officers' appointments, 342, retirement, 249
  • Constitution, U.S., 163, 269, (Davis), 21, 534
  • Contri, Virginia S., 624
  • Cooke, John R. (sketch, 9:193), 28
  • Cooper, Douglas H. (sketch, 3:31): assignments, 113, 194, 270, 271, (Davis), 257; recommended, 83, 141, 229; L from, 270
  • Cooper, Samuel (sketch, 1:108): criticized, ix, 323, 532; Davis and, li, 42, 238, on, 565; health, 533; on AIGO officers, 118, AIGO procedures, 456, army/navy conflict, 276, Bragg's assignment, 260, conscription, 211, general staff bill, 234, Ga. cavalry commander, 492, D. H. Hill, 74, 238, Morgan's command, 282, officers' appointments, 212, Smith's appointments, 439- 40, 444, 460-61, Tenn. regiments, 592, Trans-Miss. troops, 157, 460-61, 608, Withers' duties, 520; reports by, 115, 211; Ls to, 442, 491, 611; Ls from, 3, 212, 234, 439-40, 444, 545. See alsoAdjutant and Inspector General's Office
  • Copperheads, 254
  • Coquette (CSA steamer), 169
  • Cornelius (slave), l
  • Cornett, John, 290
  • Cornubia (blockade-runner), 100
  • Corse, Montgomery D. (sketch, 9:250): assignments, 26, 40, (Davis), 425; operations, 417, 435
  • Cosby, George B., 32, 479, 600
  • cotton: burned, 4, 124, 313, 479; CSA policies, 85, 97, 276, 282, 353, 370, 400, (Davis), 221, 511, profits, 126, 138, 302, trade regulations (Mar. 5), 283, 312, 313-14, 331, 373, 396-97, 402, 455, 477, 493, 510, 515, 599, (Davis), 299-301, 459-60, 547-49; CSA-owned, 23, 89, 94, 136, 138, 155-56, 166, 173, 186, 228, 233, 262, 371, 398, 414, 437, (Davis), 625; Davis', 47; Erlanger loan, 110, 117; Fla. factory, 111; impressed, 85, 313, 372; prices, 127, 314, 515; trade in Ga., 97, 101, 402, 493, 550, La., 127, 173, 313, 331, 353, 400, 453, 511, 515, 521, 614, 630, Memphis, 11, 123-24, 233, Miss., 11, 23, 47, 67, 98, 117, 123-25, 222, 233, 310, 353, 370, 377, 400, 521, 612, 630, (Davis), 453, 491, along Miss. River, 117, 222, 288, 310, 483-84, in S.C., 278, 283, 287, Tenn., 67, Texas, 155, 225, 288, 313-14, 451, 479, 544, 628; trade with Europe, 47, 66, 85, 97, 100, 101, 110, 134, 166, 221, 239, 278, 288, 302, 316, 371, 375, 398, 412, 501, 515, (Davis), 625, Mexico, 416, 628; in Trans-Miss., 85, 193, 313-14, 372, 416, 451; U.S. and, 98, 126, 483-84, 564
  • Cotton Bureau, 313-18
  • Courtland, Ala., defenses (Davis), 29
  • Courtney, Thomas E., 520
  • Cox, Isham: L to, 281
  • Cox, Jacob D. (sketch, 8:356), 499
  • Cox, John T.: L from, 483
  • Coxe, Robert E., 631
  • Craddock, Robert B.: Davis on, 185; Ls from, 185, 310, 587
  • Cranwill, S.: L from, 273
  • Crawford, John, 113
  • Creek agent, 113
  • Creigh, David S., 546
  • Cridland, Frederick J., 17
  • Crittenden, George B. (sketch, 4:9), 148
  • Crook, George, 507, 556, 557
  • Cuba, 167, 194, 410, 490, 496, 576, 635
  • Cub Run, Va., bridge, 27
  • Culpeper, Va., 372, 609
  • Cumberland Gap: Davis on, 103; U.S. and, 4
  • Cumming, Alfred (sketch, 5:102), 632
  • Cumming, Henry H., 109
  • Cummings, James F. (ident., 148), 144, 149, 166, 214, 216, 531
  • Cundiff, James H. R., 358, 414
  • Cunningham, W. L.: L from, 177
  • Cunningham v. Campbell et al., 87
  • Curry, Jabez L. M. (sketch, 6:254), 383
  • Curtis, Samuel R. (sketch, 8:216), 604
  • Custer, George A., 470
  • Cuthbert, C. A., 478
  • Cuyler, Richard R.: L from, 510


  • Dabney, Samuel: Davis on, 635
  • Dacotah (steamer), 346
  • Dahlgren, Charles G.: L from, 98
  • Dahlgren, John A. B. (sketch, 242), 53, 241
  • Dahlgren, Ulric, 244, 308
  • Dahlgren raid, 244, 372, (Davis), 279, 308
  • Dahlgren guns, 242, 366
  • Dallas, Ga., skirmish, 573
  • Dalton, DeLouis: L from, 366
  • Dalton, Ga.: captured, 586; Davis speaks at, 25; retreat from, 508, 509, 528
  • Dameron, William H. (sketch, 8:435), 149, 214, 217, 589-90
  • Dana, Charles A. (sketch, 253)
  • Dana, Napoleon J. T., 411
  • Daniel, John M. (sketch, 7:115), 603
  • Daniel, John W.: L to, cited, 209
  • Daniel, Junius (sketch, 8:369), 405, 438
  • Daniel, Peter V., Jr.: L from, 331
  • Daniels, John, 290
  • Da Ponte, Durant, 412
  • Dargan, Edmund S.: L from, 117; mentioned, 138, 168
  • Darling, Horace M. (ident., 324), 320, 324
  • "Daughter of the Confederacy," 209
  • Davidson, Allen T.: confers with Davis, 199-200
  • Davidson, Hunter, 376
  • Davies, Henry E., 518
  • Davies, John W.: L from, 96
  • Davis, Catherine L.: L from, 283
  • Davis, Charles D.: L from, 312
  • Davis, Eliza Van Benthuysen (sister-in-law) (sketches, 1:272, 2:122), 62
  • Davis, George: appointed attorney general, 140, 384; on Ga. press patronage, 474; opinions on attorney general's duties, 387, 614, cotton exports, 276, T. J. Keithley, 260, 492, officers' appointments, 341-42, 359, 444, officers' rations, 308, pardon before trial, 260, 433, 492, secession and law, 260; E to, 227-28; E by, 142; Ls from, 165, 232, 260, 276, 308, 341-42, 359, 367, 377, 387, 421, 433, 474, 492, 614; mentioned, 201. See also Justice Department
  • Davis, Hugh Landon (grandnephew) (sketch, 3:326), 454
  • Davis, Hugh Robert (nephew) (sketch, 1:275): L to, 491; Ls from, 484, 494; mentioned, 454
  • Davis, James Lucius, 281
  • Davis, Jane Cook (mother) (sketch, 1:22): Davis on, 511

Davis, Jefferson

  • --education: St. Thomas College, 511; USMA, 512, 570
  • --family: concern for, 310, 453, 588; CSA service, 24, 47, 62, 63, 74, 113, 220, 321, 361, 402, 406, 407, 454, 476, 502, 508, 512, 516, 545, 555, 566, 567, 611, 614, 624, 636; daughter's birth, ix, li, 531; described, 511; medical care, 59; nephew's reinterment, 113, 220; niece's wedding, xlix; northern relatives, 226, 559; reports on, 372, 406, 630; son's death, x, 388, 394, 397, 446; U.S. Army and, 274. See also Davis, Joseph Emory; Davis, Joseph Robert; Davis, Varina Howell
  • --Mexican War: associates, 25, 299, 476, 610; Davis described, 637, on, 423, 512; L from, 635
  • --military career (1828-35): associates, 412, 635-36; Davis on, 21, 37-38
  • --opinions: amnesty, 534, 616; appointments & politics, 265-66; army abuses, 399, reforms, 104, 183, 229; Army of Tenn., 21-22, 50, 119-21, 183, (command), 37-38, 40-41, 93, (reinforcements), 339, 492, 503, 513; artillery organization, 442; Atlanta defenses, 492, 503, 586; J. Bannon, 354; Beauregard's strategy, 38, 423, 425-26; Bermuda Hundred, 491; blacks in army, 125-26, 150, 179, 183, 197-98, 324, as deserters, 600; blockade-running, 548; Bragg, vi, ix, 24, 38, 41, 53-54; Breckinridge, 37; brigading by states, 56, 71, 231, 237, 341, 603; Bristoe Station, 86; British policy, 379-80, 445; J. E. Brown, 501, 549; Buckner, 595; Cairo claim, 462, 638; Canada mission, 153-54; causes of war, 533-34; changing commanders, 6-7, 37, 539; chaplains, 356; citizens' claims, 78, 522, morale, 49, 137, 379; C. C. Clay, 630; Commissary Dept., 304; Congress, 540; conscription, 49, 183, 184, 196, 218, 220, 228, 232, 258, 267, 311, 327, 328, 356, 359, 371, 382, 535; courts-martial, 382, 614; R. B. Craddock, 185; criticism, 33, 79, 630; Dahlgren raid, 308; J. W. Davies, 96; C. L. Davis, 283; death sentence, 602, 611, 625; De Bow, 587; department boundaries, 156; deserters, 80, 521, 600, 608-9; disaffection, 21, 24, 158, 161, 196, 218; duration of war, viii, 29, 254, 533; Early, 468; East Tenn. policy, 21; emancipation, 160, 324, 534; F. Emory, 187; finances, 103, 381, 461, 534; Forrest, 602; Fort Gaines, 596, 628; Fort Pillow, 569, 602; Fort Powell, 628; F. F. Freeman, 19, 213; French policy, 379-80, 445; fugitive slaves, 375; generals' discretion, 7, 81, 104, 171, 339, 371, 416, 423, 434, 516, 575, 593, 600, pay, 237; general staff, 42, 236, 304, 382; Gettysburg campaign, 103; S. J. Gholson, 398; D. Green, 187; R. O. Greenhow, 588; E. H. Gregory, 476; habeas corpus, 218, 261, 268, 274, 371, 424, 435; Hardee, 95, 585, 586; H. T. Hays, 566; D. H. Hill, 234, 238, 475; hiring slaves, 324; G. B. Hodge, 387; W. W. Holden, 299; Holmes, 79; home guard, 118, 490, 495, 507; Hood's strategy, 586; W. F. Hopkins, 512; W. B. Howell, 638; T. J. Hudson, 11; E. Hunton, 430; impressment, 151, 311, 327, 372, 374, 494, 496; Indian Territory, 83, 152, 257; inspection reports, 628-29; J. E. Johnston, 119, 339, 421, 426, 458, 482, 513, 514, 528, 529, 539, 543, 570, 573; S. Jones, 239, 584; Ky. funds, 140, 195; Knoxville campaign, 256, 274, 290-92; R. E. Lee, 37, 419, 423, 491, 620, (1861), 636; S. D. Lee's strategy, 514; T. Lewis, 546; Lincoln, 160, 489, 637; Longstreet, 45, 83; La. troops, 463; Lovell, 150; J. P. McMillin, 612; S. F. McQueen, 583; Marmont book, 87; Md., 142, troops, 334; Mason's mission, 133; B. Matthews, 493; H. Maury, 273, 303; Meridian campaign, 571; military courts, 307-8, 354, districts, 622, procedures, 118, 304, 461, 473, 520, 565, 610-11, 616, 628-29; milling contracts, 374; Miss. courts, 612, legislature, 91; Missionary Ridge, 95, 183; Mo. appointments, 248, campaign, 594, 595; Mobile defenses, 587; T. O. Moore, 333; Morgan, 509, 513, 575; Mosby, 264; munitions for Trans- Miss., 9, 568; Myers, 271; navy manpower, 212; nephew's career, 567; New Bern attack, 388; New Orleans recapture, 164; N.C. appointments, 306, contributions, 50-51, 58, 160-61, 202, 227-28, 299, defenses, 326; J. W. O'Ferrell, 213; obedience, 21, 44, 473; "offensive-defensive," 533; officers' abuses, 452, 521-22, 623, allowances, 306, 382, appointments, 165, 173, 196, 212, 217, 342, 389, 461, 492, 520, 603, 614, assignments, 34, 195, 368, 370, 443, 516, 533, 616, 622, retirement, 445-46; A. M. Paxton, 623; peace, 104, 159-61, 165, 200, 380-81, 533-34; Pemberton, 32, 278; personal animosities, 35, 37-38, 592; Point Lookout raid, 510, 515; Polk, 15, 41, 282, 569-71; presidential powers, 173, 300, 454, 547, 592; J. S. Preston, 196; W. Preston, 37; E. Price, 255; S. Price, 81; prisoner exchanges, 380, 520, 624, treatment, 281, 380; propaganda, 354; publication of Ls, 200, 213, 239-40; publicity, 239, 262, 435; quartermaster general, 206; railroads, 239, 355, 618-19; rations, 151; recognition, 29, 31, 380; recruiting, 195, 197, 463, 565; Resaca evacuation, 570; reserves, 375, 382, 442, 458, 462, 473, 474, 530, 587; retaliation, 86, 511; river defenses, 80; Roddey, 546; J. S. Scott, 195; scouting reports, 80; secession, 379; secret service, 387; slavery, 534; E. K. Smith, 327, 328, 371, 464, 554, 593; J. P. Smith, 623; speculators, 30, 33, 44, 45, 50, 103; spies, 439; state rights, v, viii, 534, 549; state troops, 67, 101, 588, 609; R. Taylor, 328; T. H. Taylor, 481, 592; Z. Taylor, 512, 635; telegraph safety, 306; Tenn. troops, 204, 592; Texas troops, 157, 176, 232, 238; tobacco trade, 134; torpedoes, 616; trade regulations (Mar. 5), 299-301, 548-49; Trenholm, 540; troops serving at home, 204; N. B. Tucker, 340; T. M. Tucker, 565; U.S. atrocities, 50, 104, 308, 379-80, 601, deserters, 564, 600, strategy, 36, 238, 292, 425, 458, 459, 479, 514, 533, 586, 602, 619-20; Vance, 161, 549; Vaughn, 107-8; Vicksburg surrender, 32, 46, 278, 450; VMI commissions, 84, 566; J. F. Waring, 231; Watts, 244; Whiting, 49, 140; Wilmington defenses, 615, 619; Wilmot Proviso, 635; women's contributions, 9, 19, 30, 45, 142, 636; J. T. Wood, 512
  • --personal: attends funerals, l, 401, 404, party, l, weddings, xlix, li; book dedicated to, 60, 87, 445; books and papers, 96, 218; cigars, 25; described, viii, ix, xi, 14, 30, 35, 48, 199, 201, 251, 252, 339, 365, 423, 444, 459, 513, 532, 533-34, 569-71, 573, 574, 589-90, 599, 610, (self), 51, 79, 266, 511-12, (sense of humor), 70, 244, 423-24, (son's death), x, 395-96, (speaking style), 20, 30, 48, (temper), 30, 199, 506, 534, 571, 589; finances, 220, 274, 275, 305, 483; fire at home, l; friendships (prewar), 213, 227, 512, 590; gifts for, 9, 35, 48, 111, 113, 138, 141, 142, 166, 270, 283, 310, 325, 357, 389, 445, 449, 457, 508; health, 20, 326, 365, 534, (1826), 512; historical allusions, 46, 160; horses, 70, 321, 357, 459, 511-12, (Arabian), 325-26, 512, (sells), 275; kissing story, 68-69; literary allusion, 50; passport, 472; praised, 66, 72, 91, 98, 481; reading tastes, 46, 508; recommendations (army and navy), 34, 91, 106, 173, 187, 195, 206, 246, 333, 491, 532, 635, (civilian), 42, 102, 218, 531, 596; religion, 48, 230, 279, 355, 365, 402, 415, 419, 437-38, 587; reminisces, 37-38, 423-24, 511-12; social life, 319
  • --planter: finances, 47, 51, 205; Hinds County land, 64, 96, 320. See also Brierfield; Davis, Jefferson--servants and slaves
  • --politics (prewar): Charleston visit, 46; colleagues, 164, 305, 366, 541, 583, 635; coming of war, 533; described, 637; recommendation, 635; repudiation, 141, 231
  • --postwar career: finances, 318; Lincoln plot, 538; prison, 148, 396, 412, 487, 562
  • --president: aides, 14, 29, 450-51, 458, 549, 567, 571, 575, (appointed), 478, (as inspectors), 7, 45, 92, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107, 120, 136, 203, 221, 233, 270, 275, 287, (reply for), 24, 43, 47, 66, 87, 117, 129, 157-58, 172, 197, 204, 205, 208, 214, 217, 231, 244, 258, 260, 264, 273, 309, 334, 355, 483, 536, 541, 565, 588, 589, 591, 596, 599, 602; appointment policy, 165, 240, (praised), 25, 525; appointments (aide), 478, (cabinet), 140, 384, 502, 510, 522, 540, (diplomatic), 158, 185, 369, (generals), 5, 30, 71, 98, 198, 237, 239, 252, 261, 278, 306, 362, 396, 474, 493, 565, 568, 583, 584, 588, 596, 597, 599, 610, (military), 110, 203, 334, 453, 472, 559, 565; authorizes amnesty, 117, discharge, 111, funds, 10, 67, 117, 118, 155, 165, 166, 218, 225, 247, 256, 258, 272, 273, 289, 303, 308, 334, 341, 367, 368, 374, 388, 397, 438, 474, 496, 567, 568, 583, 585, 602, 616, 633, furloughs, 455, 489, new units, 110, 113; cabinet meetings, 16, 97; clemency and pardons, 9, 30, 43, 59, 98, 114, 156, 165, 183, 259, 278, 290, 319, 432, 435, 478, 482, 492, 542, 545, 602, 611, 633; confers with E. P. Alexander, 293-94, R. H. Anderson, liii, Army of Tenn. generals, 93, C. V. Baxley, 142, Beauregard, xlix, lii, 418, A. G. Blanchard, xlix, T. Bocock, l, M. L. Bonham, xlix, Bragg, 38, 93, Breckinridge, 19, E. M. Bruce, 516, G. M. Bryan, 450-51, M. Chadwick, 501, H. C. Chambers, lii, W. M. Cocke, 541, T. N. Conrad, li, S. Cooper, li, R. Davis, 108, W. T. Dortch, 158, J. Duncan, 624, B. S. Ewell, 339-40, R. S. Ewell, 456, Forrest, 36, S. G. French, 35, C. M. Furman, 278, W. D. Gale, 569-71, A. Y. P. Garnett, lii, L. J. Gartrell, li, Ga. delegation, l, J. F. Gilmer, xlix, Gilmore and Jaquess, 533-34, Gorgas, lii, liii, 423-24, G. S. Grenfell, li, T. B. Hanly, li, Hardee, 35, 587, I. G. Harris, 48, L. W. Hastings, 112, L. C. Haynes, xlvii, G. A. Henry, xlvii, B. H. Hill, 513, 514, D. H. Hill, 72, W. R. Hill, 234, 237-38, F. W. M. Holliday, 341, Holmes, 288, E. M. Hudson, li, R. F. Hunt, 205, R. M. T. Hunter, l, A. Iverson, 97, R. W. Johnson, xlix, l, li, 226, Johnston, 35, journalists (1862), 637, Lee, xlix, li, lii, liii, 85, 104, 119, 149, 151, 244, 290, 431, 447, (1862), 637, J. H. Lewis, l, S. R. Liddell, xlvii, Longstreet, xlii, li, 38, 40-41, 149, 290, Mallory, 569, Memminger, lii, C. B. Mitchel, xlix, J. M. Morehead, 19, 99, Morgan, l, N.C. congressmen, 199-200, J. L. Orr, l, Pendleton, 365, Pettus, xlvii, Pillow, 4, Polk, 14, 23, 36, 41, W. D. Porter, li, Ransom, 458, Reagan, liii, ------ Ross, lii, L. Sanders, 561, Seddon, li, liii, E. K. Smith (1862), 637, Sparrow, 112, 231, Stephens, 48, A. P. Stewart, 529, J. Thompson, 564, Trenholm, 540, Vance, 277, Vaughn, 32, G. G. Vest, 255, Watts, 35, Wise, xlix; court-martial policy, 445-46; criticized, 23- 24, 56, 72, 177, 202, 203, 274, 303, 323, 340, 427, 438, 493, 512, 515, (finances), 113, 154-55, (habeas corpus), 201, 227, 332, (Johnston's appointment), 119, 122, 129, (N.C. appointments), 53, 227-28, 265-66, 277, (strategy), ix, 39, 499, 504, 506, 515, 529, 627; fiscal policies, 381; flight from Richmond, 362, 396; interviews with journalists, 23, 25, 533-34; maps for, 91, 108; messages to Congress, 103-4, 131-32, 378-82; messengers, 185, 441; military adviser, 252; plots against, 244, 352, 587; praised, 132, 135, 136, 143, 167, 230, 271, 289, 353, 438, 449, 478, 624; prerogatives, 137, 249, 300, 454, 547, 592, 622; receptions, l; reprimands T. P. August, 616, Beauregard, 106, 139, D. H. Hill, 73, Johnston, 235, Longstreet, 291, 422, Lynch, 277, Northrop, 589, Seddon, 456, E. K. Smith, 593, Stuart, 217, Vance, 265, Whiting, 277; salary, 305, 612; schedule, 109, 112, 151, 265, 365, 533, 569; secret service funds, 155, 166, 367, 374, 616, 633; speaks at Atlanta, 19, Brandon, 31-32, Charleston, 46, Chickamauga, 20, Dalton, 25, Demopolis, 29, Enterprise, 30, 35, Fort Caswell, xlix, Goldsboro, 54, 58, Grahamville, 48, Griffin, 48, Jackson, 31, 36, Macon, 43, 48, Marietta, 19-20, Missionary Ridge, 20-22, 24, Mobile, 33, Orange Court House, 85, Pocotaligo, 48, Richmond, 281, Savannah, 44-45, Selma, 29, 35, 60, Weldon, 14, Wilmington, 48-51, Wilson, 15; staff, 441, 451; support for, 70, 165, 167, 204, 303, 622, 637; vetoes, 139-40, 229, 439, 450, 454, 460-61. See also Confederate States; Davis, Jefferson--opinions
  • --relations with: W. Aiken, 30, 48; H. W. Allen, 331; C. L. Anderson, 406; Beauregard, vi, 53, 427; Benjamin, 16; black laborers, 48; Bragg, 7, 67, 91, 206, 475, 509, 541; Broadwell, 318; J. E. Brown, 171, 274, 501, 506; Browne, 567; J. R. Chalmers, 31, 128; C. C. Clay, 394, 396, 630; V. T. Clay, 48; A. M. Clayton, 612; Cobb, 57, 221; W. M. Cocke, 541; Congress, vii, ix, 151, 181, 265; S. Cooper, 42, 238; G. Davis, 227; J. E. Davis, 247, 320, 325, 360, 372, 407; V. Davis, 402; J. C. Dobbin, 91; W. T. Dortch, 162; Echols, 209; W. C. Falkner, 637; B. S. Gaither, 202; A. Y. P. Garnett, 59, 60, 65, 69, 90; J. B. Gordon, 209; Greeley, 562; Hampton, 287; Hardee, 42, 585, 587, 592; T. A. Harris, 251; Hawes, 539; Helm family, 412; P. Henry, 32, 36; M. B. Hewson, 260; D. H. Hill, 72, 73; G. M. Hillyer, 148; H. Hinds, 23; G. B. Hodge, 454; O. S. Holland, 305; Holmes, 82; Hood, xi, 583; M. K. Howell, 638; H. V. Johnson, 109, 547; A. S. Johnston, 5, 166; J. E. Johnston, 83, 106, 108, 115, 119, 121, 129, 149, 197, 280, 498, 504, 515, 552, 573, 610; W. P. Johnston, 5, 511; G. W. C. Lee, 209; R. B. Lee, 110; R. E. Lee, 78, 209, 304, 403, 426, 443, 466, 485, 516, 575; Longstreet, 41; J. P. McMillin, 612; Mahone, 579; T. A. Marshall, 437; Memminger, 444, 477; H. W. Mercer, 366; O. Metcalfe, 102; Milton, 397; Northrop, 110, 589, 590; Oldham, 460; A. H. Pegues, 85; Pemberton, 422; Pendleton, 365; Pettus, 100, 101; Pillow, 4; Polk, 15, 32, 40, 72, 73, 184, 478, 508, 570; Posey family, 109; T. B. Reed, 48; T. C. Reynolds, 107; Sanders family, 562, 624; Seddon, 97; M. K. Semmes, 395, 531; E. K. Smith, 464; G. W. Smith, 358; Stephens, 272; A. D. Steuart family, 635-36; Stuart, 404; J. C. Tappan, 68; Z. Taylor, 512; J. Thompson, 154; T. S. Twiss, 512; J. Tyler, Jr., 532; Vance, 201, 267, 277, 306; G. G. Vest, 251; Watts, 90, 311, 499; Wigfall, 637; Wise, 69, 71, 90; J. T. Wood, 220, 423; R. Y. Wood, 63; Yancey, 112. See also Davis, Jefferson--opinions
  • --secretary of war: camel experiment, 325; furlough request, 635-36, patronage, 512
  • --servants and slaves: J. Ab(b)erson, 64; Aleck, 324; Bets(e)y, l; at Brierfield, 32, 42, 45, 47, 61, 64, 96; Caroline, 324; Charles/y, 61; S. Charlton, 61; clothing for, 205; Cornelius, l; J. Dennison, l; Henry, l, 60; in Hinds County, 24; hired out, 42, 45, 320, 324; Isaac, 324; Jack A., 61; killed or captured, 32, 45, 61; runaways, l; C. Ward, 61
  • Davis, Jefferson, Jr. (son) (sketch, 6:110), 62, 395, 401
  • Davis, Joseph Emory (brother) (sketch, 1:19): Davis and, 35, 247, 320, 324-25, 360, 372, 407; finances, 318, 319, 407; health, 321, 325, 358, 372; on F. C. Armstrong, 360, army abuses, 62, 96-97, C. Clark, 407, Davis Bend, 45-46, 61-62, 360-61, Forrest, 320, 360, 407, W. H. Jackson, 360, Jemison family, 319-20, 360, S. D. Lee, 360, Miss. politics, 407, Red River campaign, 361, J. Wharton, 360, T. J. Wharton, 407; recommendations by, 30, 166, 321; relations with daughter, 363; slaves, 24, 42, 45-46, 61-62, 96-97, 319-20, 324-25, 372; Ls from, 30, 45- 46, 47, 61-62, 96-97, 165-66, 319-21, 360-61, 407, cited, 324; mentioned, 226, 356. See alsoHurricane plantation
  • Davis, Joseph Evan (son) (sketch, 6:250): Davis on, 396; death, x, 393-94, 397, 446
  • Davis, Joseph Robert (nephew) (sketch, 6:265): assignment, 502; Davis and, 476, 502; operations, 402, 407, 476, 614; property of, 275; staff, 476, 502; Ls from, 476, 502, 516, 614; mentioned, 62
  • Davis, Lazerus H.: L from, 206-7
  • Davis, Mary H. (ident., 9:292), 285
  • Davis, Reuben (sketch, 3:194): Davis and, 108; E by, 637; Ls from, 108, 284-85, cited, 287
  • Davis, Samuel Emory (father) (sketch, 1:8): Davis on, 45, 511-12
  • Davis, Sarah Taylor (wife) (sketch, 1:347), 489, 512
  • Davis, Susan Gartley (sister-in-law) (sketch, 8:555), 274
  • Davis, Varina Anne (daughter): nicknamed, 209; mentioned, ix, li, 402, 531
  • Davis, Varina Howell (wife) (sketch, 2:53): at Brierfield (prewar), 531; J. E. Davis on, 321; friends, 9, 172, 184, 247, 395-96; gifts for, 113, 437; health, ix, 531, (1854), 635; Magruder and, 411; on V. T. Clay, 48, Davis, xi, 401, former slaves, 64, Hardee, 95, B. T. Johnson, 487; replies for Davis, 402; social life, xlix, l, li; son's death, 395-96, 397; Wise and, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68; Ls to, 19, 401, cited, 396; Ls from, cited, 64, 325; mentioned, 3, 57, 67, 79, 108, 136, 138, 181, 205, 225, 231, 246, 275, 285, 289, 336, 365, 372, 394, 406, 407, 476, 478, 502, 603, 614, 622, 624, 637
  • Davis Bend. See Brierfield; Hurricane plantation
  • Dayton, William L. (sketch, 4:118), 116, 143, 287
  • Deal, Sylvanus, 98
  • De Bow, James D. B. (sketch, 8:218): L from, 587-88
  • De Bow's Review, 323
  • Deep Bottom, Va., bridge, 480
  • de Give, Laurent, 531
  • DeHaven, David, 30
  • De Leon, Edwin (sketch, 6:27): Davis and, 141, 325; L from, 3; mentioned, 132, 143, 247
  • De Leon, Ellen N. (ident., 6:272), 3
  • De Leon, Thomas C. (sketch, 8:189): Ls from, 141, 247
  • Deloney, Edward: L from, 400
  • Democratic party: convention, 536; CSA and, 609, 631; election, 152, 254; peace efforts, 163
  • Demopolis, Ala.: Davis at, 29, 35
  • Denegre, Joseph, 576
  • Denis, Jules C., 141, 203, 387
  • Dennison, Jim (slave), l
  • Dent, John C., 354, 595, 596
  • Department of East and West Florida commander, 257
  • Department of Mississippi: Davis on, 32, 156
  • Department of Tennessee, 156
  • De Saussure, Wilmot D. (ident., 582), 583
  • De Soto Point, La., 443
  • Devine, Thomas J., 284
  • De Witt, M. B.: L from, 229-30
  • Dewson, George, 332
  • Diamond Place plantation (described, 2:56), 361
  • Dick, Robert P., 269, 306
  • Dickinson, Daniel S. (sketch, 4:54), 254
  • Dickson, Christopher R. (sketch, 7:54), 484, 501
  • Dill, Benjamin F. (sketch, 2:302): L from, 101
  • Dillon, Edward, 454
  • disaffection: Ala., 66, 129, 165, 168, 276, 279, 281, 361, 366, 522; Ark., 194, 262; Davis on, 21, 24, 51, 158, 161, 196, 218, 226; East Tenn., 39, 217; Fla., 10; Ga., 78, 303, 454; La., 453; Miss., 10, 23-24, 66, 128, 279, 281, 287, 303, 308, 310, 377, 453; N.C., 30, 87, 99, 139, 199, 217, 227, 277, 278, 356, 357, 493, 516, 611, 622, (Davis), 158-61, 196, 266-68; Richmond, 118; S.C., 482; Texas, 410, 600; Trans-Miss., 86, 189, 211-12, 464; U.S., 609; West Tenn., 345. See also reconstruction (reunion)
  • Dixon, George: L from, 312
  • Dobbin, James C. (sketch, 2:570): Davis and, 91
  • Dobbin, James C., Jr.: L from, 91
  • Dobbins, D. B.: L from, 117
  • Dockery, Thomas P., 444
  • Doles, George P., 409
  • Donnell, Richard S.: Davis on, 163
  • Dorsey, Sarah E., 329
  • Dortch, John B., 282
  • Dortch, William T. (sketch, 162): Davis and, 158, 162
  • Dotson, Josephus, 173
  • Dougherty, W. H., 305
  • Douglas, Hugh T., 578
  • Downer, William S., 118
  • Draper, Alonzo G., 488
  • Drayton, Thomas F. (sketch, 1:70), 226
  • Drew County, Ark., conditions, 262
  • Drewry's Bluff, Va.: bridges, 470, 471; Davis at, 401, 428; defenses, 404, 415, 418, 419, 423, 441, (Davis), 401, 406, 420, 425, 457
  • Droop Mountain, Va., skirmish, 58
  • Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard, 287
  • Dublin, Va., skirmish, 415
  • Duckworth, William L., 345
  • Dumbarton (steamer), 396
  • Duncan, D. G.: L from, 436
  • Duncan, John: Davis and, 624; Ls from, 398, 624-25
  • Dunkers, 400
  • Dunn, Ambrose C., 98
  • Dunovant, John (sketch, 8:325), 583, 610
  • Dutch Gap, Va., canal, 609, 610
  • Duxbury, William C. (ident., 182), 180


  • Early, Jubal A. (sketch, 9:209): Davis on, 468; Lee on, 207; Monocacy, 517; on CSA abuses, 209, Moorefield defeat, 557, Washington raid, 468, 486; operations, 241, 451, 466, 493, 530, 575, 585, 622, (western Va.), 150, 187, 243, 463, 477, 484, 599; Point Lookout, 486, 496, 502; promoted, 442, 443, 468; recommendation by, 5; requested, 546, 599; Washington raid, 508, 599, 628, (Lee), 463, 468, 484-85, 497, 502, 507, 512, 515, 555-56; L to, cited, 579; mentioned, 168
  • Early, O. R., 271
  • Eastburn, J. K., 507
  • East Point, Ga., defenses, 597
  • Eastport, Miss., 46, 47
  • East Tennessee: commanders, 31, 47, 56, 318, 351, (Davis), 35, 39; conditions, 33, 114, 318, 338, 398-99, 436, 588; conscription, 282, 356; Davis on, 21, 276; disaffection, 39, 217; map, 91; operations, 4, 5, 32-33, 42, 76, 85, 101, 105, 107-8, 112, 135, 138, 145, 198, 212, 240, 349, 568, (Davis), 36-37, 92, 103, 256, 257, 260, 262, 264, 274, (Longstreet), 248, 256-57, 260, 261, 262, 263, 280, 309; railroads, 38, 60, 107, 108, 212, 262, 546, 586; resources, 5, 60, 75, 107, 175, 198, 203, 212, 260, 261, 262, 264, 338, 546; U.S. and, 22, 29-30, 588, operations, 5, 43, 75, 85, 107-8, 135, 141, 240, 256-57, 262, 264, 296, 307, 349, 366, 368, 546, 568, (Davis), 36-37, 45; Ls from citizens, 436, 588
  • East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad, 262
  • Echols, John: assignment, 444, 451, (Davis), 617; Davis and, 209; health, 451; requested, 415
  • Edinburgh, Scotland: CSA support in, 420
  • Edisto River bridge, 225
  • Eiland, Absalom: L from, 74
  • Eiland, J. H. J.: L from, 74
  • Ellet, Alfred W., 552
  • Elliott, Stephen, Jr. (sketch, 579): Davis on, 46; Petersburg, 576, 583; L to, 508; mentioned, 43, 54
  • Ellis, Thomas H.: L from, 446
  • Elmore, Edward C.: criticized, 5; L to, 9
  • Elmore, Franklin H., 635
  • Elzey, Arnold (sketch, 7:265), 284, 449, 463
  • emancipation: criticized, 166; Davis on, 160, 324
  • Emory, Frederick: Davis on, 187
  • Emory, William H. (sketch, 2:662), 557
  • Enfield rifles, 410
  • Engineers, Bureau/Corps of: bridges, 304, 406; estimates, 211; at Howlett's (Davis), 477; iron contract, 60; manpower, 373; maps, 91, 108, (Davis), 406; railroad repair (Davis), 475; slave claims, 211. See also Gilmer, Jeremy F.
  • England. See Great Britain
  • Enterprise, Miss.: Davis at, 30, 35, 303; L from citizens, 25
  • Erlanger, Frederic Emile (sketch, 9:332), 143
  • Erlanger, Mathilde S., 143
  • Erlanger loan, 110, 117, 143, 169
  • Estill, Henry C., 278
  • Etowah (Ga.) Iron Works, 573
  • Europe: antislavery sentiment, 369; CSA agents, 303, 354, 369, 538, 562, 563, 636; cotton trade, 47, 66, 85, 97, 100, 101, 110, 134, 166, 221, 239, 278, 288, 302, 316, 371, 375, 398, 412, 501, 515, (Davis), 625; recognition of CSA, 33, 490, 503, (Davis), 29; support for CSA, 354, 420; U.S. recruiting in, 116, 185, 186, 356. See also France; Great Britain
  • Evans, John W. (sketch, 581), 577
  • Evans, Nathan G. (sketch, 7:428), 582
  • Evans & Cogswell, 150
  • Ewell, Benjamin S.: confers with Davis, 339-40; Johnston and, 504; on Johnston's strategy, 353; E by, 214
  • Ewell, Elizabeth (Lizinka) C.: on Davis and R. S. Ewell, 456
  • Ewell, Richard S. (sketch, 7:339): assignment, 442, 468, 471, 477; Bristoe Station, 26; Davis and, 456; health, 106, 208, 456, 468, 471, 477, 558; Lee and, 208, on, 207; Richmond defenses, 556; Spotsylvania, 404; Wilderness, 392
  • Ewing, Andrew: L from, 93
  • Ewing, Edwin H. (1835-73) (sketch, 181), 180
  • Ewing, Francis M., 312, 461
  • Express (Am. ship), 219
  • Ezra Church, Ga., Battle of, 586


  • Fagan, James F. (sketch, 8:365), 130, 137, 462
  • Falkner, Jefferson: L from, 279
  • Falkner, William C.: recommended, 637; L from, 637
  • Farish, Robert Davis (grandnephew), 406
  • Farragut, David G. (sketch, 8:582), 165, 386, 598
  • Faulkner, Charles J. (sketch, 5:98): L from, 622
  • Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer, 220
  • Fearn, John Walker (sketch, 7:453), 132, 158, 165
  • Featherston, Winfield Scott (sketch, 3:275), 444
  • Ferguson, Samuel W. (sketch, 361), 333, 338, 360
  • Fessenden, William P. (sketch, 6:196), 497
  • Ficklin, Benjamin F., 636
  • Field, Charles W.: assignment, 585; operations, 474, 613; Petersburg, 470; L to, 611
  • Fielder, Herbert: L from, 83
  • Finegan, Joseph (sketch, 448): Cold Harbor, 446; Ocean Pond, 257, 259; mentioned, 10, 430
  • Finley, Jesse J.: Davis on, 111; recommended, 10; L to, 111
  • Finney, William W., 636
  • Fitzpatrick, Alexander: L from, 113-14
  • Fitzpatrick, Richard, 479
  • Flagg, Allard B.: L from, 331-32
  • Flanagin, Harris (sketch, 9:278): L from, 604-6
  • Fleetwood plantation, 364
  • Fleming, John G., 88
  • Florence, Ala., conditions, 366
  • Florida: commander, 10, 57, 565, (Davis), 230, 257, 259, 262, 597; conditions, 88; conscription, 10, 220, 399; defenses, 245, 565, 575; disaffection, 10; operations, 258, 372, 450; railroads, 243; resources, 10, 149, 214, 280, 575; U.S. operations, 163, 243
  • Florida, CSS, 376
  • Florida troops: 1st Battalion, 44; Perry's Brigade, 10; Davis addresses, 44, on, 637; organization, 637; reserves, 565, 597, (Davis), 417, 442
  • Florie (CSA steamer), 515
  • Floyd, John B. (sketch, 6:166): L from, 636
  • Foard, William T.: L from, 544-45
  • Folsom, Israel: L to, 257
  • Foote, Henry S. (sketch, 2:83): criticized, 181, 320, 383; Johnston and, 119; on Davis, 183, 323, habeas corpus, 323, Hindman, 183, Memphis trade, 126; mentioned, 201, 414
  • Ford, Grace P.: L from, 596
  • Ford, John S. ("Rip"), 192
  • Ford, Robert, l
  • Ford, Rufus K.: Ls from, 245, 483, 530, 628
  • Forrest, Jeffrey E., 223, 224
  • Forrest, Nathan Bedford (sketch, 8:512): assignments, 88, 102, 223, 344, 370, 414, 463, 465, 491, 499, 597, 632, (Davis), 35, 41, 98, 109, 156, 259, 492; Bragg and, 23, 41, 43, 105, 348, 500; Brice's Crossroads, 470; Chickamauga, 12-13; Davis and, xlviii, 36, 436-37, 457, 499, 515; Fort Pillow, 343-44, (Davis), 569, 602; S. D. Lee and, 223, 244; Miss. operations, 224, 238, 244, 260, 372, 492, 498-99, 513, 610; on black troops, 346, Fort Pillow, 343-44, recruiting, 105, 221-22, 342-43, 592, Richardson's Brigade, 347, 365, Union City and Paducah, 343, 436- 37, U.S. operations, 222, 342-44; praised, 320, 360, 407, 498-99; promoted, 98, 99, 102, 109; recruiting, 105, 113, 196, 198, 207, 333, 365; requested, 490, 499, 501, 515; troop strength, 343, 345, 513, 584; West Tenn. operations, 233, 284, 342-44; Wheeler and, 499; Ls to, 41, 457; Ls from, 105, 221-22, 342-44, 436-37, 592; mentioned, 4, 147, 272, 354, 358, 467, 490, 494, 506, 519
  • Forsyth, John (sketch, 7:78), 543
  • Fort Anderson, 346
  • Fort Bartow: Davis at, xlix
  • Fort Caswell: Davis at, xlix
  • Fort DeRussy, 285
  • Fort Donelson, 4, 274
  • Fort Fisher, 512
  • Fort Gaines: Davis on, 596, 628; defenses, 270; prisoners, 598; reports on, 589, 592, 595, 610
  • Fort Jackson: Davis at, xlix; mentioned, 434
  • Fort Lamar: Davis at, 70
  • Fort Monroe, 530
  • Fort Morgan: commander, 272, (Davis), 273; defenses, 270; prisoners, 598; reports on, 588, 589, 592, 625
  • Fort Moultrie: Davis at, 70
  • Fort Pickering, 342
  • Fort Pike, 434
  • Fort Pillow: black defenders, 346, 358, 375; Davis on, 569, 575, 602; casualties, 343; evacuated, 222; Forrest on, 343-44; retaliation for, 581; mentioned, 373
  • Fort Powell: attacked, 270, 272, 386; reports on, 589, 592; surrendered, 598, (Davis), 628
  • Fort Powhatan, 434
  • Fort St. Philip, 434
  • Fort Sanders, 76
  • Fort Sumter: conditions, 54; Davis on, 46, 50; defenses, 225
  • Fort Williams, 386
  • Foster, John G. (sketch, 9:84), 100, 520, 575
  • Fowle, William H., 110, 369
  • Fox, Gustavus V. (sketch, 7:100), 624
  • France: CSA and, 3, 5, 82, 134-35, 143, 186, 285, 335, 410, 588, (Davis), 221, 379-80, 444-45; CSA shipbuilding, 169, 246; Great Britain and, 5, 172, 445; Mexico and, 33, 143, 191, 287, 336, (Davis), 103; public opinion, 131, 143, 336; tobacco trade, 131; U.S. and, 116, 172, 335. See also Napoleon III
  • Franklin, Benjamin, 3
  • Franklin, Cyrus: L from, 57
  • Franz, Joseph, 337
  • Fraser, John, & Co.: Davis and, 325
  • Fraser, Trenholm & Co.: CSA and, 282, 396, 585; secret service funds, 155
  • Frazer, John W., 39
  • Frazer, Martha M.: L from, 226; mentioned, 372
  • Fredericksburg, CSS, 430
  • Fredericksburg, Va., 389
  • free blacks. See blacks
  • Freedmen's Bureau (Davis Bend), 65, 364
  • Freeman, F. F.: Davis on, 19, 213; Ls from, 213, 303
  • Freeman, John D. (sketch, 2:712): L from, 312
  • French, S. Bassett: L from, 46
  • French, Samuel G. (sketch, 7:424): aides, 408; assignment, 414, (Davis), 618; confers with Davis, 35; on Cassville conference, 572; Va. operations (1862), 404; mentioned, 372
  • Friends, Society of, 281, 289
  • Frost, Daniel M., 226
  • fugitive slaves. See slaves
  • Fulgham, Eliza: L from, 65
  • Fulghum, William H.: L from, 466
  • Fullarton, Allan (ident., 17), 15, 17
  • Fuller, Hiram, 302
  • Funsten, David: L from, 212
  • Furman, Charles M.: Davis and, 278; S.C. claim, 278, 283, 287, 414; L from, 278


  • Gaines, CSS, 588
  • Gaither, Burgess S. (sketch, 202): confers with Davis, 199-200; on Davis, 202
  • Gale, Katherine P., 571
  • Gale, William D. (sketch, 571): recommended, 559; Davis meets with, 569-71; L from, 583
  • Galloway, Matthew C., 105, 365
  • Galveston, Texas, 188, 460, 600
  • Gamble, J. G.: Davis on, 491
  • Gardner, Franklin: assignments (Davis), 230, 584, 592; criticized, 309, 521; praised, 625; recommended, 32, 399
  • Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 231
  • Garland, Augustus H.: Ls from, 137, 262; mentioned, 190, 608
  • Garner, Joseph T., 83
  • Garnett, Alexander Y. P. (sketch, 8:244): Davises and, lii, 59, 60, 65, 68-69, 89-90; Ls to, 58, 59-60; Ls from, 59, 65
  • Garrett, John W., 518
  • Garrett, Thomas M., 306
  • Gartor, Charly (slave), 61
  • Gartrell, Lucius J.: Davis and, li, 230; L from, 245-46
  • Gary, Martin W., 263, 476
  • Gaston, Francesco G.: L from, 219
  • Gatewood, John: E by, 109
  • Gatlin, Richard C. (sketch, 1:352), 277
  • Georgetown, S.C., defenses, 331-32
  • Georgia: conscription, 31, 184, 203, 221, 228, 230, 234, 264, 288, 303, 307, 310, 483, 506, 540, 568, 602, 615, 626, (Davis), 275, 503, 535, 575, 603; cotton trade, 97, 101, 402, 493, 550; Davis confers with congressmen, l, visits, 14, 19-22, 24, 25, 35-38, 41, 42, 43, 44-45, 48, 56-57; disaffection, 78, 303, 454; impressment, 78, 83, 87, 531; operations, 3, 9, 12-13, 26, 92, 94, 97, 99, 106-7, 108, 109, 174-75, 214, 215-16, 259, 261, 263, 275, 297, 353, 368, 403, 419, 420, 433, 434, 437, 440, 449, 454, 490, 491-92, 499-500, 501, 508-9, 516, 517, 519-20, 522-25, 532, 539, 542, 576, 583, 588, 597, 615, 632, (Davis), 171, 281, 383, 417, 426, 458, 503, 513, 514, 531, 570-71, 586, 619; opposition to Davis, 202, 455, 493, 525, 547; press patronage, 455, 474; railroads, 4, 107, 108, 166, 170, 171, 262, 283, 289, 294, 522, 526, 586, 592, 598, 618, 620, 621; resources, 214, 226, 230, 289, 356; support for CSA, 116, 184, 197, 221, 264, 289, 615, (Davis), 19, 44; Ls from Baptist laymen, 632, congressmen, 637
  • Georgia, CSS, 169, 376
  • Georgia Central Railroad, 618
  • Georgia Military Institute, 288
  • Georgia Railroad, 294, 592
  • Georgia troops: 12th Artillery, 263; 12th Artillery Battalion, 430; 22d Heavy Artillery, 44; 5th Cavalry, 240; 7th Cavalry, 492; Chatham Artillery, 70; Doles's Brigade, 409; Ga. State Guard, 57, 168, 184; 1st Infantry, 10; 18th Infantry Battalion, 430; 57th Infantry, 434; 63d Infantry, 44, 366; 64th Infantry, 10; Phillips' Legion, 603; 9th Regiment, State Troops, 66-67; CSA and, 289, 491-92, 506, 627; Davis addresses, 44, on, 19, 20, 43, 44, 45, 263, 450; militia/home guard, 307, 422, 450, 483, 490, 529, 532, 540, 588, (Davis), 540, 609; munitions for, 512, (Davis), 513; officers' election, 122, 156; organization, 168; recruiting, 246; reserves, 247, 275, 450, 474, 492, 615, (Davis), 454, 540, 567; state troops, 450, 505, 506, 529, (Davis), 156, 588; strength, 19, 94, 491-92, 506, 512, 609, 627; supplies for, 402, 550
  • Gettysburg, Pa., Battle of: Davis on, 103; Seddon on, 88
  • Gholson, Samuel J. (sketch, 2:203): assignment (Davis), 393, 398; criticized, 398; Miss. operations, 224, 551; wounded, 553
  • Gibson, Randall L.: Davis on, 111; L from, 9; mentioned, 506
  • Gilliat, John K., & Co., 585
  • Gillmore, Quincy A. (sketch, 242): Fla. operations, 241, 349; Va. operations, 391, 401, 406, 428, 459
  • Gilmer, Jeremy F. (sketch, 8:341): Davis and, xlix; health, 522; Mobile, 275, 587; recommended, 99, 514; L from, 30; mentioned, 48, 205, 492. See also Engineers, Bureau/Corps of
  • Gilmor, Harry W., 8
  • Gilmore, James R.: confers with Davis, 533-34; Richmond mission, 497, 559
  • Girard, Charles F., 3
  • Girardey, Victor J. B. (sketch, 581), 577, 580, 583
  • Gist, States Rights (sketch, 7:232), 259
  • Gladiator (blockade-runner), 396, 412
  • Gladstone, William, 337
  • Glenn, David C. (sketch, 2:301): Ls from, 204-5, 308
  • Glisson, Homer C., 303
  • Globe Tavern, Va., Battle of, 617, 621
  • Goldsboro, N.C.: Davis at, 54, 58
  • Gonzales, Ambrosio J. (sketch, 5:54): L from, 225
  • Goodlett, Spartan D., 582
  • Goodman, Walter (sketch, 7:28): L from, 10-11
  • Goodwyn, Thomas J.: L from, 43
  • Gordon, Ga.: Davis visits, 48
  • Gordon, James B., 341
  • Gordon, John Brown (sketch, 209): assignment, 237; Davises and, 209; Lee on, 207, 318; promoted, 405, 417; Spotsylvania, 405; Wilderness, 392
  • Gordon, William F., 97
  • Gorgas, Josiah (sketch, 7:228): arms for Lee, 433; Atlanta defenses, 512; criticized, 410; Davises and, lii, liii, 402, 423-24, 447; on navy, 621, officers' assignments, 261, supply contracts, 85, Trans-Miss. ordnance, 66, 608; L from, 66; mentioned, 341, 510. See alsoOrdnance Bureau
  • Goss, I. H.: L from, 576
  • Govan, Daniel C., 178
  • Govan, Eaton P.: L from, 310
  • Gracie, Archibald (sketch, 429): assignments, 371, 430, (Davis), 425; operations (Davis), 393; L from, 9
  • Grady, Henry W., 209
  • Graham, William A. (sketch, 201): on Davis, 201; mentioned, 199, 549
  • Grahamville, S.C.: Davis speaks at, 48
  • Granbury, Hiram B., 176, 178, 228, 271
  • Grand Gulf, Miss., skirmishes, 551, 553
  • Granite City, CSS, 411
  • Granite City, USS, 411
  • Grant, ------ (Maj.), 612
  • Grant, Ulysses S. (sketch, 8:323): assignments, 34, 38, 46, 297, 298, (1863), 253; Cold Harbor, 447, 448; criticized, 352, 431, 469; Davis on, 533; Meade on, 298, 390, 448; Meridian campaign, 235, 258; on Bermuda Hundred, 428, Chattanooga, 121, Davis, 39, his headquarters, 298, Meade, 390, Point Lookout, 488, prisoner exchanges, 383, strategy, 235, 298, 351, 391, 392, 468, 469, 487, 556, 557-58, 621, volunteer call-up, 556; Oxford, Miss. (1862), 126; Spotsylvania, 404-5; strategy, x, 172, 191, 235, 264, 285, 307, 312, 404-5, 431, 448, (Davis), 458, 619, (Lee), 295-96, 309, 312, 466-67, 507, 556, 621; Tenn. operations, 46, 76, 99, 216, 216, 219; mentioned, 170, 255, 354, 497, 601
  • Gray, Algernon S.: L from, 114
  • Gray, Peter W. (sketch, 8:506): report by, 510-11; mentioned, 316, 318, 330, 416, 451
  • Great Britain: consuls expelled, 3, 15-16, (Davis), 35; cotton trade, 134, 288, 302, 333, 501; CSA and, 3, 5, 130-31, 260, 335-36, 369, 575-76, 588, (Davis), 18, 103, 379-80; CSA funds, 10, 118, 165, 218, 225, 247, 256, 273, 341, 367, 438, 567, 633, publicists, 133, 288, 302- 3, 369, 532, shipbuilding, 18, 130, 169, 246, 337, 585; English Civil War, 249; France and, 5, 172, 445; support for CSA, 5, 130-31, 143, 166, 246, 335, 369, (Davis), 420; U.S. and, 17, 132- 33, 246, 335-36, 356, 444-45, (Davis), 379-80
  • Greeley, Horace (sketch, 562): Lincoln and, 563; Niagara Falls conference, 537, 559- 60, 631; mentioned, 253, 562
  • Green, Duff (sketch, 2:603): CSA contract, 60; sugar impressed, 47-48, 374; L to, 165; Ls from, 60, 187, 318
  • Green, Francis M., 389
  • Green, Henry, 304
  • Green, Thomas (sketch, 191), 139, 188, 192
  • Greene, Colton, 255
  • Greenhow, Rose O. (sketch, 8:245): praised, 247, 588; L from, 143
  • Greenville & Columbia Railroad, 294
  • Gregg, David M. (sketch, 518), 517
  • Gregg, John, 39, 176, 463
  • Gregg, Maxcy (sketch, 7:73), 142, 155
  • Gregory, Edward H.: Davis on, 476
  • Gregory, W. O.: L to, cited, 468
  • Gregory, Sir William H. (sketch, 7:111), 134, 143
  • Grenfell, St. George L.: Davis and, li
  • Grierson, Benjamin H. (sketch, 325): Meridian campaign, 224; operations, 285, 286, 320, 361
  • Griffin, Ga.: Davis speaks at, 48
  • Griffith, Frederick: L from, 114
  • Grimes, Bryan, 438, 440
  • Griswold, Elias, 211
  • Griswoldville, Ga.: Davis visits, 48
  • guano trade, 219
  • Guerin, Henry C., 231
  • Guiney's Station, Va., 415, 420
  • Gurly, Frank B., 170
  • Gwaltney, P. D.: L to, 357
  • Gwin, Mary B. (sketch, 2:377), 143
  • Gwin, William M. (sketch, 2:105), 143, 490


  • habeas corpus: and foreigners, 17; Ark. (1862), 218; Congress and, 230, 263-64, 269, 364; Constitution on, 269, 322; Davis on, 199, 218, 261, 268, 273-74, 371, 424, 435; Ga., 263-64, 369; La., 453, 521; Miss., 279, 308, 364; N.C., 199, 227, 261; reaction to suspension, 279, 320, 323, 434-35; Stephens on, 197, 322, 369; Texas, 410; U.S., 153; Vance on, 227, 270. See also martial law
  • Hagood, Johnson: on Davis , 70; mentioned, 351, 392, 393
  • Ha(i)le, Charles H., 86
  • Hale, Edward J., 202
  • Hall, Margaret P.: L from, 489
  • Hall, Matthew R. (sketch, 581), 577, 580
  • Hall, W. T.: L from, 229-30
  • Halleck, Henry W. (sketch, 8:5): Grant and, 390; on Lee, 40, strategy, 351, volunteers, 556, Washington defenses, 556; mentioned, 298, 351, 607
  • Halliday, Fox & Co.: L from, 367
  • Hambleton, James P., 632
  • Hambleton, M. L.: L from, 632
  • Hamer, Mary Elizabeth Mitchell (Lise) (grandniece) (sketch, 3:56 ): and J. E. Davis, 320, 360, 372; on Jemison family, 321; L from, 372, cited, 64; mentioned, 62, 226, 319
  • Hamilton, Jones S.: L from, 140
  • Hampton, Wade (sketch, 7:424): assignments (Davis), 98, 341; Davis and, 287; Lee on, 496; on cavalry organization, 287, 603; operations, 271, 435, 457, 467, 470, 476, 477, 479, 613; requested, 88; Trevilian Station, 470; L to, 603; Ls from, 230-31, 287
  • Hancock, William M. (sketch, 2:113), 308
  • Hancock, Winfield S.: Petersburg , 469, 470; Wilderness, 392; mentioned, 390, 432, 558
  • Handy, John (sketch, 8:519): recommended, 310; Ls from, 205, 274-75, 357, 483
  • Hanly, Thomas B.: Davis and, li
  • Hanover Junction, Va. , defenses ( Davis ), 90, 420, (Lee), 87, 88, 92, 421, 433, 457
  • Hansa (blockade-runner), 276
  • Hanson, Roger W., 593
  • Hardee, William J. (sketch, 8:14): Ala. and Miss. operations, 236, 246, 247, 256, 257, 258, 259; Army of Tenn. commander, 95, 112; assignments, 3, 34, 39, 43, 46, 56, 248, 260, 566, 587, (Davis), 32, 37, 83-84, 236, 239, 245, 259, 584-85, 592; Atlanta, 587, 620-21; Bragg and, 46, 523, 525; Davis and, 35, 37, 42, 83, 95, 587, on, 586; V. Davis on, 95; Ga. operations, 440, 478, 492, 539, 572, 587, 620-21, 632; Infantry Tactics, 92; on Army of Tenn., 108, 146, 233, 527, Cheatham, 96, Cleburne's proposal, 177, furloughs, 181, his assignment, 584, 588, Hood, 620, strategy, 247, 478, 525, 572; recommendations by, 111, 299, 463, 530; staff, 42, 146, 181, 182; strategy, 102, 145; support for, 55, 136, 150; Ls to, 42, 107, 112, 135, 239, 245, 256, 539, 584-85, 592; Ls from, 85, 105, 108, 109, 114, 129, 135, 228, 240, 246, 247, 256, 440, 478, 492, 539, 584, 588, 632; mentioned, 33, 97, 99, 196
  • Hargrove, Andrew C. (ident., 322)
  • Hargrove, Cherokee J. (sketch, 321), 320, 361
  • Harrell, John: L to, 111
  • Harriet Lane ( Lavinia) (blockade-runner), 412
  • Harriet Lane , USS, 191
  • Harris, Charles J., 221
  • Harris, Isham G. (sketch, 7:159): confers with Davis , 48; on Army of Tenn., 176, 288, Cleburne 's proposal, 178; Ls from, 177-78, 196; mentioned, 84, 370
  • Harris, J. Norwood: L from, 510
  • Harris, Jim, 377
  • Harris, Jonathan: L to, 281Harris, Nathaniel H., 419
  • Harris, Samuel S., 210
  • Harris, Shadrach T., 541
  • Harris, Thomas A. (sketch, 251): criticized, 414; recommended, 567; L from, 520-21; mentioned, 185, 248
  • Harris, Thomas W.: Davis on, 637
  • Harrison, Burton N. (sketch, 8:555): on Davis, 459; replies for Davis, 117, 205, 231, 483, 565, 588, 596, 599, 623; Ls from, 276-77, 441; mentioned, 326, 396
  • Harrison, Edmund: L from, 625
  • Harrison, Isham, 442
  • Harrison, James P. (ident., 4:240), 2 27
  • Harrison, Robert F., 519
  • Harrison, Thomas, 299
  • Harrison 's Landing, Va. , 403, 404, 467
  • Hart, Simeon (sketch, 8:593), 225, 315, 410, 575
  • Hartridge, Julian, 550
  • Harvey, Addison (sketch, 62): Davis Bend raid, 32, 42, 61-63, 96
  • Haskell, Alexander C., 438
  • Hastings, Lansford W.: confers with Davis , 112; Ls from, 112, 138, 168
  • Hatcher, Robert A., 251, 414
  • Havana : CSA agent, 410, 496, 576; mentioned, 167, 490
  • Hawes, James M., 539, 599
  • Hawes, Richard (sketch, 539): appointed governor, 537; on Canadian agents, 535-36, Ky. politics, 535; L to, 195; Ls from, 158, 167, 535-36
  • Hawkins, Isaac R. (sketch, 346), 344, 346
  • Hawkins, James: L from, 617
  • Haxall & Crenshaw contract, 373
  • Hay, James D. H.: L from, 85
  • Hay, John, 243
  • Hayes, Margaret Davis (daughter) (sketch, 5:119), 395
  • Hayes, S. C.: L from, 156-57
  • Haynes, Landon C. (sketch, 8:31 ): Davis and, xlvii; Ls from, 236-37, 455, 568; mentioned, 575
  • Hays, Harry T.: Davis on, 566; operations, 58, 60; wounded, 409; mentioned, 463
  • Hays, N., 205
  • Headley, John W., 537
  • Hébert, Paul O. (sketch, 8:503), 410
  • Heiskell, Joseph B. (sketch, 8:89): L from, 436
  • Helm, Charles J. (sketch, 412), 102, 410, 412, 496
  • Helm, Louise W.: Ls to and from, cited, 412
  • Henderson, Thomas, 224
  • Henderson, William F.: L from, 521
  • Henningsen, ------ (Mrs.), 366
  • Henry (slave), l, 60, 63
  • Henry, Gustavus A. (sketch, 1:24 ): Davis and, xlvii; on Army of Tenn., 75-76, 112, Pemberton, 77; Ls from, 75-76, 112, 236-37, 455; mentioned, 231, 384
  • Henry, Gustavus A., Jr., 77
  • Henry, Patrick (sketch, 1:26 ): Davis visits, 32, 36
  • Henry, Thomas F., 77
  • Herbert, R. H., 589, 591
  • Hereford , James: L from, 625
  • Herring, William F.: L from, 136
  • Hertford County , N.C. : L from citizens, 261
  • Heth, Henry (sketch, 7:435), 27, 463, 558, 636
  • Hewson, M. Butt: L from, 260
  • Heyliger, Louis (ident., 413), 225, 410
  • Hicks, Stephen G., 346
  • Hicks, William: L from, 357
  • Higgins, Edward, 42, 272
  • Higgins, Eugene : L from, 100-101
  • Highsmith, James N.: L from, 4
  • Hill, Alexander P., 59
  • Hill, Ambrose P. (sketch, 8:303): Bristoe Station, 26, 86; operations, 463, 467, 470, (1863), 638; Wilderness, 392; L to, 258-59; L from, 638
  • Hill, Benjamin H. (sketch, 8:461): confers with Davis , 513, 514; Johnston and, 500, 505, 513; L from, 228
  • Hill, Daniel H. (sketch, 8:82): assignments, 234, 420, (Davis), 24, 106, 238, 421, 475; Bragg and, vi, 7, 8, 23, 24, 72, 73, 238, 475; Chickamauga, 11-12; Cooper and, 234; Davis and, 72, 73, 234, 238; on Bragg, 9, 11, 41, Chickamauga, 14, Davis, 73, generals' petition, 8, Whiting, 428; staff, 181, 182; L to, 73, cited, 73; Ls from, 9, 72; mentioned, 306, 404, 457
  • Hill, William J., 334
  • Hill, William R.: confers with Davis , 234, 237-38
  • Hillyer, Carlton : L from, 214
  • Hillyer, Giles M. (sketch, 148), 145
  • Hilton, Robert B.: L from, 565
  • Hincks, Edward W., 488
  • Hindman, Mary B. (sketch, 182), 180
  • Hindman, Thomas C. (sketch, 7:447): assignments, 7, 102, 180, (Davis), 71, 565, 622; Bragg and, 7, 23, 41, 56, 71, 84; charges against (1862), 218; criticized, 622, 625; health, 182, 530, 564-65; on Army of Tenn., 150, 181, Foote, 181, slaves in army, 177, 178-79, 181; staff, 181, 182; L to, 204; L from, 180-81; mentioned, 233, 275, 478, 530, 566
  • Hinds, Howell (sketch, 6:52 ): Ls from, 23-24, 377
  • Hinds County , Miss. : Davis brothers' property, 64, 96, 118
  • Hines, Thomas H., 537
  • Hodge, George B. (sketch, 293): assignments (Davis), 440-41, 454, 491, 584, 588; Davis and, 420, 454, 630, on, 387, 588; operations, 260, 261, 291; praised, 496; recommended, 419, 568; staff, 454, 589, 591; Ls to, 387, 420, 440-41, 491; Ls from, 495-96, 521-22, 614, 630, cited, 454
  • Hoke, Robert F. (sketch, 429): assignments, 389, 400, 496, (Davis), 326, 388, 393, 399, 423, 425, 441; Davis on, 359; N.C. operations, 352, 356, 386, (Davis), 359, 371, 391; Petersburg, 469, 470, 491; requested (Lee), 326, 372, 375, 387-88, 391, 415, 417, 441; Va. operations, 58, 60, 392, 415, 428, 435, 446, 463, 467, (Davis), 30, 415, 418, 430, 443; L to, 359
  • Holcombe, James P. (sketch, 564): Canada mission, 154, 396, 631, (Davis), 247; Niagara Falls conference, 537, 559-61, 603; L from, 559-61
  • Holden, William W.: criticized, 278; Davis and, 163, 299; on habeas corpus, 269-70, N.C. appointments, 268-69; peace efforts, 53, 163, 201-2; Vance and, 163, 201-2
  • Holland , Orlando S.: L from, 305
  • Holliday, Frederick W. M.: confers with Davis , 341
  • Holly Springs , Miss. , 554, 584, 597
  • Hollywood Cemetery , 388, 396, 446
  • Holmes, James G.: L from, 357-58
  • Holmes, Theophilus H. (sketch, 1:351): assignments, 129-30, 190, 359, 516; charges against (1862), 218; criticized, 79, 248, 262, 270, 622; Davis and, 79, 82, 288; N.C. defenses, 435-36, (Davis), 478, 614-15, 619; Price and, 80-81, 137; Ls to, 79, 478, 614-15; L from, 129-30; mentioned, 57, 87, 226, 492
  • Holtzclaw, James T., 506
  • Honey Springs, Indian Territory , Battle of, 194
  • Hood, Arthur, 240
  • Hood, John Bell (sketch, 9:209): assignments, 150, 182, 225, 238, 478, 516, 539-40, 588; Atlanta campaign, xii, 583, 585-86, 588, 597, 599, 615, 620-21; Bragg on, 523, 524-25; criticized, xii, 528, 588, 620-21; Davis and, xi, 583, 586; health, 26, 32, 225; Lee on, 516, 517; on Army of Tenn. morale, 527, Cleburne's proposal, 179, Ga. militia, 609, Mobile defenses, 597, strategy, 275, 524-25, 527, 572, 583, 597; promoted, 37, 182; recommendations by, 299, 530, 565, 567-68; recommended, 32, 137; Resaca, 433; staff, 146, 148, 181, 182, 574, (Davis), 547, 559; Ls to, 539, 547, 585-86; Ls from, 275, 434, 539, 567-68, 583, 588, 597; mentioned, 618. See also Army of Tennessee
  • Hooker, Joseph (sketch, 9:82): operations, 8, 38, 121, 368, ( Davis ), 100; and 20th Corps, 334, 350
  • Hopkins, William A., 165
  • Hopkins, William F.: Davis and, 512
  • Hora, Alexander, 394
  • Horace (slave), 63
  • Horrel, Americus V., 142
  • Hotze, Henry: funds for, 256, 438; on pro-CSA groups, 133, Russell, 132
  • House of Representatives: Davis entertains, l; resolutions on army absentees, 170, artillery officers, 116, Charleston, 228, W. E. Coffman, 230, Commissary and Quartermaster Depts., 198, conscription, 114, 115, 158, 211, ex-officers, 438, food supplies, 220, foreigners in army, 115, habeas corpus, 230, 424, hospitals, 237, impressment, 213, 442, Johnston correspondence, 108, 135, 138, Lovell and New Orleans, 198, 451, mail, 109, 433, passports, 211, prisoner exchanges, 213, promotions, 170, recaptured slaves, 219, tax in kind, 186, 220, tobacco ration, 444, Trans-Miss. funds, 186, 213, Wilmington, 227; salaries and expenses, 441, 449; secret service funds, 154; temporary rank, 442, 472; trade regulations, 301, 459-60; vetoes, 229, 459-60, 461; Ls to, 229, 424, 459-60, 461, 472, of transmittal, 109-10, 114, 116, 135, 138, 158, 170, 186, 198, 211, 213, 219, 220, 227, 230, 237, 433, 438, 442, 444, 451; L from congressmen, 225
  • Houston , Texas , 188
  • Howard, George H., 183
  • Howard, Henry, 398
  • Howard, Oliver O., 8
  • Howard, R. F.: L from, 183
  • Howell, Jane K. See Waller, Jane Howell
  • Howell, Jefferson Davis (brother-in-law) (sketch, 3:121), 516
  • Howell, Margaret G. See Stoess, Margaret Howell
  • Howell, Margaret Kempe (mother-in-law) (sketch, 2:55 ): on Dahlgren raid, 244; L to, 638
  • Howell, William Burr (father-in-law), (sketch, 2:124): Davis on, 638
  • Howlett's Bluff, Va. : Davis visits, 477; defenses, 475, 476, 477, 610
  • Hudson, E. M.: Davis and, li
  • Hudson, Robert S.: Ls from, 10, 279
  • Hudson, Thomas J. (sketch, 5:139): Davis on, 11, 213; L from, 11
  • Huger, Daniel E., 522
  • Hughes, Eliza C.: L to, 636
  • Humes, William Y. C., 71, 263
  • Humphries, Henry G.: L from, 66
  • Hunt, Isaac F., 438
  • Hunt, R. Finley: confers with Davis , 205; L from, 205
  • Hunter, ------, 211
  • Hunter, David (sketch, 8:375): Davis on, 100; Valley operations, 457, 468, 477, 484, 493, 507, 555
  • Hunter, Robert M. T. (sketch, 5:5): Davis and, l; recommends agents, 155; L to, 340; L from, 185
  • Hunton, Eppa (sketch, 429), 388, 393, 425, 430
  • Huntsville , CSS, 270
  • Hurlbut, Stephen A., 126, 224, 285
  • Hurricane plantation (described, 1:247): conditions, 61, 361, 372; leased, 364; raided, 45, 47, 61, 96; slaves return to, 64-65
  • Hurst , Fielding (sketch, 348), 344, 347
  • Hutchins, William J. (sketch, 316), 315, 316, 451
  • Hutchinson, James: L from, 97
  • Hutter, Ferdinand C.: Davis and, li
  • Hutter, Mary L.: Davis and, li


  • Illinois troops: 62d Infantry, 437
  • Imboden, John D. (sketch, 9:83): assignments, 77, 364, 415, ( Davis ), 334, 388, 418; Lee on, 171, 208; operations, 376, 387, 451; reports by, 220, 296; mentioned, 114
  • impressment: cotton, 155, 313, 372, 451; criticized, 78, 99, 115, 123, 227, 257, 280-81, 309, 355, 357, 521, 611, 630; Davis and, 125, on, 151, 266-67, 307, 311, 372, 374, 440-41, 494, 496, 623; foodstuffs, 47, 90, 151, 611; Ga. decision, 87; House resolution, 442; livestock, 83, 115, 399, 494, 495-96, 521, 623; railroads, 210-11; Seddon on, 89, 213, 373, 442; slaves and free blacks, 67, 78, 89, 125, 146, 164, 196, 211, 261, 476; steamer, 515; sugar, 47, 60, 307, 374; supported, 25; tobacco, 531
  • Indian Affairs, Bureau of: estimates, 107; report on, 89; superintendent, 141, 151
  • Indianola, USS, 46, 47, 62, 63
  • Indians: CSA and, 30, 117, 190, ( Davis ), 257, 310; funds for, 310, 373; Seddon and, 229
  • Indian Territory : commanders, 83, 141, 194, 229, 270, 271; CSA and, 30, 257; disaffection, 189; military courts, 151, 229
  • Indian troops: Thomas' Legion, 30, 203, 359; commanders, 151, 270, 271, 375; Creek, 113; munitions for, 190, 257; organization, 151, ( Davis ), 152, 257
  • Ingalls, Rufus, 28
  • intemperance: army, 92, 293, 472; officers, 141, 142, 143, 146, 273, 299
  • inventions: firearm, 369; fire rafts, 623; flying machine, 205; geometry, 137; naval, 116, 225, 510, 608; telegraphy, 466, 475; torpedoes, 608; tractors, 369
  • Irby, James I., 272
  • Ireland : U.S. and, 185
  • iron: navy needs, 93, 275, ( Davis ), 596; railroads need, 60, 90, 272, 275, 283, 611; supplies in Ala. , 67, East Tenn. , 60
  • ironclads: construction, 246, 445, 596; invention, 116; James River, 349, 449, 467; Mallory on, 376, 495; Miss. River, 617; Mobile, 270, 275, 386, 588; mentioned, 90, 611. See also specific vessels
  • Irwin, H. M.: L from, 67
  • Isaac (slave), 324
  • Isabel (blockade-runner), 410, 412, 496
  • Italy : CSA and, 231
  • Iverson, Alfred (sketch, 7:13 ): assignments, 5, ( Davis ), 10, 263, 306; confers with Davis , 97; Ga. operations, 620; recommended, 306; L from, 97
  • Ives, Joseph C. (sketch, 8:555): Davis ' aide, 423, emissary, 420, 421; health, 567; on Army of Tenn., 102, 105, 106-7, 108, 120, Mobile , 270, 275, Polk's command, 287; replies for Davis , 66, 197; Ls from, 102, 105, 106-7, 107, 108, 270, 275, 420


  • Jack (slave), 61
  • Jackson, Alfred E.: assignment, 455; criticized, 203, 318; N.C. operations, 359; recommended, 455
  • Jackson, Andrew (sketch, 1:183): Davis on, 424, 511; mentioned, 176
  • Jackson, Claiborne F. (sketch, 7:190), 255
  • Jackson, Henry R., 566
  • Jackson, John K., 105, 365
  • Jackson, Miss.: cotton trade, 353; Davis speaks at, 31, 36; U.S. operations, 52, 553
  • Jackson, Tenn., 348
  • Jackson, Thomas J. (sketch, 7:226): Davis on, 572; Early and, 468; on Iverson, 306, B. T. Johnson, 487; Seddon on, 88; staff, 429, 622; statue of, l, 278
  • Jackson, William H. (sketch, 361): assignments, 414, 528; Davis on, 32; J. E. Davis on, 96, 166, 360; promoted, 493
  • Jackson, William L., 171, 208
  • Jacksonville, Fla., 243
  • Jacobi, Nathaniel: L from, 93-94
  • James Island, S.C.: Davis at, 70
  • James River: CSA operations, 404, 427-31, 448, 469-70, 508, 558, (Davis), 418, 424-26, (Lee), 402-3, 556, 609; defenses, 93, 430, 434, 623, (Davis), 100, 425, 471, 508, (Lee), 376, 391, 403, 446, 473, 556, 558; Grant crosses, 447, 459, 466-67, 468-69, 470, 476, 486; U.S. operations, 298, 351, 391-92, 400, 404, 474, 476, 479, 480, 556, 558, 621-22, (Davis), 619, (Lee), 87, 334, 349, 350, 457, 507, 515, 556, 585, 621; mentioned, 203, 242, 376, 406, 481, 601
  • Jaquess, James F.: confers with Davis, 533-34, 559
  • Jefferson, Edward M., 225
  • Jemison, Cherokee M. See Hargrove, Cherokee J.
  • Jemison, Priscilla T. (sketch, 409), 407
  • Jemison, Robert (sketch, 321): J. E. Davis and, 319-20, 321, 360-61, 407; mentioned, 409
  • Jenkins, Albert G. (sketch, 8:410), 415
  • Jenkins, Charles J., 384
  • Jenkins, Micah (sketch, 9:250), 40, 139, 340, 393
  • Jenkins' Ferry, Ark., Battle of, 193, 397, 595
  • Jewett, William C. (sketch, 562): peace efforts, 58, 560, 562, 631; L from, 58
  • Jim (slave), l
  • John F. Carr, CSS, 411
  • John's Island, S.C., 507
  • Johnson, ------ (Maj.), 262
  • Johnson, Andrew (sketch, 2:472), 148, 201
  • Johnson, Bradley T. (sketch, 487): assignment, 557; Davises and, 487; Lee on, 485; on Lincoln plot, 489; operations, 453, 518, 557, 609, (Davis), 596, 603
  • Johnson, Bushrod R. (sketch, 580): assignments, 391-92, (Davis), 388, 393, 457; on Fort Donelson, 4; operations, 400, 402, 469; L from, 9
  • Johnson, Edward (sketch, 9:209): assignment (Davis), 584, 618; captured, 405; Lee on, 207, 372, 417
  • Johnson, George W., 537
  • Johnson, Herschel V. (sketch, 3:394): Davis and, 179; on J. E. Brown, 264, conscription, 264, Davis, 109, ending war, 153-54, Hood, 599, trade regulations, 599, U.S. election, 152; L to, 547-49; Ls from, 109, 152-53, 225, 228, 263-64, 599
  • Johnson, James: L from, 114-15
  • Johnson, Jilson P. (sketch, 190): inspects Trans-Miss., 57, 68, 188, 192, 248; on Trans-Miss. strategy, 57, 270; Ls from, 57, 270; mentioned, 588
  • Johnson, Peter W., 477
  • Johnson, Robert W. (sketch, 5:4): confers with Davis, xlix, l, li, 226; on J. B. Clark, 226, Marmaduke, 167, Watie, 375; Price and, 72, 82; Seddon on, 85; Ls from, 44, 84-85, 167, 226, 375; mentioned, 91
  • Johnson, Waldo P. (sketch, 250): appointed senator, 72, 248; Davis on, 107
  • Johnson, William A., 465
  • Johnson's Island, Ohio: Davis on, 104; plots against, 86, 241, 489, 537
  • Johnston, Albert Sidney (sketch, 2:430): Davis and, 5, 41, 166, on, 225, 512, 572; money for family, 457; Shiloh, 210
  • Johnston, Joseph E. (sketch, 7:61): Army of Tenn. commander, vi, 22, 77, 95, 106, 121, 135, 136, 168, 288, (Davis), 41, 111-12, 119; Benjamin and, 119, 573; Bragg and, 38, 39, 47, 77, 83, 96, 145, 252, 353, 464, 465, 491-92, 504, 522, 523-26, 529, 543, 572-73, (Davis), 37, 509, 633; J. E. Brown and, 149, 184, 225, 233-34, 256, 483, 490, 505, 506, 525, 529, (Davis), 171, 177, 256, 450, 492; Cobb and, 119, 167-68, 500, 506; criticized, xi, xii, 119, 214, 478, 504, 515, 527, 552, 572, 573, 574, 622, (Davis), 83, 513, 516, 546, 574; Davis and, xlviii, 35, 39, 84, 108, 119, 129, 171, 280, 339, 353, 421, 434, 498, 504, 526, 543, 552, 570-71, 572-73, 574, 610, on, 119, 339, 426, 458, 482, 513, 516, 570-71, 573, 574; J. E. Davis and, 42, 45; and Davis Bend, 42, 45, 47; Davis' nephew and, 184, 611; Ewell and, 471, 477; Foote and, 119; Forrest and, 88, 99, 102, 105, 109, 198, 223, 491, 492, 498-99, 515; Hardee and, 35, 95, 102, 145, 146, 147, 150, 179, 236, 240, 242, 465, 517, 523, 525, 527, 528, 529, 530, 572, (Davis), 83, 84-85, 112, 239, 259, 539; B. H. Hill and, 500, 505, 513, 514, 573; Hood and, 150, 225, 275, 433, 434, 478, 516, 517, 523, 524, 525, 527, 528, 529, 543, 572, 585, 599; S. D. Lee and, 81, 88, 102, 491, 504, 515, (Davis), 98, 109; Longstreet and, 75, 240, 242, 256-57, 261, 262, 290, 293-94, 308, (Davis), 229, 274, 290-92; Miss. campaign (1863), 3, 135, 138, 164, 345, (Davis), 108; Northrop and, 214, 217, 591; on Army of Tenn., 144, 148, 174, 176, 198, 214, 215-17, (artillery), 144, 147, (cavalry), 144, 147, 150, 174, 175, 198, 207, 217, 240, 242, 437, 465, 509, 516, (organization), 140, 142, 146, 150, 155, 175, 198, 231-32, 450, cotton trade, 127, 128, Davis, 39, 122, 504, Lee's strategy, 500-501, railroad control, 149, 166, 170, 184, 225, 256, slave enlistment, 179, 228-29, slave impressment, 125-26, 145-46, 164, strategy, 88, 121, 145, 149-50, 170, 171, 174-75, 184, 215, 230, 232, 235, 238, 294, 339, 353, 433, 434, 437, 465, 500, 504, 508-9, 513, 516, 532, 572, 573, U.S. operations, 214, 215-16, 246, 256, 259, 261, 262, 282, 298-99, 420, 433, 434, 437, 464, 509, 532, U.S. strategy, 121, 240, 361, 419, Whiting, 140; Pemberton and (Davis), 3; Polk and, 40, 106, 111-12, 115, 168, 230, 233, 408, 414, 432, 434, 466, 528, 572, 573, (Davis), 229, 234-35, 426, 444, 570-71, 574; recommendations by, 34, 62, 98, 110, 112, 140, 198, 259, 262, 271, 450, 466, 471, 477, 506, 530, 637, (Davis), 99, 143, 261; recommended, 77, 105-6, 119, 288, 573; reinforcements for, 102, 145, 166, 174, 175-76, 216, 240, 248, 258, 261, 292, 293, 351, 353, 407, 408, 414, 432, 450, 465, 490, 491, 504-5, (Davis), 168, 245, 256, 274, 355, 421, 426, 482, 492, 514, 629, (Lee), 309, 349, 372, from, 38, 47, 74, 85, 105, 138, 172, 175, 198, 229, 230, 236, 238, 240, 242, 248, 259, 502, 507, (Davis), 37, 83-84, 87, 90, 139, 167, 170, 171, 234-35, 239, 256; relieved, 16, 40, 252, 504, 523, 525, 529, 539, 552, 585, 599, 610, 625, (Davis), 516, 539, 543, (Lee), 516, 517, 519; retreats, 345, 420, 432, 433, 434, 498, 499-500, 504, 508-9, 515, 517, 523, 528, 552, 572, 573, (Davis), 421, 426, 482, 503, 509, 516, 570; secret service funds, 166; Seddon and, 119, 149, 217, 504, 519; Sherman on, 499, 528, 572; staff, 96, 115, 146, 148, (Davis), 115-16; strategy, x, xi, 121, 233, 353, 459, 498-99, 523-36, (Davis), 120-21, 149, 171, 173, 229, 232, 234-35, 259, 281, 339, 426, 432, 482, 503, 509, 513, 514, 531, 570, 573, 574, (Lee), 296-97, 307, 349, 372, 458, 517; support for, 77, 106, 119, 129, 136, 168, 181, 210, 339, 340, 498-99, 500, 515, 529, 543, 552, 622, 633, (Davis), 570, 573; and Trans-Miss. arms, 83, (Davis), 67, 78, 80; Vance and, 301; Wheeler and, 147, 197, 198, 259, 524, 527; Wigfall and, 119, 121, 500, 525, 527; E to, 173; Es by, 34, 231-32, 442, 565; Ls to, 67, 78, 83-84, 98, 109, 111, 114, 115-16, 119-21, 139, 143, 165, 171, 177, 197, 204, 228, 229, 232, 234-35, 239, 245, 256, 257, 259, 261, 281, 417, 421, 444, 503, 509, 513-14, 516, 531; Ls from, 42, 47, 83, 85, 88, 99, 102, 112-13, 115, 116, 138, 140, 142, 144-46, 150, 155, 166, 168, 170, 171, 174-75, 184, 198, 207, 214, 215-16, 217, 218, 230, 232, 238, 240, 246, 247, 259, 261, 262, 282, 419, 420, 433, 434, 437, 449-50, 466, 508-9, 516, 532; mentioned, 22, 56, 66, 156, 167, 170, 181, 219, 263, 283, 288, 312, 362, 366, 368, 392, 403, 455, 487, 493, 497, 544, 546, 553, 579, 580, 611
  • Johnston, Robert D.,, 8, 326, 367, 326, 388, 391
  • Johnston, William Preston (sketch, 7:130): Davis and, 5, 29, 30, 326, 428, 511, 549, 571; Davis' aide, 14, 35, 48, 52, 91, 99, 101, 105, 248, 446, 454, 549, 587; on Hindman, 218; W. Preston and, 40, 166; writes for Davis, 43, 87, 244, 260, 309, 355, 536, 589; E by, 225; Ls to, 86-87, 92, 99, cited, 209; Ls from, 98, 99, 101, 105, 136
  • Jones, Frank F., 341
  • Jones, John B.: on Davis, 427, spring campaign, 387; L from, 622-23
  • Jones, Robert M., 141
  • Jones, Samuel (sketch, 7:198 ): assignments, 34, 340, 454, (Davis), 239, 261; Charleston, 463, 510, (Davis), 508; criticized, 5, 109, 171, 208, (Davis), 584; Davis and, 239; on prisoner exchange, 520, 575, 584; operations, 26, 43, 58, 79, 83, 98, 99, 105, (Davis), 58; reinforcements for, 30, 34, 37, 58, (Davis), 34, 212; report by, 220; supply needs, 158; Ls to, 474, 507, 508, 520, 559, 575, 583, 611, 625; Ls from, 4, 475-76, 507, 520, 575, 584, 595, 611, 625
  • Jones, William E. (sketch, 9:157 ), 10, 451
  • Jonesboro, Ga., Battle of, 621, 632
  • Jonesboro, Tenn., ironworks, 60
  • Jones County, Miss., 287, 303
  • Jordan, Duncan: L from, 615
  • Jordan, Thomas (sketch, 7:392 ), 228, 294, 342
  • Juárez, Benito (sketch, 7:77 ), 337
  • Julian (slave), 61
  • June (slave), 61
  • Justice Department: attorney general appointed, 140, 384; estimates, 110, 165, 377, 421; Ga. press patronage, 474; report on, 367. See also Davis, George


  • Kahnweiler, D., 218
  • Kane, George P. (sketch, 489): activities, 86, 243, 489, (Davis), 486; Ls from, 86, 530
  • Kargé, Joseph, 553
  • Kaufman, Martin R.: L from, 109
  • Kautz, August, 401
  • Keary, Patrick Foley (nephew-in-law) (sketch, 8:191 ), 566
  • Keithley, Thomas J., 260, 492
  • Keitt, Laurence M., xlix
  • Kells, Robert, 612
  • Kelly, John H., 71, 147, 178
  • Kelly's Ford, Va., 58, 60
  • Kemper, Archibald, 425
  • Kemper, James L. (sketch, 9:262 ): assignments, 237, 459, (Davis), 368, 444, 479; criticized, 624; report by, 459; Richmond defenses, 435, 452
  • Kenan, Augustus H.: L from, 289
  • Kenan, Owen R.: confers with Davis, 199-200
  • Kennard, James M., 260
  • Kennard, Joel S., 93
  • Kenner, Duncan F., 412
  • Kennesaw Mountain, Ga., Battle of: Davis on, 570; Hardee on, 492; U.S. losses, 495, 573
  • Kentucky: Bragg's campaign (1862), 310; Davis and, 25; funds for, 167, (Davis), 140, 195; Morgan's raid, 493, 509, (Davis), 513; politics, 535-39; resources, 280, 304; strategy, 173, 219, 261, 270, 280, 615, (Davis), 274; U.S. and, 304, 535, 637
  • "Kentucky" (horse), 511
  • Kentucky Military Institute, 429
  • Kentucky troops: Orphan Brigade, 204, 207; commander (Davis), 494, 506, 600; Johnston and, 229, 230; organization, 56, 173, 204, 272; praised, 173; recruiting, 173, 600, 608, (Davis), 204, 615
  • Kernstown, Va., skirmish, 557
  • Kershaw, Joseph B. (sketch, 558): assignment, 556, 585; operations, 470; recommended, 393, 443, 457; mentioned, 340, 559
  • Kershaw, Thomas: Davis on, 420
  • Kettle Run, Va., bridge, 28
  • Keyes, Wade: assignment, 384; L from, 110
  • Kilpatrick, Judson, 244, 598
  • Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid. See Dahlgren raid
  • Kinard, Moty, 310
  • King, John P.: L to, 503; Ls from, 502, 507
  • King's Mountain, Battle of (1780): Davis on, 160
  • Kirke, Edmund. See Gilmore, James R.
  • Kirkland, William W., 28
  • Knights of the Golden Circle, 154
  • Knoxville, Tenn.: Longstreet’s campaign, 76, 85, 93, 99, 102, 105, 135, 210, 241, 242, 263, 280, 293, (Davis), 274, 290-92; recapture urged, 79, 546
  • Kyle, William J., 316


  • LaGrange, Tenn., 223, 497
  • Laird Brothers, 34
  • Lalor, James F.: L from, 185
  • Lamar, Gazaway B.: Ls from, 477, 515
  • Lamar, Lucius Q. C. (sketch, 8:201): addresses Ga. legislature, 289; Atlanta speech, 369; funds for, 218; Mason and, 130; L from, 369; mentioned, 5, 246
  • Lambden, Charles, 237
  • Lancaster, [John A.], 308, 368
  • Lander, William (sketch, 201): confers with Davis, 199-200
  • Lane, James H. (sketch, 3:126), 419
  • Laredo, Texas, 409
  • Latrobe, Ferdinand C., 113
  • Laughlin, Edmund Charles (nephew-in-law) (sketch, 5:6), 360
  • Laughlin, Florida Davis (niece) (sketch, 1:20), 360, 372
  • Lauraetta (Am. bark), 140
  • Law, Evander M., 139, 422
  • Lawley, Francis: L to, 508
  • Lawson, Jesse M., 8
  • Lawton, Alexander R.: appointed (Davis), 206, 445; on his jurisdiction, 277, 565, railroads, 90, 166, 211, 230, shoe manufacture, 272, supplies for Johnston, 166, 216, Lee, 619, Longstreet, 158; reports on, 114, 237; Es by, 356, 492, 565; Ls from, 90, 158, 166, 211, 230, 272, 277, 583; mentioned, 177, 240. See also Quartermaster's Department
  • Layard, Austen H., 134
  • Leadbetter, Danville (sketch, 8:260), 102, 105, 107, 174
  • Leak, Walter F.: L to, 299; L from, 278
  • Lee (slave), 61
  • Lee, Charles H., 386
  • Lee, Fitzhugh (sketch, 9:83): assignments, 287, (Davis), 596; Lee and, 87; on Reams' Station, 519, U.S. operations, 479; operations, 187, 243, 367, 405, 420, 446, 457, 470, 480, 517, 613
  • Lee, George W. C. (sketch, 8:185): assignments, 458, 470, 471, 476, 599, (Davis), 209, 284, 462, 567, 613; Bragg on, 284; Cooper on, 284; Davis on, 458, 509; Davis' aide, xlvii, 14, 29, 42, 53, 78, 87, 88, 205, 230, 271, 294, 458; health (Davis), 599; Point Lookout raid, 502, 512, (Davis), 509, 510, 515; recommendation by, 463; recommended, 209, 284, 458; Richmond defenses, 284, 458, 471, 476, 613, (Davis), 341, 462, 613; writes for Davis, 24, 47, 117, 157-58, 172, 204, 208, 214, 217, 258, 264, 334; E to, 341; Ls to, 514, 515, cited, 209; Ls from, 78, 463, 509, 510, 515, cited, 341
  • Lee, Richard B. (sketch, 7:299): relieved, 369; L from, 110
  • Lee, Richard H., 65
  • Lee, Robert E. (sketch, 7:114): E. P. Alexander and, 148-49, 261; assignments, 96, (Davis), 101, 260, 388, 636; Beauregard and, 99, 427, 431, 440, 446, 448, 458, 470, 473, (Davis), 406, 423, 425-26; Bristoe Station, 26-27, 28, 86; Cold Harbor, 446-48, 451; confers with Davis, xlix, li, lii, liii, 85, 104, 119, 149, 244, 290, 431, 447, (1862), 637; Davis and, 26, 67, 78, 96, 101, 119, 149, 151, 365, 367, 372, 403, 419, 426, 434, 441, 443, 463, 466, 485, 516, 529, on, 37, 103, 104, 402, 416, 418, 419, 423, 479, 491, 533, 575, 619, 620, 636; headquarters, 78, 85, 392, 431, 447, 468, 471, 518, 579; health, 28, 432, 447, (Davis), 441, 443; invites Davis to visit, 78, 365, 367; Johnston and, 119, 261, 493, 499-500, 505, 519, (Davis), 516, on, 499- 500; Lawton and, 158, 473, 618; logistics, 148; Longstreet and, 13, 39, 219, 241, 242, 290, 293, 308, 309, 312, 349, 351, 352, 422, 505, 577, 581, (Davis), 37, 90, 290, 291; Northrop and, 151, 168, 352, 355, 589, 590, 591, 599, (Davis), 151, 355, 601; on Army of N. Va., 8, 27, 28, 66, 87, 92, 150, 168, 241, 333, 352, 418, 473, 545, 599, 620, (organization), 5, 10, 11, 208-9, 340-41, 496, 577-78, Army of Tenn., 3, 8, 99, 119, 471, 495, (command), 102, (strategy), 90, 308, 309, 372, 517, conscription, 171-72, 186, 196, 209, 212, death sentences, 319, 334-35, desertion, 208, 334-35, Early, 207, 468, Early's raid, 463, 466, 468, 477, 484, 486, 493-94, 497, 502, 507, 512, 515, 517, 555, 575, 585, European intervention, 503, Ewell, 207, 208, 456, 468, 471, 477, Gordon, 207, 318, 417, Grant, 295-96, 403, 435, 447, 457, 466-67, 468, 470, 476, 477, 497, 507, 518, 556, 585, 609, 617, 621, Hardee, 517, A. P. Hill, 86, Hood, 516, 517, James River defenses, 376, 391, 403, 446, 473, 556, 558, G. W. C. Lee, 209, 458, 471, 476, 502, 613, Longstreet, 90, 99, 219, 241, 242, 297, 577, 581, Mahone, 577, military courts, 307, 318, 373, 386, 472, newspapers, 26, 295, 312, 333, 422, 457, 495, 497, 507, 512, 517, N.C. operations, 150, 187, 390, Pendleton, 471, 477, Petersburg, 467, 470, 473, 474, 476, 477, 484, 556, 557, 576-77, 617, 621, Point Lookout raid, 485, 486, 488, 493, 497, 502, 509, 510, 512, Polk, 471, prisoner rescue plot, 241, railroads, 28, 60, 66, 168, 296, 306, 435, 473, 474-75, 476, 481, 517, 545, 555, 617, recruiting, 92, 171-72, 187, 195, 212, retaliation, 244, Richmond defenses, 92, 297, 352, 388, 403, 440, 441, 476, staff officers, 92, strategy, 3, 26-27, 28, 66, 88, 90, 219, 241, 290, 296, 306, 349-50, 351-52, 390, 402-3, 404, 422, 433, 437, 447, 451, 462, 463, 467, 471, 476, 477, 484-85, 493, 502, 515, 556, 585, 609, 613, 617 (in Shenandoah Valley), 8, 354, 364, 433, 451, 462, 463, 468, 484, 486, supplies, 66, 87, 187, 297, 308, 333, 352, 367, 473, 555, treatment of civilians, 209, 359, 367, 484, U.S. deserters, 600-601, U.S. operations, 66, 88, 90, 168, 225, 332, 375, 376, 387, 389-90, 391, 419, 421, 435, 440, 446, 470, 471, 476, 576-77, 585, 613, U.S. reinforcements, 3, 8, 296-97, 305, 309, 326, 332, 333-34, 348-49, 354, 364, 403, 416, 418, 421-22, 486, 507, 557, U.S. strategy, 26, 34, 66, 87, 102, 214, 241, 296, 305-6, 308-9, 312, 349, 354, 367, 372, 387, 389-90, 391, 403, 432, 435, 437, 447, 451, 457, 466-67, 468, 469, 470, 471, 480, 484-85, 487, 503, 555-56, 585, 617, 621, J. T. Wood, 485, 496, 502; praised, 312, 445, 498; recommendations by, 5, 10, 99, 119, 306, 393, 417, 438, 444, 451, 458, 468, 471, 472, 485, 577-78, 599, 610, (Davis), 10, 442-43; recommended for Army of Tenn. command, 11, 13, 77, 95, (Davis), 101; reinforcements for, 99, 102, 214, 305-6, 309, 319, 326, 349-50, 372, 375, 387-88, 390, 416, 421, 434, 435, 446, 481, 487, 502, (Davis), 37, 90, 100, 225-26, 377, 388-89, 393, 415, 417-18, 418-19, 423, 424-25, 440, 441, 443, 458, from, 40, 197, 219, 241, 292, 427, 459, 585, (Davis), 37, 38, 219, 339, 427, 461; Seddon and, 26, 86, 195, 242, 352, 468, 519, 575, (Davis), 100; secret service funds, 319; Spotsylvania, 403, 404-5, 409, 417, 419, 421-22, 431, 435, (Davis), 419; staff, 261, 323; strategy, 298, 558, (Davis), 100, 151, 388-89, 418-19; Vance and, 268; Wilderness, 389-93, 398, 431, (Davis), 402, 416; Es to, 11, 176, 197, 303-4, 341, 359, 462, 472, 628; E by, 86; Ls to, 10, 67, 87-88, 90, 101-2, 104, 151, 156, 219, 225-26, 290, 377, 388-89, 393, 402, 415, 416, 417-18, 418-19, 420, 421, 422-23, 424-26, 432-33, 434, 440, 441, 442-43, 458, 471, 475, 477, 482, 509, 516, 519, 530, 583, 596, 601, 603, 609, 613, 615, 618-20, 633; Ls from, 3, 4-5, 8, 10, 26-27, 60, 66, 87, 88, 90, 91-92, 99, 101, 102, 150, 158, 168, 171- 72, 185-86, 187, 207-8, 213-14, 219, 225, 241, 295-97, 305-6, 308-9, 312, 318, 319, 326, 332, 333-34, 334-35, 348-50, 354, 356, 359, 364, 365, 367, 372, 374-75, 376, 387-88, 389-90, 402-3, 409, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421-22, 433, 435, 437, 438, 440, 441, 443, 444, 446, 450, 451, 457, 463, 466-67, 470, 471, 472-73, 474-75, 476, 477, 484-86, 492-93, 493-94, 495, 496, 497, 502, 503, 507, 509, 512, 515, 516, 517, 545, 555-56, 576-78, 584, 585, 599, 609-10, 613, 617; mentioned, 46, 70, 108, 196, 205, 284, 285, 310, 398, 429, 439, 449, 452, 511, 546, 547, 553, 575. See also Army of Northern Virginia
  • Lee, Robert E., Jr., 486
  • Lee, Samuel P., 404
  • Lee, Stephen D. (sketch, 8:518): assignments, 88, 102, 223, 361, 399, 414, 547, 559, 566, 598, (Davis), 98, 109, 259, 341, 358, 399-400, 541; Bragg and, 524, 527, 542, 597; criticized, 360, 551, 622; Davis and, 24, 420, 491, 515; J. E. Davis and, 360, 362, 372; Forrest and, 222, 223-24, 344; Johnston and, 81, 88, 102, 491, 504, 515, (Davis), 98, 109; military courts, 622, (Davis), 354; on Mobile defenses, 510, 594, 597, reinforcements for Johnston, 504, reserves, 489, strategy, 362, 533, 542, 617, U.S. strategy, 307, 312, 497, 513, 542; operations, 46, 88, 102, 233, 242, 244, 258, 260, 344, 353, 361, 464, 465, 491, 530, 598, 632, (Davis), 98, 259, 260, 482, 495, 513; praised, 372, 530, 551, (Davis), 513; rank, 399; recommendations by, 419, 474, 478, 494, 555, 567; Smith and, 594, 617, (Davis), 520, 533, 593; strength of cavalry, 344, 495; and Trans-Miss. arms, 81, 413, (Davis), 358; Ls to, 24, 474, 491, 506, 514, 520; Ls from, 419, 489-90, 494, 497, 510, 533; mentioned, 127, 312, 345, 409, 413, 420, 479, 481, 498, 500, 501, 508-9, 515, 519, 526, 544, 545, 575, 606, 611
  • Lee, William H. F. (sketch, 9:83): Davis on, 237; operations, 476, 480; promoted (Davis), 340-41; mentioned, 100, 244
  • LeFlore, Greenwood (sketch, 2:435), 377
  • Le Flore, Mitchell, 229, 257
  • LeGrand, Julia E.: L from, 226-27
  • Leopold I (ident., 9:258), 337
  • Lescau, Juan: L from, 219
  • Letcher, John (sketch, 7:126): E by, 185; L to, 88
  • Lewis, David W., 383
  • Lewis, Dixon H.: L to (1847), 635
  • Lewis, Joseph H.: assignment, 207, (Davis), 204; confers with Davis, l; L from, 173
  • Lewis, Levin M., 252, 406
  • Lewis, Meriwether, 483
  • Lewis, Theodore: Davis on, 546; L from, 545-46
  • Liddell, St. John R. (sketch, 8:13): assignments, 454, 490, 568, (Davis), 584, 596; confers with Davis, xlvii; on Bragg, 7
  • Lincoln, Abraham: amnesty proclamation, 162, 243, 244, (Davis), 160; assassination, 408, 518, 538; blacks and, 187, 531; cabinet, 201, 253; calls up volunteers, 200, 556; criticized, 86, 134, 187, 243, 536, 538, 563, 603, 629, 631; Dahlgren raid, 244; Davis and, 134-35, 159-60, 165, 533-34, 559-60, 603, 637; elections (1863), 152, 153, 154, (1864), 152, 576, (Davis), 445; Grant and, 253, 557; Greeley and, 562; Jaquess/Gilmore mission, 533-34, 559-60; and Ky., 534, 536, 637; mediation, 58, (Davis), 165; message to Congress, 116, 131, 134, (Davis), 160; military and, 191, 249, 253, 555, 558; on Greeley's mission, 563; opposition to, 86, 152, 153, 154, 304, 535, 536, 629; peace efforts, 58, 187, 562-63, 631-32, (Davis), 159-60, 165, 534, 560; plots against, 255, 489, 538, 562, (Davis), 489; reconstruction efforts, 163, 243; support for, 153, 407, 534; mentioned, 57, 143, 483, 607, 615, 627, 630. See also United States
  • Lincoln, Mary Todd, 407
  • Lindsay, Andrew J.: L from, 288-89
  • Lindsay, William S. (sketch, 7:377), 143, 335
  • Little Rock, Ark.: arsenal, 608; captured, 57, 68, 606
  • Lloyd, William A., 101
  • "Lockwood": Davis visits, 431
  • Logan, John A., 216, 235
  • Logan, John L., 78, 88, 309, 521
  • Lomax, Lunsford L., 596, 599, 610
  • London Economist: on Davis' message, 135
  • London Morning Herald, 141, 260
  • London Saturday Review: on Davis' message, 135
  • London Times: CSA and, 288; on Davis' and Lincoln's messages, 131
  • Long, Armistead L. (sketch, 8:227), 456
  • Longstreet, James (sketch, 7:307): assignments, vi, vii, 39, 56, 95, 140, 340, 364, 463, (Davis), 36-37, 39, 41, 56, 99, 135, 212, (Lee), 309, 312, 349, 351; Bragg and, 8, 9, 11, 13, 39, 41, 43, 54, 55, 56, 72, 76, 83, 85, 93, 94, 95, 98, 149, (Davis), 90; cavalry, 108, 129, 135, 138, 144, 147, 150, 166, 174, 248, 262, 292-93, (Davis), 120, 135, 139, 166, 175-76, 245, 260, 264, 274, 291; Chickamauga, 182, 580; confers with Davis, xlvii, li, 38, 40-41, 149, 290; criticized, 43, 83, 209, 293, (Davis), 45, 83, 422; Davis and, 14, 29, 41, 45, 83, 90, 92, 93, 104, 140, 280, 290- 92, 294, 422; East Tenn. operations, viii, 38, 39, 75, 76, 85, 93, 99, 102, 105, 135, 145, 158, 166, 174, 175, 198, 210, 240, 241, 248, 256, 260, 292, 296, 297, 309, 338, 340, (Davis), 36-37, 45, 87, 229, 256, 257, 260, 262, 264, 274, 290-92; health, 443, 577, 581; Johnston and, 138, 144, 166, 174, 175, 240, 280, 290, 294, 308, (Davis), 139, 229, 245, 274, 291-92, 294; Law and, 139, (Davis), 422; Lawton and, 158, (Davis), 264; Lee and, 13, 39, 219, 241, 242, 290, 293, 308, 309, 312, 349, 351, 352, 422, 505, 577, 581, (Davis), 37, 90, 290, 291; Lookout Valley, 38, 42, 43, (Davis), 45, 422; McLaws and, 8, (Davis), 157; on army organization, 98, Bragg, 39, 41, 93, generals' petition, 8, Grant, 352, Knoxville, 93, 105, 263, railroads, 261, 262, strategy, 38, 93, 102, 105, 242, 256-57, 262, 263, 270, 280, 290, 293, 294, 352, supplies, 158, 260, 261, 262, U.S. reinforcements and supplies, 242, 256, 262; recommendation by, 393; recommended, 515; reinforcements for, 76, 77, 99, 138, 219, 241, 255, 280, from, 108, 261, 274, (Davis), 120, 245, 291; Seddon and, 13, 14, 77, 290, 291; strategy, 38, 77, 98, 102, 149, 175, 198, 264, 275, (Davis), 87, 90, 99, 256, 257, 274, 291-92, 294, (Lee), 99, 219, 241, 242, 290, 308; troop strength, 167, 372; Vance and, 301, 356; Va. operations, 364, 390-91, 392, 393, 420, 581, (Davis), 212; wounded, 393, 581; Ls to, 99, 104, 135, 245, 256, 257, 260, 262, 264, 274, 290- 92; Ls from, 9, 92-93, 98, 102, 105, 140, 248, 256-57, 260, 261, 262, 263, 270, 280, 309; mentioned, 22, 101, 107, 122, 155, 204, 209, 244, 299, 307, 362, 372, 404, 420, 443, 463, 595
  • Lookout Mountain, Tenn.: Davis at, 20; defenses, 76
  • Lookout Valley, Tenn., Battle of, 38, 42, 43, (Davis), 45, 422
  • L¢pez, Narciso, 635
  • Loring, William W. (sketch, 7:265), 275, 368, 414, 567, 618
  • Loudon, Tenn., skirmishes, 38-39
  • Louisiana: commanders, 195, 293, 411, 419, 453, 454, 496, 568, 591, (Davis), 195, 387, 420, 490, 515-16, 584, 588; conditions, 257, 309, 377, 400, 419, 511, 515, 521, (Davis), 333, 441, 453, 516, 522-23; CSA and, 309, 331, 454, (Davis), 326-29, 383, 452-53; conscription, 258, 397, 453, (Davis), 328; cotton trade, 173, 313, 331, 400, 453, 511, 515, 521, 614, 630, (Davis), 491; habeas corpus, 453, 521; impressment, 213, 257, 309, 329-30, 495-96, 521, 630, (Davis), 332-33, 441, 452-53, 521-22; morale, 9, 79, 193, 249, 309, 400, 453, 515, 584, (Davis), 490; operations and strategy, 57, 129, 164, 188-89, 191, 192, 193, 270, 284, 285-86, 288, 298, 317, 386, 434, 462, 595, 616-17, 628, 629, 632, (Davis), 164, 387; U.S. and, 163, strength, 597; L from delegation, 463. See also New Orleans, La.; Red River campaign
  • Louisiana State Bank, 173, 282, 302
  • Louisiana troops: 1st Artillery, 92; Austin's Sharpshooters, 78; Bossier Cavalry, 329; 1st Cavalry (Davis), 195, 566; 1st Infantry Battalion, 581; 3d Infantry, 362; 4th Infantry, 19, 329; 6th Infantry, 515; 7th Infantry, 5; 9th Infantry, 5; 11th Infantry, 88; 13th Infantry, 111; 16th Infantry, 453; 17th Infantry, 19; 22d Infantry, 19; La. Brigade, 5; La. Guard Battery, 348; Washington Artillery (Davis), 388; Davis on, 463, 566; militia, 258, 330, 551, 630, (Davis), 328; recruiting, 112, 164, 187, 329, 521, 553, 566, 629, (Davis), 112-13, 463; reserves, 489, 515, 630, (Davis), 474; strength, 463; L from officers, 19
  • Love Bird (CSA schooner), 412
  • Lovell, Mansfield (sketch, 7:324): assignment, 262, (Davis), 261; House resolution on, 198; recommendation by, 25; recommended, 150, 506; staff, 84
  • Lovett, Jacob: L from, 602; mentioned, 611, 618, 625, 633
  • Lowrey, Mark P., 178
  • Lowry, William B., 389
  • Lowry, William L.: L from, 398
  • Lubbock, Francis R. (sketch, 8:505): Davis' aide, 478, 567; Magruder and, 192; L to, 478
  • Lynch, William F.: L to, 277; mentioned, 276
  • Lynchburg, Va., 486
  • Lynn, Arthur T., 17
  • Lyon, Francis S. (sketch, 9:340): Davis and, 35
  • Lyon, Hylan B.: assignment (Davis), 494, 506; Davis on, 26; recommended, 25
  • Lyon, Nathaniel, 255
  • Lyons, Mary P.: Davis and, li
  • Lyons, Lord Richard B. P. (ident., 7:106): Davis on, 445; mentioned, 86


  • Macauley, Duncan: L to, 420
  • Macbeth, Charles: L to, 185
  • McCabe, James D.: Ls from, 5, 478
  • McCallon, J. B.: L from, 114-15
  • McCausland, John A.: assignments, 557, (Davis), 419; operations, 415, 596, 599, 603
  • McClellan, George B. (sketch, 8:7): criticized, 630; Davis and, 630; on artillery organization, 147, Harrison's Landing (1862), 404; Peninsula campaign, 483; presidential candidate, 536, 629
  • McClellan's Bridge, Va., 446
  • McClernand, John A. (sketch, 6:344), 253
  • McClure, James M., 290
  • McClure, Jasper W., 290
  • McComas, Minnie: L to, 389
  • McConnell, Anna: L from, 270-71
  • McConnell, Eddie: L from, 270-71
  • McCook, Robert L., 170
  • McCorkle, W. Y.: L from, 629
  • McCown, John P. (sketch, 8:149), 217
  • McCulloch, Kate T.: L from, 565
  • McCulloch, Robert, 223
  • McCulloch, William, 565
  • McDaniel, Zere: Cairo claim, 283, 312, (Davis), 461, 638
  • McDonald, ------, 636
  • McDowell, Thomas D.: confers with Davis, 199-200; L from, 196
  • McElrath, George W. (sketch, 2:59), 531
  • McElroy, John S., 306
  • McElroy, John W., 359
  • MacFarland, James E. (sketch, 8:22), 185
  • McGee, William (ident., 348), 344
  • McGowan, Samuel, 438, 440
  • McGuirk, John, 223
  • McHenry, George, 246, 501
  • Mackall, William W., 54
  • McKee, Andrew W. (ident., 8:595), 511
  • McKinney, Frank (slave) (ident., 7:4), 61
  • McKinney, Thomas F., 225, 284
  • McKinstry, Alexander, 53
  • McLaws, Lafayette (sketch, 8:341): court-martialed, 209, (Davis), 157-58, 393; Knoxville, 93; L to, 602; L from, 602; mentioned, 8, 234, 443
  • McLean, James R. (sketch, 200): confers with Davis, 199-200
  • McLemore's Cove, Ga., 56, 74
  • McMackin, Thomas C.: L from, 34
  • McMaster, Fitz W., 579, 582
  • McMicken, Mathew B. (ident., 146)
  • McMillin, John P., 612
  • McNair, Evander (sketch, 3:139), 39
  • McNeil, John: Davis on, 104
  • McNulty, J. S.: L to, 357
  • Macon, Ga.: hospital, 567; Davis speaks at, 43, 48
  • Macon, Miss., 553
  • Macon (Ga.) & Western Railroad, 598, 621
  • McPherson, James B. (sketch, 9:413), 278, 285, 566
  • McQuaig, John S., 86
  • McQueen, John, 583
  • McQueen, S. F.: Davis on, 583; L from, 567
  • McRae, Colin J. (sketch, 9:333): agent abroad, 85, 221, 302, 585; on trade regulations, 302
  • MacRae, Donald, 17
  • McRae, John J. (sketch, 4:253): L to V. Davis, 138
  • McRae, Mary B.: L from, 138
  • McRae, William, 306
  • McWillie, William (sketch, 5:15): L from, 29
  • Maddens Tavern, Va., skirmish, 638
  • Maddox, Joseph H., 638
  • Madison Court House, Va., skirmish, 375
  • Maffitt, John N. (sketch, 8:592), 466
  • Magevney, Michael: L to, 204
  • Magruder, George A., Jr., 412
  • Magruder, John Bankhead (sketch, 1:75): aides, 410, 412; assignment, 410-11, 460; on Texas operations, 409-10; Smith on, 188, 195, 353; in Texas, 67, 188, 304, 315, 316, 460; Ls from, 409-11, 496; mentioned, 457, 554, 595
  • Mahone, William (sketch, 579): Lee on, 443, 577; on Lee, 579; Petersburg, 577, 580, (Davis), 583; Va. operations, 419, 448, 621
  • mail. See Post Office Department
  • Major, Minor, 263, 280
  • Mallett, Richardson, 142
  • Mallory, Stephen R. (sketch, 7:13): confers with Davis, 569; forged Ls of, 336, 376, 445; on British seizure of ships, 169, Cairo claim (1863), 638, Erlanger funds, 168-69, ironclads, 376, manpower shortage, 93, 117-18, 172, 495, Plymouth operations, 466, prisoner exchanges, 624, Richmond defenses, 430; replies for Davis, 623; Ls from, 93, 117-18, 168-69, 172, 240, 376-77, 441, 449, 495, 636, 638; mentioned, 321, 631. See also Navy Department
  • Manassas, Va., Battle of (1861), 369
  • Manassas, Va., Battle of (1862), 352
  • Manassas Gap Railroad, 467
  • Maness, Martha E., 478
  • Manigault, Arthur M., 23
  • Manly, Hannah G.: L to, 9
  • Mann, Ambrose Dudley (sketch, 7:112): on Napoleon III, 33, 337-38; Ls from, 33, 99, 231
  • Mansfield, La., Battle of, 286, 616
  • Manship, Charles H.: L from, 32
  • Manter, Francis H. (sketch, 607), 605
  • Marcy, William L. (sketch, 2:406): L from, 635
  • Marietta, Ga.: Davis speaks at, 19-20
  • Marine Corps, 93, 376
  • Marion, S.C., defenses, 482
  • Marks' Mills, Ark., Battle of, 193, 397, 462, 595
  • Marmaduke, John S. (sketch, 9:133): criticized, 57, 167; Red River campaign, 193; troop strength, 87
  • Marmont, Auguste, 60, 87
  • Marshall, Charles, 261
  • Marshall, Humphrey (sketch, 8:31): Ls from, 304, 493; mentioned, 158, 539
  • Marshall, Texas, 250
  • Marshall, Thomas A. (sketch, 5:70): Davis on, 437; L from, 437
  • martial law: Ark., 218; Galveston, 460, 600; Mo., 253. See also habeas corpus
  • Martin (black), 308
  • Martin, ------ (Capt.), 566
  • Martin, Davis S., 260
  • Martin, James G. (sketch, 8:277), 4, 8, 417
  • Martin, William T. (sketch, 292): assignments, 122, 147, 248, 260, 261, (Davis), 245, 260, 264, 274, 291; criticized, 292; recommended, 30
  • Martin's Ford, Va., 225
  • Maryland: operations, 557, 585; U.S. and, 472, 638
  • Maryland troops: 1st Battery, 334; Md. Battalion, 446; Md. Line, 284, 545, (Davis), 334; praised, 485; recruiting, 142, 489
  • Maryville, Tenn., 291
  • Mason, A. Pendleton, 240
  • Mason, Elizabeth C.: L to, 141
  • Mason, James M. (sketch, 4:125): assignment, 5, 16, 143, 246, (Davis), 18, 185; Davis and, 141, on, 133; funds for, 341; on British relations, 5, 130-31, 246, 335-36, Davis' message, 131-32, French relations, 131, 335-36, 490, R. O. Greenhow, 588; Ls from, 5, 130-32, 246, 335- 36, 588; mentioned, 503
  • Massachusetts troops: 5th Dismounted Cavalry (Colored), 488
  • Matagorda Bay, Texas, skirmishes, 409
  • Matamoros, Mexico, 102, 225, 284, 479. See also Mexico; Milmo, Patricio, & Co.
  • Mather, J. C.: L from, 307
  • Matthews, Beverly (sketch, 6:65): Davis on, 493, 614; L to, 614; L from, 99-100
  • Maury, Dabney H. (sketch, 9:5): assignment (Davis), 399-400, 541; Mobile defenses, 42, 117-18, 227, 272, 275, 399, 519, 533, 628, 632, (Davis), 37, 165, 262, 273; on Battle of Mobile, 588, 589, 595, disaffection, 165; praised, 20, 625; and reinforcements for Johnston, 171, 505; Ls to, 165, 262, 272, 273, 303, 520, 587, 596; Ls from, 272, 273, 519, 588, 589, 595, 628, 632; mentioned, 354, 442, 545, 559, 596
  • Maury, Henry: assignment, 210; Davis on, 273, 303; Miss. operations, 287; recommended, 272, 595
  • Maury, Matthew F. (sketch, 2:517), 337
  • Maury, William L., 246
  • Maxey, Samuel B. (sketch, 194), 141, 190, 193
  • Maximilian I (sketch, 337): CSA and, 158, 172, 287, 444-45, 490; France and, 134, 335-36; U.S. and, 3, 445; L to, 158
  • May, Ben: L from, 184
  • Mayo, J. (Dr.), 271
  • Mayo, Joseph: L from, 172
  • Meade, George G. (sketch, 9:386): on Grant, 298, 390, 448, Dahlgren raid, 244, Reams' Station, 518, Va. losses, 621, Wilson's raid, 481; operations, 26, 34, 404, 487, (Davis), 37, (Lee), 3, 26, 87, 90, 219, 332, 497
  • Meadow Bridge, Va.: Davis at, lii
  • Meagher, Thomas F. (sketch, 7:377), 157, 185, 354
  • Medical Department, 72, 92, 237, 567
  • Medicine and Surgery, Office of, 93
  • Melton, C. D., 455
  • Memminger, Christopher G. (sketch, 8:63): Congress and, 444, 471, 540; criticized, 211, 341, 477, 550; Davis and, lii, 205, 444, 471, on, 477; and Erlanger loan, 110, 117; on Bank of La., 282, 302, Cotton Bureau, 315, cotton trade, 138, 228, 262, 287, 398, 402, 414, 437, 501, 510, currency limitation, 103, 330, 384, Johnston, 622, taxes, 286; praised, 185; replies for Davis, 402, 501; resigns, 444, 471; L to, 477; Ls from, 91, 102, 107, 110, 138, 140, 150-51, 166, 169, 186, 205, 212, 220, 228, 262, 282, 283, 287, 302, 333, 377, 414, 435, 437, 444, 451, 471, 507, 510, 622; mentioned, 483, 588. See also Treasury Department
  • Memphis, Tenn.: cotton trade, 11, 101, 123, 233, 625; raid proposed, 115; U.S. occupies, 224, 342
  • Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 88, 105, 107, 222, 362
  • Memphis Appeal, 101, 297
  • Mendenhall, Nereus: L to, 281
  • Mercer, Hugh W. (sketch, 1:70): assignment (Davis), 365; Davis and, 366; relieved, 566; Ls to, 365, 366; L from, 364-65; mentioned, 48
  • Mercer, John T., 358
  • Mercier, Edouard H. (sketch, 133), 131, 445
  • Meridian, Miss.: Davis at, 35-36
  • Meridian campaign, 224, 232, 233, 257, 259-60, 274, 284, (Davis), 232, 235, 258, 259, 571
  • Meriwether, Minor, 304
  • Metcalfe, Orrick: Davis and, 101
  • Mexican War: Davis and, 25, 423, 512, 635; veterans, 191, 194, 209, 243, 250, 251, 345, 346, 412, 518, 558, 580, 627, 637
  • Mexico: antislavery sentiment, 169; CSA and, 137, 169, 172-73, 187, 189, 337-38, 444- 45, 490, (Davis), 103, 132, 158; France and, 33, 135, 143, 191, 287, 336; trade via, 81, 155, 188, 410, 416, 628; U.S. and, 169, 287, 445
  • Michaels, William D., 98
  • Michel, Middleton: Davis and, 637
  • Michigan, USS, 86, 537
  • Middle Tennessee: campaign proposed, 174-75; resources, 156
  • Middleton, John I.: L from, 331-32
  • Midwest. See Northwest
  • Miles, Nelson A., 448
  • Miles, William Porcher (sketch, 7:288), 366
  • Milford, Va., defenses, 435
  • Milledgeville Recorder, 474
  • Miller, J. N.: L from, 615-16
  • Miller, John: L from, 166
  • Miller, William: assignments (Davis), 220, 565, 583, 597; recommended, 399, 565
  • Milligan, James F., 440
  • Milmo, Patricio, & Co., 81, 187, 211, 284, (Davis), 371
  • Milroy, Robert H. (sketch, 9:37), 237
  • Milton, John (sketch, 8:350): Davis on, 397, 637; on conscription, 10, 220, trade regulations, 301, 396-97; Ls to, 259, 442, 583, 596-97, 636, 637; Ls from, 10, 220, 257, 280, 396-97, 399, 565
  • Mine Run, Va., 390
  • Minnesota, USS, 376
  • Minnigerode, Charles F. E. (sketch, 8:182): Davis and, 365
  • Minter, Joseph F., 85
  • Missionary Ridge, Tenn.: Davis at, 20-22, 24
  • Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Battle of: Bragg on, 87, 97; J. E. Brown on, 274; Davis on, 87, 183; mentioned, 176, 180. See also Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • Mississippi: commanders, 551, (Davis), 584, 588; conditions, 24, 52, 67, 167, 279, 308, 338, 370, 453, 521, 531, (Davis), 332-33, 440-41, 521-22; conscription, 10, 25, 67, 88, 113, 140- 41, 196, 212-13, 275, 364, 370, 397, 453, 601-2, 612; cotton trade, 10-11, 23-24, 67, 98, 117, 123-25, 167, 222, 233, 279, 310, 353, 370, 377, 400, 453-54, 483-84, 493-94, 531, 551, 612, (Davis), 491; Davis on, 137, visits, 25, 30, 31-32, 35-36; disaffection, 10, 23-24, 128, 279, 281, 303, 308, 310, 377; habeas corpus, 279, 308, 364; impressment, 123, 494, 496, 521, 623, (Davis), 440, 494, 623; judicial system, 552, (Davis), 612; morale, 23-24, 66, 123, 214, 274, 285, 353, 551, 612, (1862), 637; operations, 23, 30-31, 52, 66, 114, 123, 128, 175, 222, 224, 227, 232, 233, 246, 256, 257, 258, 259-60, 274, 284-85, 289-90, 303, 307, 308, 483, 484, 494, 497, 501-2, 510, 542, 551, 553, 554, 555, 584, 601, (Davis), 232, 235, 256, 258, 259, 400, 513, 514, 571; public opinion on Johnston, 552; railroads, 47, 102, 123, 126, 222, 244, 246, 257, 274, 289- 90, 303, 370, 501-2, 552, 584; repudiation, 141, 231; resolutions on conscription, 364, Davis, 100, 116, 137, 364, Gholson, 393, slave impressment, 78, 125-26, taxes, 364; resources, 4, 29, 47, 90, 123, 144, 149, 175, 206, 214, 216, 246, 284-85, 551, 555, (Davis), 619; slaves, 24, 29, 67, 206, 274, 284-85, 370, 531, impressed, 78, 125-26, 146, (Davis), 79, 91, 164; Ls from citizens, 494, 496, congressmen, 240, 637. See also Meridian campaign
  • Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad, 126
  • Mississippi Central Railroad, 126, 274, 370, 552, 584
  • Mississippi Regiment, First (Mexican War), veterans, 299, 476
  • Mississippi River: crossings, 67, 83, 103, 117, 312, 358, 370, 483-84, 594, 607, 623, (Davis), 67, 78, 460, 501; defenses (1862-63), 109, 274, 295-96, (Davis), 278; U.S. operations, 62, 64, 79, 88, 164, 188, 190, 222, 263, 280, 285, 288, 289, 307, 483, 497, 510, 552, 617, 628
  • Mississippi River Commission (postwar), 242
  • Mississippi troops: Adams' Cavalry, 47; 1st Cavalry, 62; 6th Cavalry, 442; 12th Cavalry, 442; 16th Cavalry, Battalion, 100; Gholson's Brigade, 393, 398; Ham's Battalion, 100; Harvey's Scouts, 62; 2d Infantry, 637; 6th Infantry, 614; 11th Infantry, 85; 18th Infantry (Davis), 443; Jeff Davis Legion, 230; called up, 401, 628; cavalry, 101, 173; commander (Davis), 237; Davis on, 442, 614; militia, 551, 629, 630, 632; recruiting, 66, 113, 140, 196, 198, 406, 508, 521, 531, 545, (Davis), 440-41, 614; reserves, 474, 489, 530, 584, 630, (Davis), 495, 530; state troops, 88, 100, 101, 196, 213, 224, 233; strength, 393, 628, 629; transferred to CSA, 101, 393, 398
  • Mississippi troops (U.S.): Miss. Marine Brigade, 552
  • Missouri: campaigns for, 57, 250, 554, 607, 609, (Davis), 593; CSA and, 250, 604; congressmen, 72, 248, 405-6, 414, 612; morale, 68, 604; U.S. and, 82, 249-50, 604
  • Missouri troops: Mo. Brigade commander (Davis), 226; Mo. State Guard, 57, 250, 255; criticized, 57, 255; Davis addresses, 29; organization, 151-52; recruited, 57, 250, 607
  • Mitchel, Charles B.: Davis and, xlix, 129; L from, 375; mentioned, 44
  • Mitchell, Charles Jouett (nephew-in-law) (sketch, 2:8), 226
  • Mitchell, Joseph Davis (grandnephew) (sketch, 3:98): CSA service, 361, 409, 507-8; Davis and, 24, 636; and Davis Bend raid, 47, 61, 96; L from, 507-8; mentioned, 226, 324, 372, 407
  • Mitchell, Mary Elizabeth (Lise). See Hamer, Mary Elizabeth Mitchell (Lise)
  • Mobile, Ala.: commander, 399, (Davis), 400; cotton trade, 66, 101, 221, 371; Davis at, 32, 33, 36; Davis slaves at, 42, 45, 320; defenses, 39, 75, 83, 85, 122, 172, 198, 210, 212, 227, 240, 244, 247, 256, 270, 272, 275, 324, 349, 353, 370, 372, 517, 584, 616, 625, 628, 632, (Davis), 37, 42, 168, 171, 256, 262, 272, 292, 382-83, 629, 633; morale, 20, 584; threatened, 214, 227, 232, 233, 437, 497, 505, 510, 513, 519, 522, 589, 594, 597, (Davis), 165, 232, 234-35, 238, 245, 506, 514, 520, 541, 587
  • Mobile, Ala., Battle of: Davis on, 596, 619; described, 598, 625; Maury on, 588, 589, 595; R. L. Page on, 592
  • Mobile & Girard Railroad, 617
  • Mobile & Ohio Railroad: repaired, 290, 303, 370; U.S. operations, 244, 247, 259, 285
  • Molyneux, Edmund, 17
  • Monroe Doctrine, 336
  • Montgomery, Ala.: Davis at, 34-35; home guard, 177; threatened (Davis), 235, 619
  • Montgomery, Benjamin T. (sketch, 4:241), 63
  • Montgomery, Louis M.: L from, 115
  • Montgomery & Atlanta Railroad, 586
  • Montgomery & West Point Railroad, 542, 547, 620
  • Montgomery Mail: Davis and, 129
  • Mooney, W.: L to, 355-56
  • Moore, Andrew B. (sketch, 8:36): L from, 42
  • Moore, Bartholomew F.: Davis on, 163
  • Moore, John C., 39, 76, 85, 171, 237
  • Moore, John F.: L from, 508
  • Moore, Samuel P.: E by, 623
  • Moore, Thomas O. (sketch, 7:333): Davis and, 333; on Davis, 136, R. Taylor, 136; L to, 333; L from, 136; mentioned, 566
  • Moore, William E., 148
  • Moorefield, W.Va., skirmish, 596, 603, 609
  • Moorman, George, 166
  • Moorman, Hiram C.: L to, 204
  • Mordecai, Moses C., 94
  • Morehead, Charles S. (sketch, 538): recommended, 536; L from, 369; mentioned, 637
  • Morehead, John M.: confers with Davis, 19, 99; L from, 19
  • Morgan, CSS, 588
  • Morgan, John Hunt (sketch, 8:304): Bragg on, 493; Davis and, l, on, 509, 513, 575; Lee on, 187, 575, 585; on Ky. raid (1862), 608, retaliation, 289; operations, 358-59, 490, 491, 493, 568, 575, 585, 600, (Davis), 260, 492, 501, 509, 513; recruiting for, 187, 198, 207, 282; Ls from, 173, 282, 289; mentioned, 147, 494
  • Morgan, John T. (sketch, 293), 11, 71, 291, 318
  • Morris Island, S.C., 4, 53
  • Morrison, James H., 422
  • Morristown, Tenn., 76
  • Morton's Ford, Va., 101
  • Mosby, John S. (sketch, 350): assignment (Davis), 482; Davis on, 264; operations, 264, 484; reports by, 333, 349, 376
  • Moseley, Morgan, 482
  • Mount Pleasant, S.C.: Davis at, 70
  • Mouton, Alfred (sketch, 8:443), 194, 400
  • munitions: Atlanta depot, 105; CSA captures, 39, 257, 343, 519, loses, 9, 122; cotton traded for, 316, 317, 412; for Army of N. Va., 402, Army of Tenn., 105, 198, 214, 234, 512, 566, (Davis), 120, 513, Indian troops, 113, 189-90, 229, 257, Miss., 101, Point Lookout raid, 509, 510, 512, S.C., 460, 463, 470, 482, Tenn., 105, Texas, 409-10, 496, Trans-Miss., 9, 57, 66, 79, 83, 91, 128, 312-13, 316, 370, 373, 608, (Davis), 9, 67, 78, 79, 80, 313, 358, 568, 612, Va., 530; France seizes, 82, 410; invention, 369; procured abroad, 301, 409-10, 496, 575-76, 636, in U.S., 538; produced in Ark., 605, Richmond, 341, 446; Selma depot, 612. See also artillery; Ordnance Bureau
  • Murfreesboro, Tenn., Battle of: Bragg on, 95-96
  • Murrah, Pendleton (sketch, 315): and cotton trade, 313-14; criticized, 304, 314; on conscription, 192, 411-12; L to, 367-68
  • Myers, Abraham C. (sketch, 8:277): Davis on, 206, 271; report on, 114
  • Myers, Joseph, 197
  • Myers farm, Va., skirmish, 419


  • Nailer, Daniel B.: L from, 278
  • Nance, James D., 393
  • Nance's Shop, Va., skirmish, 480
  • Nancy Dawson (CSA schooner), 412
  • Napoleon III: CSA and, 33, 58, 131, 135, 143, 172, 186, 336, 338; and Mexico, 336, 490. See also France
  • Nashville, CSS, 245, 247, 275
  • Nashville, Tenn., 387, 546
  • Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, 107, 546, 586
  • Nassau trade, 414, 550
  • Natchez, Miss., 23, 98
  • Native Americans. See Indians
  • navy: artillery, 366, 449, 495; asylum bill (Davis), 229; Bermuda Hundred, 449; casualties, 221; manpower shortage, 93, 117-18, 172, 247, 270, 495, (Davis), 104, 212, 334; Mobile, 212, 247, 270, 275, 621; N.C., 371, 466; pay, 93, 240; prisoner exchanges (Davis), 624; strength, 93; training ship, 93, 376; volunteer navy, 93, 276, 376
  • Navy Department: Cairo claim, 283; cotton trade, 93, 110, 278, 414; Erlanger funds, 168-69; estimates, 93, 240, 376-77, 441, (1861), 636; forged documents, 336, 376, 445; ordnance works, 334, 495; plan to destroy U.S. vessels, 225; reports on, 93, 376-77; shipbuilding, 93, 275, 376, 476, abroad, 34, 117, 130, 169, 229, 246, 445, 585, (1861), 636. See also Mallory, Stephen R.
  • Neely, James J., 347
  • Nelson, C. C., 561
  • Nelson, Thomas M., 555
  • New Bern, N.C., expeditions: Feb., 150, 187, 220-21, (Davis), 151, 219-20; Apr.-May, 356, 390, (Davis), 371, 388
  • New Hope Church, Ga., 528, 573
  • New London, USS, 411
  • Newman, Robert L.: Ls from, 278-79, 332
  • New Market, Va., Battle of, xi
  • New Mexico Territory, 112, 406
  • Newnan, Ga., 520, 522, 524
  • New Orleans, La.: commodity prices, 127; cotton trade, 127, 173, 233, 353; defenses (Davis), 46, 165; loss of, 116, 274, 451; recapture proposed, 164, 288, 434, 584, 617, 629; U.S. operations, 191, 192, 270, 285, 349, 510, 513, 519, 544, 555, 597
  • Newton, Willoughby: L from, 304-5; mentioned, 367, 482
  • New York Herald: Davis reads, 514; Lee reads, 497, 507, 512; mentioned, 133, 280
  • New York Times, 280
  • New York Tribune, 562
  • Niagara Falls, N.Y., peace conference, 559-61
  • Nicholls, Francis T., 5, 271
  • Nichols, Ebenezar B., 315
  • Nicholson, Joseph D. (sketch, 8:286): health, 321, 358, 361, 407; recommended, 47; mentioned, 61, 324
  • Nick (slave), 61
  • Niter and Mining Bureau, 89, 104
  • Noland, B. P., 197
  • Noland, Richard W. N. (sketch, 7:300), 369
  • Noonday Creek, Ga., skirmish, 528
  • Norris, William (sketch, 9:156): criticized, 94, 638; L from, 352
  • North Carolina: agent abroad, 217-18; Cherokee claim, 140; conscription, 196, 227, 263, 281, 288-89, 356, 368, (Davis), 266-67, 274; cotton trade, 283, 301, 312, 333, 493, 549-50; Davis meets with congressmen, 199-200, praises, 50-51; defenses, 26, 29-30, 203, 359, (Davis), 30, 139, 326, 359; disaffection, 30, 87, 99, 139, 199, 217, 227, 277, 278, 356, 357, 493, 516, 611, 622, (Davis), 158-61, 196, 266-68; habeas corpus, 199, 227, 261, (Davis), 199, 268, 274; impressment, 99, 196, 227, 261, 355, 357, (Davis), 266-67; patronage, 227, 232, 277, (Davis), 51, 227-28, 265-66; peace sentiment, 139, 200, 202, (Davis), 158-60; poor relief, 99; railroads, 239, 294, 355, 438, 555, 618, 620; resources, 261, 368, 555, (Davis), 326, 618-19; slaves, 87, 196, 261, 611; support for CSA, 622; Ls from citizens, 142, 261, congressmen, 217
  • North Carolina troops: Daniels' Brigade, 438; Gordon's Brigade (Davis), 341; 26th Infantry, 163; 35th Infantry, 98; 50th Infantry, 465; Thomas' Legion, 30, 203, 359; Davis on, 50, 58, 160, 200, 299; Lee on, 438; officers' appointments (Davis), 228, 306; reserves, 436, 516, (Davis), 356; supplies for, 263, 301; L from officers, 98
  • Northern Neck, Va.: defenses, 245, 367, 484, 624, (Davis), 482, 495; spies in, 94, 495
  • Northrop, Lucius B. (sketch, 1:313): criticized, 304, 545, 599; Davis and, 79, 110, 589- 90; on Beauregard, 369, Davis, 590, disaffection, 197, Johnston, 214, T. Lewis, 545-46, milling contracts, 374, Polk, 279, procedures, 214, 279, 589, 590-91, railroads, 168, 280-81, 352, 355, supply shortages, 77, 151, 197, 280-81, 355; L to, 151; Ls from, 279, 369, 545-46, 589-90. See also Commissary Department
  • Northumberland County, Va.: conditions, 483, 494-95; L from citizens, 494-95
  • Northwest: CSA and, 152-53, 255, 280, 535, 561; opposition to Lincoln, 152, 609
  • Norton, Nimrod L., 251, 414
  • Norvill, Lucien B.: L from, 212
  • Nottoway bridge, 401


  • Oakey, Nick, 64
  • Ocean Pond, Fla., Battle of: described, 243; reports on, 257, 565; mentioned, 163, 258, (Davis), 259
  • O'Daniel, Claudia A.: L from, 203
  • O'Daniel, Wesley, 203
  • O'Ferrell, John W.: Davis on, 213
  • Ogden, Richard D.: Ls from, 319, 623; mentioned, 614
  • Ohio election (1863), 153
  • Ohio troops: 4th Cavalry, 278
  • Okolona, Miss., skirmish, 224
  • Oldham, Williamson S.: L to, 460; Ls from, 155-56, 186, 416
  • Oliphant, James: L from, 405
  • Olustee, Fla. See Ocean Pond, Fla., Battle of
  • O'Neal, Edward A.: promotion, 11, 303, 318; L from, 11
  • O'Neill, J. F.: Ls from, 602, 632-33
  • Orange & Alexandria Railroad, 27, 60, 332, 418, 467
  • Orange Court House, Va.: Davis speaks at, 85
  • Order of American Knights, 154, 255, 263, 280
  • Ordnance and Hydrography, Office of, 93
  • Ordnance Bureau: Augusta works, 14; Charlotte works, 495; conscription, 118; Davis praises, 104; funds for, 319; officers, 116, 261; procedures (Davis), 565; production, 89; Rawlingsville works, 235; Trans-Miss., 605, (Davis), 606. See also artillery; Gorgas, Josiah; munitions
  • Orr, James L.: Davis and, l; mentioned, 153, 478
  • O'Sullivan, John L.: L from, 246-47
  • Otey, James C., 633
  • Ould, Robert (sketch, 9:109): on retaliation, 97, 289, U.S. prisoner policy, 383-84; reports by, 34, 89, 97, 213, 289, 373, 624, 632; Ls from, 113, 220; mentioned, 603
  • Overall, John W.: Ls from, 532
  • Oxford, Miss., 126, 610


  • Paducah, Ky., Battle of, 342-343, 373
  • Page, Richard L.: assignment (Davis), 272, 273; on Mobile, 588, 592; L to, 272; Ls from, 272, 592; mentioned, 625
  • Palmer, John B., 516, 574, 583, 622
  • Palmerston, Henry J. T. (ident., 8:22), 337
  • Palmetto, Ga.: Davis visits, 587
  • Palmyra plantation, 63
  • Pampero, CSS, 132
  • Pamunkey River: defenses (Davis), 100; U.S. operations, 420, 469, 470
  • Paris La Patrie, 369
  • Parker, Frank S., 423
  • Parker, N. P., 228
  • Parker, William H., 376
  • Parr, H. A., 272
  • Parrott guns, 433, 449, 502
  • Parsons, Mosby M., 251, 255
  • Parsons, William H. (sketch, 192), 188, 192, 594
  • partisan rangers, 30, 89, 112, 293, 325, 347, 453, 553
  • Pascagoula, Miss., 533, 584
  • Patent Office, 608
  • Patrick Henry, CSS, 93, 376
  • Patton, George S., 444
  • Patton, Henrietta K. (ident., 574), 571
  • Patton, James L., 375
  • Patton, Thomas W. (sketch, 574)
  • Paul, Alfred, 133
  • Paxton, Alexander M. (sketch, 2:40): criticized, 494, 496, 521; Davis and, 623; L from, 67
  • Payne, Aleck (slave) (ident., 7:4), 61
  • Payne, Jacob U. (sketch, 1:452), 318
  • Payne, James (slave) (ident., 64), 61
  • peace: British petition, 133; CSA opponents, 162, 251, 603, 631-32, proponents, 201, 202, 213, 269, 322, 332, 341; Davis on, 104, 159-61, 165, 200, 380-81, 533-34; Niagara Falls meeting, 559-61; U.S. sentiment, 139, 152, 187, 213, 332, 407, 535, 599, 630, 631-32; Vance and, 53, 139, 163, 201, 202, 210, 455; Washington conference (1861), 346, 538
  • Pearsall, Jeremiah: L from, 87
  • Pearsall, Thomas, 596
  • Pearson, Richmond M. (sketch, 9:194): criticized, 261; Davis on, 273-74
  • Pegram, John, 442, 636
  • Pegues, Alexander H. (sketch, 2:112): Davis and, 85; L from, 85
  • Peirce, W. W., 263
  • Pemberton, John C. (sketch, 8:9): command status, 359; criticized, 77; Davis and, 14, 422, on, 32, 73, 278; on U.S. deserters, 600-601; recommendation by, 25; recommended, 10; resigns, 422; Richmond defenses (Davis), 613; staff, 115, 422, 502; Vicksburg campaign, 3, 129, 135, 164, (Davis), 32, 278; L to, 277-78; L from, 422
  • Pendleton, Alexander S., 106
  • Pendleton, William N. (sketch, 7:240): Davis and, li, 365; Lee on, 471, 477; on Army of Tenn., 353, artillery organization, 456; Ls from, 352-53, 365, 456-57; mentioned, 148, 308, 404
  • Penn, David B., 5
  • Pennington, John L., 201
  • Pennsylvania raid, 575, 585
  • Perkins, John, Jr. (sketch, 6:5), 383
  • Perrin, Abner, 405
  • Perrin, Robert O., 260
  • Perry, Edward A., 10
  • Perry County, Miss., 287
  • Peters, Thomas M.: L from, 305
  • Peters, William L., 305
  • Petersburg, Va.: commander, 398, 400, (Davis), 397-98, 399, 415; defenses, 418, 423, (Davis), 90, 401, 417, 418
  • Petersburg, Va., Battles of: the Crater, 576-77; Davis on, 458, 461, 475, 477, 490-91; described, 469, 470, 578-79, 580, 581; Lee on, 467, 470, 473, 474-75, 476, 502, 503, 507, 555- 56, 576-78, 617; Old Men and Boys, 459; and railroads, 474-75, 476, 502, 545, 617, (Davis), 475
  • Petersburg Railroad: defenses (Davis), 478, 614-15; operations, 614; U.S. operations, 545, 617, (Davis), 603, 619
  • Petrel, USS, 366
  • Pettus, Edmund W., 171
  • Pettus, John J. (sketch, 2:96): Davis and, 100, 101; mentioned, 140, 407
  • Pettus, Stephen G.: L from, 228; mentioned, 289
  • Phelan, James (sketch, 5:38): L from, 303-4; mentioned, 140, 383
  • Philadelphia, Tenn., skirmish, 38
  • Philadelphia (Pa.) Inquirer, 376, 495
  • Philips, Martin W. (sketch, 4:177): L from, 24
  • Phillips, J. W.: L to, 273
  • Pickett, Edward (sketch, 7:403), 195-96
  • Pickett, George E. (sketch, 9:210): assignments, 87, 139, 241, 255-56, 430, (Davis), 225, 388, 399, 423, 425; criticized, 400; N.C. operations, 4, 69, 77, 117, 187, 237, (Davis), 219, 225; Petersburg, 399, 400, 401, 430, 470, 473, 474, 476; requested (Lee), 319, 387, 391; mentioned, 429
  • Pickett, John T. (sketch, 6:266): L from, 169
  • Pickett, Joseph G.: L from, 84
  • Pickett's Mill, Ga., Battle of, 440, 528, 573
  • Piedmont, Va., Battle of: Davis on, 459; mentioned, 451
  • Piedmont Railroad, 355, 438, 618, 620
  • Pierce, Franklin (sketch, 4:272), 629
  • Pike, Albert (sketch, 7:268), 218
  • Pillow, Gideon J. (sketch, 7:257): Ala. operations, 463, 464, (Davis), 482; assignments, 214, 282, 465, (Davis), 490; criticized, 613; on Fort Donelson, 4; L from, 3-4; mentioned, 11, 141, 347
  • Pius IX: Davis and, 135, 354; on recognition, 231; L from, 99
  • Pleasant Hill, La., Battle of, 286, 462, 616
  • Pleasants, E. S.: Davis and, 275
  • Pleasants, Henry, 578
  • Plumb, Edward L., 169
  • Plymouth, N.C., operations, 356, 358, 373, 386, 464, 611, (Davis), 359
  • Pocotaligo, S.C.: Davis speaks at, 48; defenses, 106
  • Point Lookout, Md.: commanders, 488; described, 487; raid, 509, 510, 512, 515, 516, (Davis), 497, 509, 510, 514, 515, (Lee), 485-86, 493, 496, 502, 509, proposed, 114, 483; mentioned, 483, 530
  • Point Pelee, Canada, 241
  • Poison Springs, Ark., Battle of, 193, 397, 462, 595
  • Polignac, Camille J., 460, 533, 568, 594, 606
  • Polk, Alexander H. (sketch, 8:40), 559, 571, 583
  • Polk, Leonidas (sketch, 7:174): assignments, 121, (Davis), 32, 111-12, 184, 232, 238, 239, 259, 332-33, 399-400, 482; Bragg and, vi, 3, 19, 23, 43, 71, (Davis), 6-7; criticized, 277, 279, 282, 413; Davis and, 14, 15, 23, 34, 36, 40, 41, 58, 72, 73, 105-6, 164, 247, 478, on, 41, 184, 282, 289-90, 508, 569-71; J. E. Davis and, 320; death, 466, 471, 478, 508; Ga. operations, 150, 414, 426, 434, 482, 525, (Davis), 570-71; Johnston and, 115, 144, 167, 168, 172, 216, 230, 232, 233, 353, 414, (Davis), 170, 229, 234-35, 571; Miss. operations, 214, 227, 232, 233, 238, 244, 246, 257, 258, 259-60, 284, 344, 370, 375, 377, 399, (Davis), 229, 234-35, 236, 238, 259, 571; on Bragg, 11-13, Chickamauga, 12-13, 14, cotton trade, 370, Davis, 106, 478, 573, his powers, 277, 287, Johnston, 572, 573, Miss. campaign, 233, 258, Miss. organization, 338, 354, 377, 397, munitions shipments, 312-13, 358, 370, strategy, 141, 176, 233, 264, 288, 361, 463, 525, 574, U.S. strategy, 172, 258, 264; staff, 41-42, 115, 258, 325, 569; Ls to, 32, 41-42, 165, 170, 184, 203, 204, 229, 232, 238, 247, 259, 332-33, 354, 359, 375, 387, 399-400; Ls from, 11- 13, 19, 34, 71, 88, 105-6, 140-41, 167, 172, 214, 219, 227, 233, 244, 257, 258, 259-60, 263, 264, 272, 277, 287, 288, 312, 338, 354, 358, 369-70, 375, 377, 397, 399, 414, 444, 463; mentioned, 111, 115, 195, 275, 280, 309, 361, 465, 516, 591, 629
  • Polk, Lucius E.: on Cleburne's proposal, 178; L from, 9
  • Polk, William M., 13
  • Pollard, Ala.: Davis visits, 36; defenses, 519
  • Pollard, Edward, 387
  • Pond, Preston, Jr. (sketch, 453): on La. conditions, 309-10, 453; L to, 452-53; L from, 309-10; mentioned, 330
  • Pope, John (sketch, 8:303), 352, 457, 462, 484
  • Porter, David D. (sketch, 6:27): at Davis Bend, 64; Red River campaign, 193, 285; mentioned, 251
  • Porter, William D.: Davis and, li; mentioned, 278, 283, 287
  • Port Gibson, Miss., skirmish, 553
  • Port Hudson, La., 88, 192
  • Posey, Carnot (sketch, 3:74): Davis on, 109; mentioned, 28, 107
  • Posey, Jefferson: L from, 107
  • Posey, Lloyd: Davis on, 109
  • Posey, Stanhope: L from, 109
  • Post Office Department: Davis on, 104; estimates, 58, 378, 433; mail delays, 329, 433; Miss., 23; reports on, 102-3, 378; salaries, 103, 378, 433, 441; telegraph construction, 378; Trans-Miss., 378; and Treasury Dept., 5, 103, (Davis), 9; and War Dept., 205, 217. See alsoReagan, John H.
  • Potier, ------: L from, 116
  • Potomac River: CSA operations, 28, 241, 391, 483, 484-86, 493, 496, 512, 518, 530, 555-56; U.S. operations, 245, 467, 507, 603, 628
  • Potter, Robert B., 578
  • Powers, Frank P., 112, 406, 521
  • Prairie Grove, Ark., Battle of, 9
  • Preston, John S. (sketch, 7:392): on Ala. conscription laws, 311-12, conscription officers, 386, reserves, 385; reports by, 114, 158, 186, 282; E by, 220; Ls from, 196-97, 212-13; mentioned, 203. See also Conscription Bureau
  • Preston, William (sketch, 7:448): assignment, 30, 31, 43, (Davis), 34, 37; Davis and, 166, 318; Mexico envoy, 158, 165, 169, 338; on Mexico mission, 444-45, 490; recommendation by, 111; Ls from, 9, 166, 444-45, 490
  • Preston, William B.: L to, 635
  • Price, Austin H.: L from, 609
  • Price, Edwin, 255
  • Price, Sterling (sketch, 7:189): assignments, 460, (Davis), 81; criticized, 137, 195, 397, 414; Davis and, 251, 255, on, 80-81; on Mo. campaign, 254, recruiting, 250; recommended, 72, 83, 151; Red River campaign, 193, 617; staff, 323; mentioned, 353, 362, 554, 595, 606
  • Price, Thomas H., 358, 413
  • Prince William County, Va., 28, 212
  • prisoners of war: Ala. camp, 482-83, 547, 617, (Davis), 520; Ark. Post, 157, 176, 186; black troops, 358, 375, (Davis), 600; in Canada, 273, 564, (Davis), 340; casualties at Point Lookout, 487; Davis addresses, 281, on, 104, 195, 218, 243, 289, 380, 461, 546, 600, 609; exchanges, 34, 47, 89, 213, 226, 373, 492, 520, 575, 584, 624, 632, (Davis), 33, 65, 356, 380, 520, 541, 575, 624; exchange statistics, 384; Forts Gaines and Morgan, 598; Ga., 438, 444, 454, 482-83, 516, 542, 547, 615, 620; Grant on, 383; Morgan's command, 289; murder of, 481, 511, 546; political, 332, 356; rescue attempts, 86, 243, 489, 537, 609, (U.S.), 66, 168, 218, 244, 454; retaliation, 34, 289, 546, (Davis), 97; treatment of, 373, 383-84, 591, (Davis), 104, 281, 380, 601; Union City, 343; U.S. policy, 89, 373, 450, (Davis), 104, 380. See also specific camps
  • Provision and Clothing, Office of, 93
  • provost marshals: abuses by, 20, 218, 228, 289; appointment (Davis), 203; duties of, 140-41, 211, 520; recommendations for, 101, 140-41, 356; U.S., 22; mentioned, 53, 114, 203, 230, 472
  • Pryor, Roger A.: assignment (Davis), 185; L from, 46.


  • Quakers. See Friends, Society of
  • Quantrill, William C., 255
  • Quarles, William A.: assignments, 39, 122, 171, (Davis), 166; on Fort Donelson, 4
  • Quartermaster's Department: abuses, 124, 628; Army of N. Va., 66, 473; Army of Tenn., 166; contracts, 47, 206, 272; female employees, 596; freight policy, 356, (Davis), 356-57; impressment report, 442; jurisdiction, 258, 276, 277, 282, 287; officers criticized, 155; officers' appointments, 198; procedures (Davis), 610-11; quartermaster general, 114, (Davis), 206, 445; report on, 220; requisitions, 565; Tenn. operations, 158; Trans-Miss., 84, (Davis), 137. See alsoLawton, Alexander R.
  • Quinn, Robert M.: L from, 356
  • Quintard, Charles T.: L to, 449


  • Rabe, Robert: L from, 368
  • Ragsdale, Joel B.: L from, 497
  • railroads: CSA control of, 89, 90, 168, 210-11, 230, 261, 274, 283, 289, 352, 373, 622- 23; Davis on, 239, 355, 618-19; iron for, 60, 90, 272, 275, 283, 596, 611; mail and, 103, 378; supplies imported, 331; theft from, 168. See also specific lines and locales
  • Rains, Gabriel J. (sketch, 1:356): assignments, 256, (Davis), 618; Davis and, xlix; on James River defenses, 508; staff, 616; L from, 508
  • Rains, James S., 254
  • Raleigh, CSS, 376
  • Raleigh Conservative, 202
  • Raleigh N.C. Standard: Davis on, 227; on Davis, 53; mentioned, 53, 201, 278
  • Raleigh State Journal, 232
  • Ramseur, Stephen D., 443, 486
  • Ramsey, James G. M.: Ls from, 5, 338, 546
  • Randal, Horace (sketch, 6:113), 139, 193
  • Randolph, George W. (sketch, 8:121): criticized, 4; Davis and, l
  • Randolph, Mary A., l
  • Ransom, Matt W., 444
  • Ransom, Robert (sketch, 9:157): assignments, 39, 98, 99, 392, 456, 459, 471, (Davis), 4, 90, 99, 398, 415, 427, 441, 462, 596, 599; confers with Davis, 458; criticized, 11; health, 599; Lee on, 207; on Davis, 401, 459; Richmond defenses, 398, 402, 452; Tenn. operations, 4, 92, 98, 99, 101, 105; Va. operations, 58, 400, 415, 416, 419, 428, 448; Ls to, 90, 443-44, 462; L from, 98
  • Rapidan River, 26, 60, 88, 90, 225, 243, 389
  • Rappahannock, CSS: Davis on, 445; mentioned, 169, 376
  • Rappahannock River, 26-27, 34, 40, 60, 375, 376, 390, 435, 484
  • Rappahannock Station, Va., 58, 348
  • Rawlingsville, Ala., 235
  • Raymond, Miss.: Davis' slaves at, 32
  • Rayner, Kenneth (sketch, 8:190): L from, 263
  • Reade, Edwin G. (sketch, 201): confers with Davis, 199-200; on Davis, 202
  • Reagan, John H. (sketch, 7:420): Davis and, liii; Lee and, 447; on Atlanta, 504, Whiting, 428; Ls from, 5, 57-58, 102-3, 205, 217, 378, 433. See also Post Office Department
  • Reams' Station, Va., 481, 517, 581
  • reconstruction (reunion), 189, 243. See also disaffection
  • Red River campaign: Banks and, xi, 285-86, 298, 438, 450; Smith and, 188-89, 397, 462, 594, 616-17; U.S. reinforcements from, 421, 449; mentioned, 361
  • Reed, Albert R.: L from, 214
  • Reed, John: Davis on, 559
  • Reed, Laura: L from, 307
  • Reed, Thomas B. (ident., 2:686): Davis and, 48; sugar impressed, 307, 374; L from, 47- 48
  • Reed Ferrall & Co.: L from, 90
  • Reese, C. D., 271
  • Reese, E. T., 271
  • Reid, Samuel C.: Davis meets with, 25, 637; on Davis, 54
  • Reid, Thomas J., Jr.: Ls from, 164, 629; mentioned, 288
  • Republican party: Davis on, 445; mentioned, 153, 157, 280, 373
  • repudiation: Davis and, 141, 231
  • Resaca, Ga., 105, 413, 432
  • Resaca, Ga., Battle of, 433, 570-71
  • Reston, William: L from, 98
  • retaliation: Bragg on, 34, 244; Davis on, 97, 104, 511, 546; Early and, 557; Forrest on, 344; Lee on, 244, 546; Morgan on, 289; recommended, 308, 608; Seddon on, 244, 511
  • Reynolds, Alexander W., 242
  • Reynolds, Arthur E., 135
  • Reynolds, Joseph J., 194
  • Reynolds, Samuel H., 636
  • Reynolds, Thomas C. (sketch, 7:190): Davis and, 185; on Buckner, 595, J. B. Clark, 251, end of war, 250, guerrillas, 255, W. P. Johnson, 251, Mo. appointments, 248, Mo. campaign, 250, Mo. election, 414, Mo. State Guard, 254, Price and Holmes, 82, Trans-Miss. generals, 249; Ls to, 107, cited, 252; Ls from, 68, 72, 185, 248-50, 358, 405-6, 414, cited, 252
  • Rhodes, Ralzymon A.: L from, 167
  • "rich man's war," 207, 366, 515
  • Richards, A. Keene, 369
  • Richards, Thomas W., 624
  • Richardson, Albert D., 632
  • Richardson, Robert V. (sketch, 347): assignments, 223, 365; brigade described, 348; charges against, 333; operations, 344; Ls from, 333, 365
  • Richardson, William H., 84
  • Richardson, Wilson G.: L from, 437-38
  • Richmond, CSS, 430
  • Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad, 66, 432, 475
  • Richmond, Va.: conscription, 271; corruption, 142-43, 271; Davis speaks at, 281; defenses, 89, 168, 172, 352, 430, 458, 463, 506, (Davis), 90, 96, 100, 219, 226, 284, 341, 371, 388, 398, 401, 406, 415, 416, 418, 424, 444, 452, 457, 507, 613, (Lee), 88, 92, 214, 219, 297, 375, 388, 403, 418, 421, 422, 435, 441, 471, 476, 613; disaffection, 118; home guard, 558, (Davis), 118, 341; hospitals, 237; mail problems, 433; passports, 211; police, 172, 398; press, 18, 157; prices, 78, 373, 545; prisons, 168, 218; threatened, xi, 244, 305, 307, 312, 352, 355, 361, 407, 440, 558, (Davis), 339, 620, (Lee), 295, 312, 349, 389, 621; White House fire, l; L from physicians, 623
  • Richmond & Danville Railroad, 417, 476, 480, 620
  • Richmond & Petersburg Railroad, 401, 402, 477
  • Richmond Armory, 118, 341
  • Richmond County, Va., 494
  • Richmond Dispatch, 469
  • Richmond Enquirer, 396, 632
  • Richmond Examiner, 601, 632
  • Richmond Sentinel, 549, 550
  • Richmond Theatre, 319, 623
  • Richmond Whig: on Davis, ix
  • Ricketts, James B., 515, 556
  • Riddell's Shop, Va., 467
  • Ringgold, Ga., 76, 90, 92, 107, 108, 235, 259, 275, 353
  • Ringgold Gap, Ga., Battle of, 119, 122
  • Rio Grande, 67, 80
  • Ripley, Roswell S. (sketch, 7:428), 70
  • Rives, Alfred L.: James River bridge, 471; Petersburg, 475; report by, 438; Ls from, 91, 108, 304; mentioned, 211
  • Rives, William Cabell, 202
  • Robert, William F.: L from, 115; mentioned, 139
  • Robert E. Lee (blockade-runner), 100, 141
  • Roberts, Hiram: L from, 496
  • Robertson, Jerome B., 155, 157, 209
  • Robertson, William A., 435
  • Robertson's Tavern, Va., 392
  • Robinson, John A., 195
  • Robinson, John C.: Ls from, 141, 271
  • Robinson, John M., 475
  • Robinson, William L., 111
  • Rockingham County, Va., 171
  • Rocky Face, Ga., skirmish, 528
  • Roddey, Philip D. (sketch, 9:5): assignments, 233, 240, 465, (Davis), 546; Forrest and, 105; operations, 46, 198, 463, 464, (Davis), 156, 482, 513; praised, 305; troop strength, 144
  • Rodes, Robert E. (sketch, 8:260): assignment (Davis), 226; Lee on, 101, 207; on E. O'Neal, 303; recommended, 306
  • Rodgers, ------ (Capt.), 310
  • Roebuck, John A. (sketch, 9:257), 335, 337
  • Rogersville, Tenn., raid, 58
  • Roman, Alfred: on Davis, 53
  • Rome, Ga., 282, 289, 573
  • Root, Sidney: Ls from, 136, 283
  • Rootes, George F., 127
  • Rosecrans, William S. (sketch, 8:471): Davis on, 29, 33, 36; reinforcements for, 3, 8; relieved, 34, 38
  • Rosemont plantation, 454
  • Ross, ------: Davis and, lii
  • Ross, Amanda M.: L from, 455
  • Ross, George, 84
  • Ross, Lawrence S. (sketch, 362): Davis on, 115; Miss. operations, 224; on 6th Texas Cavalry, 363; promoted, 116; recommended, 96
  • Ross, William C., 455
  • Rosser, Thomas L., 10, 287, 341
  • Rossman, R., 531
  • Rost, Alphonse, 135
  • Rost, Pierre A. (sketch, 7:257): L from, 135; mentioned, 3
  • Rouss, Charles B.: L from, 255
  • Rousseau, Lovell H. (sketch, 7:447), 505, 527, 533, 542, 547, 613
  • Rowntree, Henry, 364
  • Royston, Grandison D., 383
  • Ruffin, Edmund: L from, 623
  • Ruffin, Thomas, 201
  • Ruggles, Daniel (sketch, 7:198), 100, 309, 329, 406
  • Runnels, ------, 172
  • Russell, Charles, 187, 284, 479
  • Russell, Charles W.: Ls from, 110, 565-66
  • Russell, Lord John (sketch, 7:106): Blairgowrie speech, 130; CSA and, 5, 34; criticized, 18, 130; Seward and, 335


  • St. Albans, Vt., 537, 562
  • St. John, Isaac M., 60
  • St. Louis, Mo., 118, 280
  • St. Mary's River, 305
  • St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 396
  • St. Thomas College, 511
  • Sale, John B. (sketch, 8:547): assignment, 96; L to, 546; Ls from, 400, 622
  • salt, 60, 123, 127, 167, 230, 331, 546, 575
  • Samaria Church, Va., 480
  • San Antonio, Texas, 188
  • Sanders, Anna R.: L from, 624
  • Sanders, George N. (sketch, 561): Canada mission, 559, 631; criticized, 562; Davis and, 624; on Davis, 562; State Dept. contract, 305; L from, 302-3; mentioned, 85, 563
  • Sanders, John C. C. (sketch, 580), 577
  • Sanders, Lewis, 561
  • Sanders, Lewis, Jr. (sketch, 1:463), 305, 561
  • Sanders, Reid, 305, 624
  • Sanders, William P. (sketch, 5:132), 561
  • Sandidge, John M. (sketch, 329): Davis and, 326, 333, 452; La. agent, 309, 330
  • Sandusky, Ohio, 86
  • Saunders, J. E., 546
  • Savage, Henry, 170
  • Savannah, Ga.: Davis invited to, 30, speaks at, 44-45, 48, 496; defenses, 4, 94, 167, 366, (Davis), 45, 365, 474
  • Savannah Republican, 474
  • Sayre, Mary Jane Bradford (niece) (sketch, 1:279), 559
  • Scales, Alfred M., 306
  • Schaller, Frank: L to, 87; Ls from, 60, 445
  • Scherck, Isaac (ident., 182), 180
  • Schofield, John M., 82, 532
  • Schumann, F., 118
  • Scott, John, 282
  • Scott, John S. (sketch, 8:334): assignments, 71, 195, 454, 484; criticized, 309; operations, 553, 632; praised, 484, 490, 521, 568; Ls from, 195, 433-34; mentioned, 481, 496
  • Scott, Sutton S., 89, 113, 141, 373
  • Scott, Thomas, 318
  • Scott, Winfield (sketch, 1:107), 159, 255
  • Scurry, William R., 193
  • Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad, 611
  • Seago, Palmer & Co., 230
  • Sears, Claudius W., 165, 618
  • secession: Davis on, 379; effect on laws, 260
  • Secessionville, S.C.: Davis at, 70
  • secret service: Davis and, 154-55, on, 387; funds, 154-55, 166, 367, 374, 616, 633; T. A. Harris and, 520-21, 567; Ky., 615; Lee and, 319
  • Seddon, James A. (sketch, 7:115): Bragg and, 252; Congress and, 282; criticized, 4, 46, 66, 150, 217, 276, 311, 355, 452; Dahlgren raid, 244; daughter's death, 97; Davis and, li, liii, 97, 352, 456; Johnston and, 121, 129; leave granted, 475; Lee and, 290; on agents abroad, 166, Ala. reserves, 626, S. R. Anderson, 112, Army of Tenn. commander, 7, Army of Tenn. reinforcements, 77, Beauregard, 231, Bristoe Station, 86, J. E. Brown, 529, 626, W. M. Browne, 625, conscription, 109, 170, 204, 282, 311-12, 319, 356, 386, 397, 626, D. H. Cooper, 141, cotton trade, 97, 100, 126, 155, 302, deserters, 214, 521, Drewry's Bluff, 420, exemptions, 272, general staff, 234, D. H. Hill, 74, Hood's strategy, 586, impressment, 125, 213, 531, Indian affairs, 83, 152, 229, A. E. Jackson, 455, R. W. Johnson, 85, J. E. Johnston, 119, 504, 519, Ky. troops, 173, Lovell, 150, manpower, 172, 227, Md. soldiers, 545, military justice, 386, officers' appointments, 246, 385, 472, officers' elections, 122, officers' rations, 385, pardons, 608, prisoners, 373, 541, quartermaster and commissary operations, 282, 620, railroad control, 352, 355, recaptured slaves, 219, recruiting, 565, reserves, 481, retaliation, 244, 511, Richmond defenses, 352, slave impressment, 125-26, Stephens, 263, strategy, 77, R. Taylor, 136, trade regulations, 301, Trans- Miss., 85, 554, troops serving at home, 204, U.S. deserters, 564, use of newspapers, 100, Va. troops, 334, J. S. Williams, 158, Wilmington defenses, 237, J. A. Winston, 626; praised, 374; replies for Davis, 196; Ls to, 3, 25, 30, 33, 42, 97, 100, 261, 445-46, 475, 565, 575, 617, 628-29; Ls from, 26, 34, 88-89, 106, 109-10, 110-11, 114, 115, 116, 135, 138, 151, 156, 158, 164, 170, 186, 198, 205, 211, 213, 219, 220, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 237, 240, 263, 282, 283, 289, 319, 368, 372-73, 422, 438, 442, 444, 451, 566, 602, 625-26. See also War Department
  • Sedgwick, John (sketch, 243), 241, 243, 390, 392, 405
  • Selma, Ala.: arms depot, 612; Davis speaks at, 29, 60, visits, 35, 69; Miss. court records at, 554; navy ordnance works, 495, (Davis), 334; shipbuilding, 275; threatened, 219, 247
  • Selma, CSS, 588
  • Selma Dispatch: on Davis, 69
  • Seminole wars, veterans, 243, 580
  • Semmes, Myra K.: Davises and, 395; L to, 531
  • Semmes, Raphael (sketch, 8:283), 93
  • Semmes, Thomas J.: Davises and, l; E by, 231; L from, 584
  • Senate: bills on general staff (Davis), 236, officers' rations, 385; estimates, 377, 449; Military Affairs Committee, 453; and officers' nominations (Davis), 342; opposition to Davis, 250; resolutions on blockade-running, 111, clothing, 240, enemy abuses, 478, exempting editors, 450, Guerin, 231, Lawton, 237, officers' appointments, 205, quartermaster general, 114, 237, (Davis), 206, taxes, 220, Trans-Miss. officers, 173; secret service funds, 154; trade regulations, 550; vetoes, 450, 454; Ls to, 140, 173, 206, 236, 389, 450, 454, 461-62, of transmittal, 111, 114, 137, 151, 164, 205, 220, 231, 237, 240
  • Sevier, Andrew J., 176
  • Sevier, Sarah K.: L from, 176
  • Seward, William H. (sketch, 4:46), 3, 17, 131, 255, 335, 338, 445
  • Sexton, Franklin B.: L to, 238; L from, 463-64
  • Seymour, Horatio (sketch, 254), 250
  • Seymour, Thomas H., 629
  • Seymour, Truman: Davis on, 435; Fla. campaign, 243, 257; praised, 492
  • Shawsheen, USS, 404
  • Sheffey, Hugh W.: L from, 226
  • Shelby, Joseph O. (sketch, 606): criticized, 57; recommended, 68, 87; recruiting, 604; Red River campaign, 193
  • Shenandoah Valley, Va.: commanders, 207, 444, 451, 599, (Davis), 37, 462, 596, 599, 617; conditions, 109, 197, 237; Grant's strategy, 298, 621; operations, 8, 58, 77, 212, 243, 255, 264, 308-9, 352, 387, 388, 415, 418, 451, 462, 467, 484, 555, 609
  • Shepherd (slave), 61
  • Shepherd, Benjamin A., 316
  • Sheridan, Philip H. (sketch, 479): assignment, 334, 557-58; Cold Harbor, 447; on J. H. Wilson, 481; operations, xi, 392, 404, 470, 544, (Davis), 420, 479, 603, (Lee), 435, 457, 476, 477
  • Sherman, William T. (sketch, 9:6): Ala. operations, 46, 214, 289; assignments, 298, 392; Atlanta campaign, 83, 145, 372, 419, 499, 620-21, (Davis), 533, 619; Chattanooga, 76; Meridian campaign, 216, 224, 235, 258, 320, 324, (Davis), 571; Miss. and Tenn. operations, 38, 233, 282, 284, 308; on Ark. troops, 544, Atlanta, 598, cotton trade, 126, Grant's strategy, 298, Jackson, Miss., 52, Johnston, 499, 528, 572, Meridian campaign, 236, Slocum, 553; Polk on, 141, 264; Red River campaign, 192; mentioned, 58, 109, 421
  • Shomo, Jacob L., 334
  • Shorter, John Gill (sketch, 8:545): on deserters, 30; L from, 20; mentioned, 42
  • Shoup, Francis A. (sketch, 8:364), 148, 182, 210, 442, 566
  • Shriver, Daniel M., 110
  • Shriver, Samuel S., 565
  • Sigel, Franz (sketch, 9:81), 298, 352, 376, 418, 486
  • Signal Corps, 94, 114, 406, 508, 638
  • Silver Run, Ala., 617
  • Sims, Frederick W., 211
  • Slade, William, Jr.: L from, 213
  • slavery: Davis on, 533, 534; defended, 169, 187, 213; Europe and, 369; Mexico and, 169
  • slaves: Ala., 19, 206, 543; Ark., 129, 607; army use as laborers, 88, 150, 167, 191, 324, 370, 375, 543, soldiers, 331, (Cleburne's proposal), 170, 177-78, 179, 181, 197-98, 228-29; cost of, 24; Davis on, 197-98, 375, 600; as deserters, 600; disloyal, 79, 331, 366; emancipation, 166, 341; hired out, 319, (Davis'), 45, 320, (rates), 324; impressed, 67, 78, 89, 125-26, 146, 164, 196, 206, 211, 261, 476; insurrection rumors, 29, (Davis), 218; loyal, 531; Miss., 24, 29, 67, 78, 91, 125-26, 146, 206, 274, 370, 377, 531, (Davis), 79, 91, 164; murder of, 61, 96-97; N.C., 87, 196, 261, 611; officers' allowances for, 306; runaways, l, 19, 375, 406, 611, (Davis), 359, 375; S.C., 331; Texas, 129, 191; U.S. Army and, 29, 67, 78, 89, 164, 219, 224, 243, 274, 285, 494, 607, (Davis), 79, 91, 104, 164, 600; U.S. Navy and, 63, 331; Va., 88. See also blacks; Davis, Jefferson--servants and slaves
  • Slidell, John (sketch, 5:7): criticized, 143; funds for, 341; on European affairs, 246, 445, France, 134, 172, 287, Maximilian, 337-38; L from, 172; mentioned, 5, 16, 131, 369, 412, 444, 562
  • Slidell, Marguerite M. See Erlanger, Mathilde S.
  • Slocum, Henry W. (sketch, 9:81), 8, 552
  • Smith, Andrew J. (sketch, 6:113), 285, 286, 465, 482, 513, 544, 598
  • Smith, Anna Davis (sister) (sketch, 1:329), 454
  • Smith, Caraway, 565
  • Smith, Edmund Kirby (sketch, 8:31): H. W. Allen and, 257, 258, (Davis), 258, 327-29; and cotton trade, 155, 313-18; criticized, 117, 249, 270, 462, 584, 594, 595; Davis instructs, 57, 80-81, 137, 155-56, 232, 520, 541, meets with (1862), 637, on, 8, 104, 328; health, 594, 616; and Indian affairs, 83, 113, 117, 152, 189-90, 270; and Miss. River crossing (summer 1864), 458, 524, 526, 527, 533, 547, 559, 568, 598, 607, 612, (Davis), 501, 520, 541, 554, 593, 594; Murrah and, 192, 304, 314, 367-68, 411-12; on Ark. defenses, 189, Buckner, 595, D. H. Cooper, 194, cotton business, 316, 317, 416, 451-52, finances, 71, 84, 187, 189, 211-12, 283-84, 416, Holmes, 190, 252, Magruder, 188, 195, Maxey, 194, morale, 189, 253-54, Price, 195, 397, strategy, 57, 188-89, 190, 568, 616-17, supernumerary officers, 86, 190, Taylor, 190, 353, 462, 607, Texas operations, 67, 188, 304, 410-11, 616, Vicksburg, 443, 450; powers, 257, 373, 439-40, (Davis), 6, 327, 368, 371-72, 461, 464; praised, 57, 129, 249, 327-28; Red River campaign, 188-89, 193, 353, 397, 409, 462, 594, 595, 616-17; E by, 68; Ls to, 8, 80-81, 371-72, 464, 593; Ls from, 67, 71, 85, 86, 87, 187, 188-90, 211-12, 258, 283-84, 288, 304, 353, 397, 416-17, 450, 451-52, 462, 568, 616-18; mentioned, 44, 78, 112, 115, 139, 168, 195, 250, 253, 264, 312-13, 358, 429, 438, 451, 460, 508, 584, 592, 600. See also Trans-Mississippi Department
  • Smith, Francis W., 457
  • Smith, Franklin (sketch, 2:89): L from, 310
  • Smith, Gustavus W. (sketch, 7:306): Bragg and, 527; criticized, 525; Davis and, 358; on Ga. state troops, 505, Johnston, 529; praised, 529
  • Smith, J. Gregory, 557
  • Smith, James A.: L from, 9; mentioned, 196, 271
  • Smith, James P. (sketch, 9:135): Davis on, 421, 623; L from, 421; mentioned, 118, 320
  • Smith, Larkin, 186
  • Smith, Martin L. (sketch, 7:363), 261, 310, 547
  • Smith, Persifor F. (sketch, 5:74), 362
  • Smith, Robert H., 20
  • Smith, Stokes A. (sketch, 8:470), 71, 72, 270, 616
  • Smith, William (black), 366
  • Smith, William (governor): and Richmond defenses, 452; Es by, 185, 541; mentioned, 281, 478
  • Smith, William F.: assignment, 430; Cold Harbor, 447, 448; operations, 391, 401, 402, 441, 469, 488, 494; Petersburg, 469, 470
  • Smith, William N. H. (sketch, 6:345): confers with Davis, 199-200; Ls from, 261, 611
  • Smith, William R.: L from, 59
  • Smith, William Sooy (sketch, 325), 224, 285, 320, 361
  • Smith County, Miss., 287
  • Snead, Thomas L., 251, 414
  • Snyder's Bluff, Miss: Davis slaves at, 64
  • Sons of Liberty, 154, 537, 609
  • Sorley, James, 316
  • Sothoron, John H.: Davis and, 472; L from, 471-72
  • South Carolina: conscription, 185-86, 455, 474; cotton trade, 278, 283, 287, 414; Davis on, 111; defenses, 331-32, 340, 366, 377, (Davis), 276, 306, 473-74; disaffection, 482; impressment, 115; railroads, 225, 294, 331-32; slaves, 331; trade regulations, 301; U.S. troops in, 351, 482
  • South Carolina Railroad, 294
  • South Carolina troops: 1st Artillery, 473, 474; Holcombe Legion, 579; 17th Infantry, 578; 18th Infantry, 578; Lucas' Battalion, 473, 474; cavalry (Davis), 197; Davis praises, 46, 340; munitions needed, 460, 463, 477, 482; Petersburg, 578; recruiting, 340; reserves, 450, 457, 460, 463, 473, 474, 477, 482, 507, 508, 514, (Davis), 375, 454, 510
  • Southern Independence Association, 133
  • Southern Quarterly Review: Davis on, 46
  • Southern Railroad (Miss.), 290, 370
  • Southside Railroad, 479
  • Spalding, Ephraim H.: L to, 628
  • Sparrow, Edward (sketch, 453): confers with Davis, 112, 231; E by, 19; L to, 588; Ls from, 111, 231, 309, 472, 515-16, 568; mentioned, 408, 452, 584
  • speculators/extortioners: Ala., 100-101, 177, 358; criticized, 3, 24, 84, 89, 98, 113-14, 126, 374, (Davis), 30, 33, 44, 45, 103; La., 400; Memphis, 11; Miss., 10, 400, 612; Richmond, 622-23; Texas, 155; Trans-Miss., 270
  • Speed, John M.: L to, 633; L from, 633
  • Speight, Joseph W., 139
  • Spelman, John, 232
  • Spence, James M. (sketch, 8:582), 18, 133, 420
  • spies: for CSA, 97, 117, 310, 352, (Davis), 439, 495; for U.S., 79, 86, 94, 100, 398, 436, 471, 478, 511, 520-21, 599-600, 602, (Davis), 218, 559
  • Spotsylvania, Va., Battle of, 405, 409, 438
  • Sprague, Sturges, 502
  • Spratt, Leonidas W., 637
  • Stafford, Leroy A., 5, 401, 463
  • Stamps, Isaac Davis (nephew) (sketch, 5:135): Davis and, 636; funeral, xlix; reinterment, 74, 113, 220
  • Stamps, Lucinda Davis (sister) (sketch, 1:19), 454
  • Stamps, Mary Humphreys (niece-in-law) (sketch, 5:135): L to, 74
  • Stamps, William (brother-in-law) (sketch, 1.275): L to, 491; Ls from, 484, 494; mentioned, 454
  • Stanard, Hugh M. (sketch, 413), 410
  • Stanley, Zephaniah P., 489
  • Stanton, Edwin M. (sketch, 8:311), 253, 487, 518, 557
  • Starr, James H., 378
  • State Department: Canada mission, 332; contract with Sanders, 305; correspondence, 106, 137; passport regulations, 140; salaries, 218, 436, 441. See also Benjamin, Judah P.
  • state rights: Davis and, v, 164, on, 299, 534; Lincoln and, 631; support in U.S., 279-80; and trade regulations, 550
  • Steele, Frederick (sketch, 9:413): operations, 353, 438, 462, 595, 606, 617; praised, 57; Red River campaign, 193; Smith on, 189; staff officers, 605; troop strength, 57, 82
  • Steele, John B., 607
  • Steele, William (sketch, 9:132), 83, 117, 194, 270
  • Steever, George G., 302
  • Stephens, Alexander H. (sketch, 4:50): criticized, 289, 320, 369, 455, 525; Davis and, xlviii, 48, 153, 272; health, 197, 263, 332, 356; on CSA resources, 197, Davis, 154-55, 202, 322, habeas corpus, 197, 322, 369, peace efforts, 162, 332; peace mission (Davis), 159; Ls to, 272, 356; Ls from, 197, 332, 370, 399, 502; mentioned, 629
  • Stephens, Linton, 322
  • Steuart, Adam D. (sketch, 1:267), 635-36
  • Steuart, George H. (sketch, 6:113), 405, 610
  • Steuart, Mary B.: L to, 635-36
  • Stevens, ------, 595, 596
  • Stevens, Clement H., 178
  • Stevens, T. O.: L from, 142-43
  • Stevenson, Carter L. (sketch, 8:333): assignment (Davis), 239; criticized, 104-5; Tenn. operations, 38-39, 42; mentioned, 72, 146, 275
  • Stevenson, John A., 173
  • Stevenson, Sallie W.: L from, 72
  • Stewart, Alexander P. (sketch, 528): Bragg and, 527; confers with Davis, 529; on Army of Tenn. morale, 527, Johnston's removal, 529, strategy, 525, 529; praised, 478, 525; promoted, 529; recommended, 466; staff, 574; L to, 539; L from, 539; mentioned, 275, 471, 506
  • Stewart, Joseph H.: L from, 117
  • Stinson & Beale, 258
  • Stoess, Margaret Howell (sister-in-law) (sketch, 2:248), 275, 372, 395, 502, 614
  • Stone, Louisa: L from, 611
  • Stoneman, George (sketch, 9:156), 271, 341, 526, 544, 620
  • Stonestreet, Joseph H., 334
  • Stony Creek bridge, 401
  • Stovall, Marcellus A.: L from, 9; mentioned, 506
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 288
  • Strahl, Otho F., 204
  • Stuart, Alexander H. H., 155
  • Stuart, James E. B. (sketch, 7:243): criticized, 287; Davis and, 404, reprimands, 217; Lee on, 10, 496; Yellow Tavern, 404
  • Sturgis, Samuel D., 304, 470, 482
  • subsistence. See Commissary Department
  • Sullivan County, Tenn., 398-99
  • Sullivan's Island, S.C.: Davis at, xlix, 70
  • Sumter County, Ga., public meeting, 184
  • supreme court, 614
  • Swain, David L., 201
  • Swan, William G., 41
  • Swanner, Eli: Davis on, 196; mentioned, 139
  • Sweetwater, Tenn., skirmishes, 38-39


  • Taliaferro, William B., 230, 603
  • Talladega, Ala., 279
  • Tallahassee, Fla.: L from citizens, 111
  • Tapia, Santiago, 169
  • Tappan, James C. (sketch, 7:402): Davis and, 68; L from, 68
  • Tate, Samuel: L from, 282-83
  • tax in kind, 89, 165, 186, 197, 220, 228, 364, 373
  • Taylor, J. Walker, 489
  • Taylor, John G. (sketch, 8:202): L to, 636
  • Taylor, Joseph H.: L from, 472
  • Taylor, Richard (sketch, 1:408): assignments, 411, 542, 547, 551, 554, 568, 584, 598, 604, 629, (Davis), 501, 592, 593; Davis on, 328-29, 333, 512; La. operations, 188, 285-86, 462, 522, 531, 623; on Bragg, 252, Buckner, 595, T. Green, 191, impressment, 329, Red River campaign, 286; praised, 136, 373, 409, 551, 584, 629; promoted, 353, 461, 606; recommendations by, 584; Red River campaign, 285-86, 462; Smith and, 190, 353, 411, 462, 584, 594; Vicksburg (1863), 450; mentioned, 164, 252, 309, 436, 617
  • Taylor, Sarah Knox. See Davis, Sarah Taylor
  • Taylor, Thomas, 325
  • Taylor, Thomas H.: assignment, 338, 454, 481, 614; charges against, 614; Davis on, 481, 591-92
  • Taylor, Walter H., 352, 431, 447
  • Taylor, Zachary (sketch, 1:250): Davis on, 423, 512, (1847), 635
  • Tecumseh, USS, 588, 616
  • telegraph: cipher codes, 230, 509, 516; costs and repairs, 58, 103, 289-90, 378; inventions, 466, 475; secrecy, 463, 638, (Davis), 306
  • Ten Islands, Ala., skirmish, 543
  • Tennessee: Ls from congressmen, 118, 217. See also East Tennessee; Middle Tennessee; West Tennessee
  • Tennessee, CSS: Mobile, 245, 247, 270, 275, 437, 588; mentioned, 376, 386
  • Tennessee & Alabama Railroad, 546, 586
  • Tennessee & Georgia Railroad, 38
  • Tennessee River: Army of Tenn. operations, 36, 145, 147, 156, 353, 498, 586; Forrest's operations, 105, 223, 342-43; Longstreet's operations, 294; U.S. operations, 39, 107, 108, 214, 215, 235, 242; mentioned, 40, 362
  • Tennessee troops: Bell's Brigade, 437; 12th Cavalry, 347; 14th Cavalry, 347; 15th Cavalry, 347; 16th Cavalry, 347; 20th Cavalry, 592; 21st Cavalry, 592; Collins' Cavalry, 333; 3d Infantry, 33, 107; 5th Infantry, 196; 13th Infantry, 204; 21st Infantry, 196; 31st Infantry, 107; 43d Infantry, 107; 59th Infantry, 107; 154th Senior Infantry, 204; Mebane's Battery, 273; Reneau's Battery, 348; Richardson's Brigade, 333, 344, 365; Welcker's Cavalry Battalion, 114-15; consolidation, 196, 222, 333, 365; Davis on, 273; Forrest on, 221-22, 342-43, 592; Missionary Ridge, 176; morale, 114-15, 175; organization, 56, 175, 333, 592; recruiting, 221-22, 333, 342- 43
  • Tennessee troops (U.S.): 6th Cavalry, 348; 7th Cavalry, 347
  • Terrell, Alexander W., 318
  • Terrett, George H.: L to, 406; L from, 415
  • Terrill, James B., 442, 443
  • Terry, Henry D., 243
  • Terry, Thomas S.: L from, 78
  • Texas: conscription, 192, 304, 409, (Davis), 367-68; cotton trade, 155-56, 225, 313-14, 416-17, 451-52, 479, 544, 628, statistics, 318; France and, 135; habeas corpus, 410; morale, 249, 409-10, 544; operations, 57, 67, 82, 129, 188, 409; refugees in, 129; slaves, 67, 191; Ls from congressmen, 157, 176
  • Texas, CSS, 132
  • Texas Cotton Office, 316, 317, 318
  • Texas State Loan Agency, 315, 318
  • Texas troops: 5th Cavalry, 191; 6th Cavalry, 360, 362, 363; 8th Cavalry, 147; 12th Cavalry, 192; Terry's Texas Rangers, 147; Texas Brigade, 115-16, 224, 238; commanders (Davis), 115-16, 176; consolidation, 157, 186, 228, 231-32, 416; criticized, 96-97; Davis on, 33, 238, 416, 460; desertion, 607; munitions for, 410; mutiny, 360; organization, 157, 231-32, (Davis), 176, 232; state troops, 192, 304, 367-68, 412
  • Thayer, Clarence C., 81
  • Therrel, John B.: L to, 491; L from, 484
  • Thistle (blockade-runner), 394
  • Thomas, Allen, 568, 606
  • Thomas, Bryan M., 595, 596, 613, 627
  • Thomas, George H. (sketch, 7:213), 34, 38, 216, 235
  • Thomas, Lorenzo, 364, 607
  • Thomas, Samuel, 65
  • Thomas, William H. (sketch, 9:224): operations, 30; L from, 203
  • Thompson, Albert P., 346
  • Thompson, Jacob (sketch, 2:101): Canada mission, 396, 537, 538, 559, 564, (Davis), 154, 319, 368-69; Davis and, 154, 564; funds for, 154-55, 367; on Miss. conditions, 123-25, Niagara Falls conference, 537, G. N. Sanders, 562; political career, 125; Ls to, 319, 368-69; Ls from, 123-25, 334, cited, 538; mentioned, 333
  • Thompson, John: L from, 67
  • Thompson, John W.: L from, 29-30
  • Thompson, William E., 435
  • Thornton, John C. C., 255
  • Thornton's Gap, Va., 609
  • Thorpe, Robert D., 290
  • Thurston, James, 624
  • Tilghman, Lloyd (sketch, 7:328), 25
  • Tishomingo Creek, Battle of. See Brice's Crossroads, Miss., Battle of
  • tobacco trade, 131, 228, 445, 531, 625
  • Tombigbee River bridge, 304
  • Tompkins, Mary H.: L from, 164
  • Tompkins, Patrick W. (sketch, 2:25), 164
  • Toombs, Robert (sketch, 4:236): criticized, 289, 303, 525; mentioned, 527
  • Torpedo Bureau, 256. See also Rains, Gabriel J.
  • torpedoes (mines): Charleston, 623; Davis on, 80, 616; James River, 404, 508; Mallory on, 376; Mobile, 270, 598, 616; Yazoo River (1862), 638
  • Townell, Albert N., 457
  • Townell, Hannah: L from, 457
  • Trans-Mississippi Department: commander's powers, 439-40, (Davis), 6, 104, 327, 371, 464; communication with, 6, 68, 79, 84, 103, 139, 211, 248, 288, 329, 460, 592, 593, (Davis), 8, 104, 328, 381; conditions, 44, 57, 68, 84, 89, 129, 248-50, 270; conscription, 89, 228; cotton trade, 85, 173, 313-14, 372, 416, 451, 483-84; desertion, 80, 607; finances, 71, 72, 137, 211, 213, 605, (Davis), 8, 606; morale, 9, 68, 79, 86, 129, 137, 189, 211-12, 248-49, 464, (1862), 604; munitions for, 9, 57, 66, 83, 91, 189-90, 358, 370, 373, 409, 496, 605, (Davis), 9, 67, 78, 79, 80, 313, 568, 606, (1862-64), 608, from (Davis), 612; officers' appointments, 86, 139, 151- 52, 189-90, 353, 358, 397, 416, 439-40, 460-61, 568, (Davis), 6, 152, 173, 327, 371, 381, 461, 593, (supernumerary), 86, 190, 253; recruiting, 86, 254, 629; reinforcements from, 524, 533, 542, 568, 597, 604, 612, 623, (Davis), 501, 520, 541, 593; resources, 129, 189, 373; Seddon on, 88, 89, 373; strategy, 129, 137, 188-89, 264, 270, 353, 554, 568, 605, 616-17, 629, (Davis), 80, 593; supplies for, 85, 189, 314, 544; and Treasury Dept., 71, 84, 91, 102, 150, 186, 187, 189, 211-12, 284, 317-18, 330, 416, 451, 463-64, 511, (Davis), 80, 104, 327, 328, 371, 381; troop strength, 9, 57, 460-61, 617; U.S. operations, 9, 57, 129, 188-89, 249-50, 270, 373, 483, 520, 542, 554, 616- 17, strength, 82, 462, 604-5, 617; and War Dept., 371. See also specific states; Red River campaign; Smith, Edmund Kirby
  • Treasury Department: and Bank of La., 282; bonds, 19, 84, 94, 185, 510, (Davis), 381, 461; coinage, 212; Congress and, 341, 384, 471, (Davis), 540; conscription, 150-51, 170, (Davis), 507; currency, 19, 84, 94, 98, 184, 185, 285, 310, 341, 405, 511, (Davis), 15, 103, 381, 461; East Tenn., 5, 338; estimates, 169, 205, 228, 435, 437; female employees, 184; Johnston's funds, 166; operations abroad, 154-55, 205, 636; and Post Office Dept., 5, 103, (Davis), 9; reforms recommended, 19, 84, 94, 98, 184, 185, (Davis), 103, 381; salaries, 435, 441; secretary appointment, 384, 502, 507, 510, 522, 531, 540; trade regulations, 262, 301; Trans-Miss., 71, 84, 91, 102, 150, 186, 187, 189, 211-12, 284, 317-18, 330, 416, 451, 463-64, 511, (Davis), 80, 104, 327, 328, 371, 381. See also Memminger, Christopher G.; Trenholm, George A.
  • Tredegar Iron Works, 14, 375, 495, 546
  • Tremlett, Francis W., 134, 369
  • Trenholm, George A.: appointed treasury secretary, 384, 514, 540; Davis and, 540; on cotton trade, 317-18, Trans-Miss. funds, 193; E by, 602; L to, 514; Ls from, 522, 531, 585. See also Treasury Department
  • Trent affair: Davis on, 380
  • Trent's Reach, Va., 431
  • Trevilian Station, Va., 470
  • Tucker, Joseph W.: L from, 279-80
  • Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley (sketch, 8:110): assignment (Davis), 340; Canada mission, 155, 354, 559, 564, 631; funds for, 289
  • Tucker, Tilghman M. (sketch, 2:14), 565
  • Tupelo, Miss., Battle of, 598
  • Turchin, John B.: Davis on, 104
  • Turley, William H., 541
  • Turner, Thomas P.: L from, 438-39
  • Tuscaloosa, Ala.: J. E. Davis in, 320, 358, 360; defenses, 129, 361, 504
  • Tuscaloosa, CSS, 270
  • Twiss, Thomas S.: Davis and, 512
  • Tyler, John (sketch, 2:133), 323
  • Tyler, John, Jr. (sketch, 323): criticized, 320; Ls from, 532-33, cited, 323
  • Tyler, Robert C., 237


  • Underwriter, USS, 220, 221
  • "Union As It Was," 254
  • Union City, Tenn., Battle of, 343
  • unionism. See disaffection; reconstruction (reunion)
  • Union Springs, Ala., prison camp, 483
  • United States: blacks in, 169; conscription, 104, 153, 226, 281, 495, 556; Davis on, 226, 378-80, 533-34; election returns (1863), 153; finances, 226, 373, 495, 497, 512; morale, xii, 167, 373, 502-3, 512, 534, 609; peace efforts, 58, 139, 152, 187, 213, 332, 407, 535, 559-61, 599, 630, 631 (Davis), 104, 160, 165, 534; plots against, 86, 263, 489, 537, 562; presidential election, 152, 167, 250, 332, 373, 535-36, 576, 609, 629-30; prisoner policy, 89, 373, 450, (Davis), 58, 104, 380; relations with Cuba, 490, France, 33, 58, 135, 172, 287, 338, Great Britain, 86, 172, 246, 337, 445, Mexico, 169, 445; spies, 79, 86, 94, 100, 398, 436, 471, 478, (Davis), 218, 559; support for CSA, 157, 280, 332, 354, 502-3, 629-30. See also Lincoln, Abraham
  • United States Army: 4th Colored Division, 581; 36th Colored Infantry, 488; 12th Colored Troops, 62; 48th Colored Troops, 552; 52d Colored Troops, 552; 2d Corps, 558, 581; 3d Corps, 86; 4th Corps, 526; 5th Corps, 350, 405, 469; 6th Corps, 243, 405, 515, 555, 556; 8th Corps, 348; 9th Corps, 332, 350, 354, 496, 503; 10th Corps, 351, 406, 416, 421, 422, 448; 11th Corps, 8, 281, 282, 297, 326, 332, 334, 349, 354, 364, 375; 12th Corps, 3, 8, 232, 233, 281, 282, 297, 326, 332, 334, 349, 354, 364, 375, 376; 13th Corps, 544; 15th Corps, 526; 16th Corps, 297, 449, 526; 17th Corps, 297, 449, 532, 552; 18th Corps, 416, 421, 422, 446; 19th Corps, 488, 541, 544, 555, 585, 597; 20th Corps, 334, 350, 354, 364, 375; 22d Corps, 421, 422; 23d Corps, 526, 532; Miss. Marine Brigade, 552; abuses by, 31, 89, 108, 237, 274, 278, 303, 372, 478, 483, 494, 511, 588, (Davis), 104, 160-61; black troops, 23, 115, 188, 243, 304, 326, 343, 353, 358, 391, 472, 482, 483, 485, 488, 494, 536, 552, 581, 601, 605; casualties at Atlanta, 559, in Ark., 193, 595, at Bolivar, Tenn., 347, Brice's Crossroads, 470, Chattanooga, 121, Cold Harbor, 448, Fort Pillow, 346, 358, in Ga., 524, 573, at Kennesaw Mountain, 495, 573, in Miss., 284, 552, 553, at Ocean Pond, 243, Petersburg, 577, 581, Spotsylvania, 405, in Va., 27, 481, 621; cavalry, 470, 480, 493, 502, 524, 543, 586; deserters, 326, 508, (Davis), 564, 600; foreigners in, 157, 601; health, 88; mercenaries in (Davis), 226; morale, 273, 431, 435, 566, 600; recruiting abroad, 116, 185, 186, 356; and slaves, 29, 67, 78, 89, 164, 219, 224, 274, 285, 494, 607, (Davis), 79, 91, 104, 164, 600; strength in Ala., 144, 232, 355, 543, 584, at Annapolis, 332, 350, in Ark., 57, 607, at Bermuda Hundred, 430, Charleston, 258, Chattanooga, 108, 235, Columbus, 345, in East Tenn., 5, 568, Fla., 243, 245, Ga., 83, 353, 501, 523, 524, 573, Ky., 304, at Knoxville, 280, in La., 188, 597, Md. and Del., 350, at Memphis, 224, 345, 513, in Miss., 222, 227, 238, 510, 551, 553, 584, 598; at Mobile, 597, Natchez, 23, New Orleans, 164, 513, 629, Oxford, 126, Paducah, 345, in Red River campaign, 286; Shenandoah Valley, 462, S.C., 482, Tenn., 144, 217, 233, Texas, 188, Trans-Miss., 82, 462, 604-5, 617, Va., 8, 87, 241, 298, 350, 352, 354, 375, 391, 415, 434, (June 1863), 638, West Tenn., 244. See also specific commanders and locales
  • United States Military Academy: alumni, 25, 117, 165, 194, 208, 242, 243, 251, 325, 345, 361, 429, 480, 492, 518, 528, 580; Davis and, 508, 512, 570; graduates criticized, 323
  • United States Naval Academy alumnus, 293
  • United States Navy: Charleston, 351, 476, 507; Galveston, 600; James River, 352, 403, 431, 474, 623; La. coast, 409; Mobile, 270, 272, 437, (Davis), 262; Pascagoula, 533, 584; Plymouth, N.C., 466; S. Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 242; Savannah, 602; and slaves, 63, 331; Texas coast, 409. See also Mississippi River
  • Urquhart, David (sketch, 9:31), 94, 96
  • Ursino plantation, 63
  • Utica, Miss., skirmish, 553


  • Vallandigham, Clement L., 153, 154, 254
  • Van Benthuysen, J. P., Mrs.: L from, 496-97
  • Vance, Robert B., 98, 99, 277
  • Vance, Zebulon B. (sketch, 8:477): criticized, 199; Davis and, 201, 210, 213, 227, 277, 306, on, 161, 549, reprimands, 265-68; defended, 199; W. W. Holden and, 163, 201-2; military career, 160; on blockade-running, 301, conscription, 356, disaffection, 98, 139, 220, 227, 277, 356, habeas corpus, 227, 270, impressment, 99, 355, peace, 53, 139, 163, 201, 202, 210, 455, trade regulations, 283, 312; Ls to, 158-62, 196, 213, 239-40, 265-68, 299-301, 306; Ls from, 98, 99, 138, 139, 210, 217-18, 220, 227-28, 277, 283, 312, 355; mentioned, 201, 455
  • Van Dorn, Earl (sketch, 7:306), 324, 608
  • Vann, Clement N.: L from, 310
  • Varnell's Station, Ga., skirmish, 528
  • Vaughn, John C. (sketch, 7:209): Davis on, 33, 107-8; requested, 546; Ls from, 32-33, 107-8; mentioned, 449, 541, 599
  • Venable, Abraham W. (sketch, 4:175): L from, 397
  • Venable, Charles, 261, 579
  • Vermont troops: in 6th Corps, 557
  • Vest, George G. (sketch, 251): confers with Davis, 255; congressional candidate, 248, 414; L from, 611-12; mentioned, 252
  • Vicksburg, Miss.: Davis slaves hired in, 320; defenses (1862), 637; raid proposed, 115; U.S. garrison, 497
  • Vicksburg, Miss., Battle of: Davis on, 9, 32, 46, 278, 443, 450; Lee on, 295-96; prisoners, 33, 34; Seddon on, 88; Smith on, 443, 450; strategy criticized, 129, 274
  • Vicksburg Herald: on Brierfield, 531
  • Virginia: conditions, 94, 109, 142, 197, 341, 494-95, 541; conscription, 94, 171, 196, 209, 212, 271, 400, 494; operations, 26, 245, 305, 307, 352, 400, 415, 419, 420-21, 423, 434, 440, 461, 476, 508, 511, 530, 614, 628, (Davis), 37, 86, 100, 225-26, 281, 339, 383, 388-89, 393, 399, 401, 415, 417, 418-19, 419-20, 422-23, 424-26, 432-33, 439, 441, 443-44, 458, 461, 471, 477, 479, 603, 613, 619-20, (Lee), 3, 26-27, 58, 60, 66, 87, 88, 90, 92, 101, 214, 225, 241, 295-97, 305-6, 308-9, 312, 326, 332, 333-34, 348-50, 354, 364, 367, 372, 375, 376, 387, 389- 90, 402-3, 409, 416, 418, 419, 421-22, 433, 435, 437, 440, 441, 446, 451, 457, 463, 466-67, 470, 471, 473, 474-75, 476, 477, 484-86, 492-93, 496, 507, 515, 555-56, 576-77, 585, 609, 613, 617; prices, 78, 541, 546, 611; railroads, 8, 27, 60, 66, 212, 298, 305, 331, 354, 376, 401, 402, 423, 432, 435, 437, 467, 468, 473, 545, 558, 611, 617, (Davis), 219, 352, 355, 417, 475, 476, 479, 603, 614-15, 618-19; resolution on prisoner exchanges, 226; resources, 6, 109, 197, 212, 220, 272, 355, 367, 545, 575, (Davis), 203, 619; slaves as laborers, 88; state bonds, 231, 240; and trade regulations, 301, 550; L to legislators, 203; Ls from citizens, 494, legislators, 5-6, 185, 195, 197. See also Shenandoah Valley, Va.
  • Virginia II, CSS, 430
  • Virginia & Tennessee Railroad, 212, 298, 354, 376
  • Virginia Central Railroad, 423, 435, 437, 468, 558
  • Virginia Military Institute: alumnus, 579; Davis on, 84, 566
  • Virginia troops: 4th Heavy Artillery, 70; 8th Cavalry, 98; 21st Cavalry, 399; 37th Cavalry Battalion, 98; Dunn's Battalion, 98; Echols' Brigade, 415; 26th Infantry, 70; 46th Infantry, 70; 54th Infantry, 46; 59th Infantry, 70; Mosby's Rangers, 350; Wharton's Brigade, 415; cavalry, 110, 341; home guard and militia, 58, 237, 483, 490, 530, 628, (Davis), 495, 507;; munitions needed, 530; recruiting, 110, 185, 195, 212, 334, (Davis), 195, 495; reserves, 195, 334, 368, 624, (Davis), 458, 617
  • Vogel, Henry: L from, 78-79
  • Volck, Frederick, 278
  • von Borcke, Heros, 217
  • Vose, Israel G.: appointment, 113; L from, 30
  • Vowles, D. W., 308


  • Wadley, William M., 168, 239
  • Walker, Ellen, 212
  • Walker, Henry H., 409
  • Walker, Henry Pinckney, 17, 18, 471
  • Walker, John G. (sketch, 8:380): assignment, 568, 606; operations, 533, 584, 594; Vicksburg (1863), 443, 450; L from, 443; mentioned, 68, 595
  • Walker, John J., 149
  • Walker, Leroy P. (sketch, 7:72): Davis and, 340; on Johnston, 543, 610; Ls from, 340, 610; mentioned, 110, 322, 323, 436, 533, 623, 636
  • Walker, Reuben L., 456
  • Walker, Richard W. (sketch, 322), 320, 366, 500
  • Walker, Robert J. (sketch, 2:103): on Davis, 141
  • Walker, Tandy, 375
  • Walker, William H. T.: Chickamauga, 12; on Cleburne's proposal, 170, 178, 179; L to, 197-98, L from, 170
  • Walker, William S. (sketch, 8:325), 106, 425, 429, 582
  • Wall, V.: L from, 237
  • Wallace, Lewis (sketch, 518), 486, 517
  • Wallace, William H., 582
  • Waller, Jane Howell (sister-in-law) (sketch, 3:121), xlix, 59
  • Waller, William Griffin (brother-in-law), xlix
  • Walshe, Blayney T., 515
  • Walter, Harvey W. (sketch, 2:186), 523, 526
  • Walthall, Edward C., 444, 450, 530
  • Walton, James B.: assignments (Davis), 3, 5, 106; L from, 106
  • Ward, ------ (Maj.), 482
  • Ward, Charley (slave), 61
  • War Department: Bragg and, 252; and conscription, 373; criticized, 269, 373, 450; Davis on, 382; estimates, 89, 219, 233, 240, 422, 602; and Post Office Dept., 205, 217; procedures (Davis), 565; reports on, 88-89, 372-73; salaries, 89, 219, 373, 422, 441; trade regulations, 301; Trans-Miss., 371. See also army; Seddon, James A.
  • Waring, Joseph F., 230
  • Warren, Gouverneur K. (sketch, 6:202), 390, 392, 405, 469
  • Warren County, Miss., 278, 531
  • Washburn, Cadwallader C., 569
  • Washington, D.C.: attack criticized, 167; CSA spies in, 352; defenses, 349, 585, 628; Early's raid, 463, 468, 484-85, 497, 502, 507, 508, 512, 515, 518, 555-56, 599, 628; peace conference (1861), 346, 538
  • Washington, George, 112
  • Washington, N.C., 117, 377, 386, 464
  • Washington Artillery: Davis on, 388
  • Washington Chronicle, 332, 333, 422
  • Washington Democratic Review, 561
  • Washington Southern Press: L to, 635
  • Washita River defenses, 189
  • Wass, Ansel D., 28
  • Water Witch, USS, 450
  • Watie, Stand (sketch, 9:133), 83, 117, 151, 375
  • Watkins, George C. (sketch, 9:278), 72
  • Watson, John W. C.: L from, 233; mentioned, 125
  • Watts, N. G.: L from, 218
  • Watts, Thomas H. (sketch, 8:313): and Army of Miss., 236, 238, 244; Bragg and, 535, 568-69, 613, 629; calls up militia, 505, 625; criticized, 260; Davis and, xlviii, 35, 311, 499; elected governor, 384; on Bragg, 90-91, conscription, 276, 370, 452, prison camp, 617, strategy, 244, 289, 499, trade regulations, 301, 455, 549; opinion on Post Office funds, 5, 9; Ls to, 204, 236, 311, 319, 359, 506, 535, 617, 629; Ls from, 90-91, 129, 170, 244, 276, 289, 319, 370-71, 452, 455, 498-99, 568-69, 617; mentioned, 282
  • Wauhatchie, Tenn., Battle of, 38
  • Waul, Thomas N. (sketch, 2:193): promotion, 444; Vicksburg (1863), 443, 450; L from, 79
  • Wave, USS, 411
  • Wayne, Henry C. (sketch, 6:95), 149
  • Webb, William G., 413
  • Weisiger, Daniel, 580
  • Weldon, N.C.: Davis speaks at, 14; defenses, 611, (Davis), 436
  • Weldon Railroad. See Petersburg Railroad
  • Wells, Charles G., 316
  • Wells, Coleman, 43
  • Welsh, Israel: Ls from, 434-35, 478
  • Wesendonck, August: Ls from, 116, 186-87
  • Western & Atlantic Railroad: J. E. Brown on, 184, 206, 210-11, 274; CSA and, 149, 174, 211, 221, 225, 230, 232, 233-34, 256, (Davis), 177, 239; U.S. and, 107, 261
  • Westmoreland, Mary: L from, 31
  • West Point, Ga., defenses, 519, 522, (Davis), 519
  • West Point, Miss., skirmish, 224
  • West Tennessee: conditions, 370; morale, 222, 342; railroads, 88, 102, 105, 107, 222, 362; recruiting, 105, 175, 221-22, 333, 342-43, 355; resources, 105, 214, 222; U.S. operations, 222, 233, 244, 284, 342-43
  • West Virginia: citizens arrested, 341, 359; Davis on, 341, 388, 617; operations, 150, 158, 187, 243, 354, 486
  • Wharton, Gabriel J., 4, 415, 451, 636
  • Wharton, Jack (sketch, 362), 360, 363
  • Wharton, John A. (sketch, 147), 30, 144, 299
  • Wharton, Thomas J. (sketch, 6:137): J. E. Davis on, 407; L from, 353
  • Wheaton, Frank, 243
  • Wheeler, Joseph (sketch, 9:30): Atlanta campaign, 437, 498, 519, 528, 532; disciplines cavalry, 176, 233; Forrest and, 499; Ga. operations, 108, 109, 174, 259, (Davis), 291; on strategy, 524, U.S. cavalry, 528; praised, 198, 233, (Davis), 29; promoted, 147, 197, 198; raid (Aug.-Sept. 1864), 586-87; troop strength, 144, 528; E by, 299; mentioned, 147, 352
  • Whistler, William, 412
  • White, Lucy E.: L from, 591
  • White, M. Bradford: L from, 502-3
  • White, Mason M., 259
  • White, Matthew X., Jr., 511, 546
  • White, Moses J. (sketch, 5:70), 591
  • White, Pleasant W., 280
  • White, Raleigh R., 437
  • White House, Va., 420, 476, 480
  • White River defenses (Davis), 80
  • Whitfield, John W., 96, 116
  • Whiting, William H. C. (sketch, 7:58): Davis on, 49, 276, 424, reprimands, 277; health, 428; New Bern, 187; on U.S. strategy, 117, 427; Point Lookout raid, 502, 509, 510, 512, 516; recommended, 139, 140; relieved, 420, 427, 428; Va. operations, 418, 419-20, 424, 428; Wilmington commander, 4, 117, 227, 237, 494, (Davis), 139, 143; L to, 277; Ls from, 4, 117, 261, 333, 512, 516; mentioned, 48, 111, 507, 515, 637
  • Whitworth gun, 433
  • Wigfall, Louis T. (sketch, 6:342): criticized, 525; Johnston and, 119, 121, 500, 527; on Wheeler, 147; L to, 637
  • Wilcox, Cadmus M. (sketch, 208), lii, 207, 419
  • Wilcox, John A. (sketch, 2:203), l, 208, 637
  • Wilderness, Va., Battles of the: Davis on, 416; described, 393
  • Wilkes, Peter S., 251
  • Wilkinson County, Miss.: conditions, 484, 494, 496, 623; Davis and, 491
  • Williams, C., 608
  • Williams, George: L from, 610
  • Williams, James (sketch, 7:248): L from, 172-73; mentioned, 503
  • Williams, John A., 477
  • Williams, John S., 39, 158
  • Williams, Philip, 359
  • Williamson, Angus M.: L from, 141
  • Willis, Edward, 443
  • Wilmington, N.C.: army/navy conflict, 276-77; Davis speaks at, 48-51, visits (1861), 52; defenses, 4, 117, 227, 237, 494, (Davis), 4, 8, 49, 139, 143, 156, 436, 478, 615, 616, 619; spies, 521; trade, 101, 166, 239, 501, receipts, 52
  • Wilmington & Manchester Railroad, 294
  • Wilmington Journal: on Davis, 23
  • Wilmot Proviso: Davis on, 635
  • Wilson, James H., 480, 481
  • Wilson, N.C.: Davis speaks at, 15
  • Wilson, Robert, 255
  • Wilson, S. T. R.: L from, 100
  • Winchester, Va., 334, 359
  • Winchester & Potomac Railroad, 305
  • Winder, ------ (Capt.), 310
  • Winder, John H. (sketch, 1:94): Andersonville commandant, 439, 445, 482, 516, 544, 547; criticized, 94, 142-43; Davis on, 445; mentioned, 211
  • Winston, John A. (sketch, 627), 613, 626
  • Winston, John H., 255
  • Wise, Henry A. (sketch, 6:55): Davises and, 58, 59, 68-69; on Davis, 70, 71, Whiting, 428; operations, 70, 392, 417; Petersburg, 459, 469; L to, 59; Ls from 68-69, 89-90
  • Withers, Jones M. (sketch, 7:372): assignment, 490, 520, 627; criticized, 613; Ls to, 514, 519; Ls from, 519, 522; mentioned, 514
  • Withers, Robert E., 435
  • Wolford, Frank, 32, 38, 304
  • Woll, Adrian (sketch, 2:402), 445
  • women: abuse of, 31, 57, 65, 167, 494, 588; CSA employees, 72, 164, 184, 283, 596; Davis and, 48, 68-69, on, 9, 19, 30, 43, 45, 142, 636; gifts to Davis, 9, 138, 310, 389; raise gunboat funds, 377; Lee praises, 319; nursing, 19, 45, 283; offer silver, 212, 226-27; spying, 310, 457, 478; trade with enemy, 279, 353, 625; Ls to, 9, 19, 74, 112, 141, 219-20, 389, 531, 636; Ls from, 4, 31, 65, 72, 138, 142, 143, 164, 176, 183, 184, 203, 211, 226-27, 247, 270-71, 283, 288, 307, 366, 457, 489, 496-97, 565, 588, 591, 596, 611, 624, 632
  • Wood, Edgar G. (sketch, 2:28), 62
  • Wood, Fernando, 163
  • Wood, G. H.: L to, 491; L from, 484
  • Wood, John Taylor (sketch, 8:190): Davis and, 156, 391, 423-24, 431, 512; N.C. operations, 187, 219-20, 220-21, 356, 358; Point Lookout raid, 485, 496, 502, 510, 512, 514, 516, (Davis), 497; praised, 376, 496, 502, 624; Ls to, 156, 357, 497, 510, 514; Ls from, 220-21, 356, 358, 510; mentioned, 93, 567
  • Wood, Lola M. (sketch, 8:190): L to, 219-20
  • Wood, Robert C., Jr. (sketch, 8:401), 47, 551
  • Wood, Robert Y. (sketch, 62), 61, 63
  • Woodville, Miss., 78, 406
  • Worrell, Adolphus S.: L from, 338-39
  • Worsham, Henry C.: L from, 43
  • Wortham, George, 465
  • Wright, Ambrose R. (sketch, 579): recommended, 225; Va. operations, 419, 577; L from, 303; mentioned, 581
  • Wright, Horatio G., 557
  • Wright, Marcus J.: L to, 513; L from, 422; mentioned, 519
  • Wright, Uriel: L from, 608
  • Wright, William A. (sketch, 52), 49
  • Wythe, H.: L from, 84


  • Yancey, Sarah E.: L to, 112
  • Yancey, William Lowndes (sketch, 6:342): Davis and, 111, 112; mentioned, 321
  • Yazoo River, Miss., 224, 366, 638
  • Yellow Tavern, Va., Battle of, 404
  • Yerger, William (sketch, 8:291), 408
  • Yorktown, Va., 168, 530
  • Young, Pierce M. B., 480, 603
  • Yulee, David L. (sketch, 4:7): L from, 575; mentioned, 448, 635


  • Zollicoffer, Tenn., skirmish, 39

The Papers of Jefferson Davis
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